
Chapter 1540 Secret Discussion 1

Chapter 1540 Secret Discussion One
When coming down from the second floor of the 'Hui Tianxia' shop, Yi Tian suddenly felt a familiar figure appear at the main entrance with a slight movement of his mind, and then turned his face away in the lobby on the ground floor and walked away.

Fortunately, no one would recognize my face even though I had performed the Thousand Faces Technique, but for no reason, I faintly felt that someone in the other party's crowd was looking at me.

Among the group of people dressed in official clothes, there was an elegant monk walking in the third place.I saw that he walked up to the second floor with this kind of person without stopping, but his eyes scanned the crowd and finally locked on Yi Tian's back.

After three breaths, his lips moved slightly, but Yi Tian still wandered around as usual, but his attention was still focused on the outside crowd behind him.Suddenly, the voice of Dao sounded in my ears: "One hour later, Mi Baiji is waiting on the top floor of 'Piaoxianju'."

Nodding helplessly, Yi Tian showed a wry smile on his face, he never thought that he would be so careful to hide from everyone, but only he, the censor of the dynasty, could sense it. It seems that these Asura families still have some background.

The appointment of "Piaoxian Tower" is imperative, but he also claimed that he would ask Mi Baiji to inquire about the situation in the dynasty before making a decision.

After thinking about it, he gradually quickened his pace, left from the side door of the 'Hui Tianxia' shop, walked to the street, reached out and took out the jade slip of the map to check it.This 'Piaoxian Building' is located in the east area of ​​the city, at the intersection corner of two streets.It's just that it was marked on the map that it was the gathering place for the nobles of the imperial palace, so it was quite a surprise for Mi Baiji to choose to meet here.

Thinking about it, he is not a fool. There must be deep meaning in choosing such a meeting place. After thinking about it, Yi Tian hurried towards the 'Piaoxian Tower' after finding the right direction.

After half an hour, Yi Tian rushed to the boundary of the DC area, and soon found the agreed restaurant.Just after entering the gate of the hall, two bartenders came forward to block the way, looked at him a little and respectfully asked: "I don't know if senior has an invitation, please show the invitation card before entering."

Yi Tian frowned and was about to have a seizure. Suddenly, his eyes swept away and he saw the words "non-Asura monks are not allowed to enter" clearly written on the corridor screen in front of the store door. It turns out that this place should be specially reserved for Asura nobles. meeting place.

It would be unwise for him to force his way in like this, after thinking about it, he said lightly: "I have made an appointment with Imperial Censor Mi Boji to come and meet."

After hearing this, the two bartenders looked at it and hurriedly replied: "Please wait for the adults to do it later, and the young one will notify the shopkeeper."

"Go and come back quickly, so as not to delay," Yi Tian replied blankly.

It didn't take half a moment for the bartender to leave when he saw an early-stage cultivator in a fine costume hurrying down from the second floor.When he saw himself, he hurriedly cupped his hands and apologized: "I don't know that Mr. Yushi's distinguished guest has neglected you. Please follow me to the elegant garden in the back garden. Mr. Mi has sent a message to me to entertain the distinguished guest. He will deal with the matter later." will come."

"Lead the way ahead," Yi Tian finally said with a relaxed expression on his face at this moment, and followed him to the back hallway.

After passing through the long corridor, Yi Tian was led to a remote room in Graceland, settled down in it and waited for a while. After the meeting, he realized that someone was coming here.After the door was pushed open, Mi Boji walked in with a red face, closed the door and opened the barrier.

After finishing all this, he stepped forward and knelt down on his knees not far in front of him, paid homage, and said in his mouth: "I never knew that my emperor had come to the holy city, and my minister Mi Baiji came to pick me up and wanted to atone for my sin."

"Get up, remember that I once said that I don't like such big gifts, and we only need to use the monk's gift when we meet in the future," Yi Tian waved his hand and replied.

After hearing this, Mi Boji slowly stood up, turned around and stood aside waiting, but Yi Tian felt that it was troublesome for him to sit directly opposite, mainly because his neck felt sore while sitting and talking to people.

After he sat down, Yi Tian said: "I have already moved into Yunlin's mansion on the surface, and I practice in retreat there on weekdays and try to avoid contact with people as much as possible."

"Then I don't know how to notify my emperor if I have something to report?" Mi Baiji asked.

Yi Tian didn't answer directly, but asked another topic: "Who owns this place?"

"This is the place where Asura's aristocratic market gathers, and the owner behind it is the son of King Xun. I can rent this elegant garden for a long time if I occupy some light." Mi Baiji replied: "My emperor wants to use this place as a private contact point. Is it?"

"This idea is really good, and I have the same intention. Compared with the forces involving King Xun, other people in the court will be more cautious," Yi Tian said.

"This is an excellent meeting point. After my emperor arrives in the imperial capital, if he needs help from his servants, he just needs to leave the messenger jade talisman here." After speaking, Mi Baiji respectfully took out a token and handed it over. Said: "This is the identity token of 'Piaoxianlou', as long as you show it to the bartender or shopkeeper, you can pass without hindrance."

"It's so good," he reached out and took the token, held it in his hand and looked at it, only to find that it had the seal of Prince Xun's son on it.Later, he asked again: "Recently, I escorted Asura disciples to the imperial capital to participate in the selection. Do you know at this time?"

"I only know that there is a large group of Asura disciples coming, and they have already moved into the candidate area. This matter was originally presided over by Prince Wei, but it is a matter of great importance. Her Majesty the Queen and Lord Yun also secretly joined forces with the same group of former royal officials. Many parties have blocked it," Mi Baiji replied.

"The court showed how all the forces behaved. The selection of the Imperial Forest Army should be related to their interests, right?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"Prince Wei's family of power naturally hope to continue to cannibalize others while consolidating their own strength," Mi Baiji analyzed.

"If you think about it, Luo Ziyan will definitely not just watch him mess around, maybe someone has come forward to mess up the situation," Yi Tian said with a slight smile.

"My emperor is really good at predicting things. It's just that I didn't expect that it was a group of royal family members headed by Princess Fenglin who took the initiative to fight this time," Mi Boji said here, showing deep fear on his face. color.

"Is it her?" Yi Tian raised his brows and felt a little headache when he thought about the incident that Princess Fenglin had tripped him up before.Relying on Luo Ziyan's nepotism, this group of royal family members will definitely form a group and become a decisive force in the dynasty.

Now that Luo Ziyan wants to take back the imperial power, it is natural for them to make a move first to test the reaction of Prince Wei and others before making a decision.Although it is not a good thing for foreign relatives to interfere in politics, it is an excellent coup to use here.

(End of this chapter)

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