
Chapter 1541 Secret Discussion 2

Chapter 1541 Secret Discussion II

In the wing room in the back courtyard of Piaoxian Building, Yi Tian received an invitation from Mi Baiji to attend the meeting, but the latter arrived half an hour late.After the two chatted in the wing room, Yi Tian finally had a preliminary understanding of the current situation in the Asura Dynasty.

At present, there is still a lot of time before the trial of those three people, and now all eyes are focused on the recent selection of the imperial forest army reserve.From Mi Boji's mouth, I learned that the three integrated monks have not directly and publicly intensified the conflict.

In this selection hall, it is mainly the factions of Prince Wei and Yunlin who are secretly wrestling. As for King Xun at this time, it seems that he has not seen any sign of him making a move.

Although King Xun has been stationed near the boundary gate all year round, he is the oldest of the three monks in the integration period, and he is 2000 years earlier than Prince Wei in the advanced integration period.


Judging from the current situation, it seems that I still can't directly intervene in the political affairs of the Asura Dynasty. After looking at Mi Baiji in a blink of an eye, I asked, "I don't know how much power your current position has in the Dynasty?"

"Although the humble officials are imperial censors, most of them deal with unrealistic government affairs. As for the real power system of the imperial dynasty, most of them fall into the hands of Prince Wei and his family," Mi Baiji explained: "But in recent years, Her Majesty the Queen has been secretive from time to time. Cultivate strength and place them directly in the main areas of the dynasty, trying to overtake Prince Wei's power."

Yi Tian did not show any joy on his face when he heard the words, instead, he frowned slightly and thought about it before arriving: "Luo Ziyan is really too impatient, with her current status, she has already fallen into an invincible position. There's no need to be so strong."

"My emperor doesn't know that most monks of the Asura royal family will choose Taoist companions during the stage of transformation into gods. This is especially true for the direct line of the royal family. Now Prince Wei is using this as an excuse to constantly put pressure on Her Majesty the Queen," Mi Baiji said.

"So that's the case. I think Luo Ziyan traveled to the spirit world back then to relax and avoid Prince Wei's entanglement, but this kind of patience and retreat will definitely fuel the other party's arrogance," Yi Tian sighed.

"My emperor really has insight into the opportunity. As far as I know, about 400 years ago, Her Majesty the Empress traveled with Master Yun for a while, but after returning, she felt surprisingly relaxed. Maybe something good happened in the spirit world." After speaking, Mi Boji turned his eyes to look at Yi Tian, ​​the meaning behind his words was self-evident.

With a light cough, Yi Tian didn't seem to want to go any further on this topic, and then he changed the subject and asked, "I went to the 'Hui Tian Xia' store this time and found that there seemed to be a lot of heavenly treasures that were banned from trading by the imperial court, but Is there a matter?"

Mi Baiji's eyes brightened and he replied: "It is true, and such a ban has been issued as early as a hundred years ago. And in the past hundred years, there are several kinds of treasures that have been continuously added, although most of them are Prince Wei It was ordered, but there is still a small amount that is the meaning of Master Yun."

"Really," Yi Tian quickly went through the list of banned treasures he had learned in his mind: "It seems that they have already begun to prepare for the trial of the Asura Clan's Fire Source Secret Realm, so it doesn't take long I think there are still many precious materials that will be banned from sale between the next and the beginning of the trial."

"Does my emperor have any precious materials to purchase?" Mi Baiji asked.

After looking at Yi Tian, ​​he smiled and said: "If you think about it, you must have some connections to get some prohibited treasures."

Mi Baiji was stunned but replied awkwardly: "My minister's cultivation base is only in the mid-stage of transformation, so there are not many treasures from the Heavenly Tribulation that he can come into contact with, but he can more or less exchange them privately."

"I'm only concerned about your difficulties. You don't need to worry about it at this time. But I think that since the Asura tribe can accommodate so many alien races in the imperial capital, there must be a lot of private transactions among them. Do you know where you can do business with alien races?" Traded in the black market?" Yi Tian asked after thinking about it.

Mi Baiji bowed his head and pondered for a while when he heard the words, and then replied: "There are three business districts of foreign races in the imperial capital, and there are private black market transactions in them. But it's not all based on cultivation. The black markets are still cultivators. Skills, and they are all barter-for-item transactions.”

"Okay, as long as there is a place to trade, I have a lot of materials in my hand that can be exchanged," Yi Tian said, reaching out to the map and handing it over: "You mark these three places, and I will follow them in turn afterward. Go find it."

Mi Boji took the jade slip and spread it out in his palm, then quickly marked the locations of the three black markets.Later, he put away the jade slips and sent them back.

Thinking of his situation in the 'Hui Tianxia' shop, Yi Tian asked again: "I heard that the 3000-year-old iron tree spirit has been banned from sale. I don't know who made the order?"

Mi Baiji thought for a while before replying: "As far as I know, it seems that it was proposed by Prince Wei during the Great Court Conference more than ten years ago. At that time, Lord Yun also agreed in person."

Both of them agreed, which is interesting. Yi Tian thought to himself, it seems that these two people also realized it, and asked casually, "I don't know what the reaction from King Xun is?"

"Prince Xun's son has nothing to say about this proposal. He neither agrees nor opposes it. After all, King Xun himself is not in the court, and His Royal Highness will never force himself to stand out," Mi Baiji replied.


"It turns out that this is in the interests of the three factions, so they agreed so quickly. But as far as I know, it seems that every candidate can bring two followers to assist. It seems that there are still many gaps. "Mi Baiji mentioned.


Including Hao Ren and Luo Yao needed three pieces in total, so there must be a lot of gaps in the packaging materials.It is estimated that during this period of time, the prices of goods in the imperial capital will be secretly hyped up to sky-high prices, and the prices of those fire-preventing treasures will skyrocket.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian took out the jade slip and carved a mark on it, put it away and put a seal on it and handed it to the other party, saying: "You find a chance to give this thing to Luo Ziyan, I think she will make a decision after seeing it of."

"My emperor is really determined to see Jinshang?" Mi Baiji said with a happy face.

Yi Tian waved his hand but shook his head and replied: "We have to see what Luo Ziyan means."

(End of this chapter)

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