
Chapter 1544 Replacement

Chapter 1544 Replacement
Although the Asura Imperial Capital has a vast territory, the law and order has always been very good. On weekdays, those monks of different races are very disciplined. Even if they have any grievances and insist on fighting, they will report to the security office of the Imperial Capital. The Imperial Forest Army will send officials to fight in the Imperial Capital. resolved on the field.

Such a secret attack on a private brawl has almost never happened in decades, let alone a blatant attack on Asura nobles.Even if it is a fallen nobleman, doing so is undoubtedly a blatant slap in the face of the dynasty.

After the attack on the Red Mountain Viscount, the guards of the entire Eastern District were mobilized, and the court and the Central Committee also issued a statement to severely punish the real culprit behind the scenes.

As for the victim, the Viscount of Hongshan, Chu An, was sent back to the mansion, and the Imperial Forest Army sent people to guard the mansion strictly.

At this time, Lord Chu An was sitting in the hall of Viscount Hongshan's mansion, weakly arranging the group of servants under him.After arranging all the things at hand, he immediately dismissed all the servants, and then Chu An hurriedly got up and returned to the back courtyard wing.

After arriving in the study, Chu An's expression changed, and there was no trace of decadence.There was a flash of light between the brows, and then he reached out and raised his hand to sacrifice the forbidden barrier to isolate himself from the outside world.

Later, the face on the face distorted and changed back to the original appearance, which was the appearance of Yi Tian himself.

Chu An was attacked by someone on the street that day, and the two attackers were not weak, and it seemed that they wanted to kill with one blow without leaving any future troubles.So there was no room for a single shot, one person sneaked up on the cultivator at the transformation stage who was driving the car, and the other person dealt with the two deputy followers.

Then the two of them shot again, a shield glowed inside the carriage between the lightning and the flint.It's a pity that after less than three breaths, it was broken by the magic of the outside world, and Yi Tian's divine sense had long been locked on Chu An.

At that time, he was also trying his best to force the talisman on his chest, but unfortunately, the second generation ancestor had already squandered his potential by spending all day.After encountering an incident, he could not display [-]% of his true strength, and in addition, he was attacked by someone in a hurry, and even the defensive talisman was not fully sacrificed, and he was hit and penetrated to concentrate on the vitals.

Originally, Yi Tian also wanted to come back to life with a dead body, but it saved him a lot of energy when such an incident happened by chance.

He took out the two attackers in an instant, killed them on the spot and put all the bones into the storage ring.He himself got into the carriage and quickly looked at Chu An, only to see that he was already dead at this time.On the other hand, he quickly took off the coat on his body, put it on himself, and then performed the Thousand Faces Technique to pretend to be Chu An.

Fortunately, his height and body shape were almost the same, and combined with the supernatural power of thousands of faces, he at least fooled the guards of the Imperial Forest Army who came at that time.

After returning to the mansion of the Viscount Hongshan, Yi Tian checked carefully. This Chu An had almost lost his family property, and none of the servants left in the mansion had reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

Those three guards were all he could mobilize. Luckily, the East City Guard Department directly mobilized a team of Nascent Soul stage monks to set up a cordon outside the Viscount's Mansion. Otherwise, it could be said to be an undefended place. Any Nascent Soul cultivator can come and go freely again.

But now Yi Tian has a lot of convenience under the cover of this fake identity.At least a little bit of use of the Dharma body of the Asura tribe will not be suspected.

Sitting cross-legged in the mansion alone, Yi Tian slowly began to plan the next thing.Originally, it was definitely troublesome to go to the road to heaven, and I couldn't directly expose Asura's Dharma Body.Moreover, according to Mi Boji's reminder to those monks in the Asura Dynasty, all monks who cultivated the dharma body will be recorded in the book.

If he appeared out of nowhere like this, he might arouse others' suspicion.But now using the title of Viscount Hongshan has less worries. The only trouble is that this guy's cultivation base is too low, and he can't show his strength beyond the Nascent Soul stage, otherwise it will be self-defeating.

Right now there is no good solution, Yi Tian sits cross-legged indoors and waits for the external situation to change.The attack on the Viscount Hongshan should soon attract the attention of others, so it's better for me to wait and see what happens.

For the next few days, Yi Tian stayed in the study, but no one from the outside world came to inquire about the news.After being assassinated, a dignified aristocrat in the royal court of Asura didn't have any friends to visit him. It's really miserable for Chu An to be so messed up.

Until a certain day later, a message aura broke through the gate of Hongshan Viscount's Mansion and flew straight to the study. After Yi Tian opened the barrier and took the message jade amulet, he looked at it, but his face showed a look of Chen Si.The person who sent the message was Mi Boji, the censor of the imperial court, and his jade talisman said that he was invited to come to the "Piaoxian Tower" in the east city this evening, and some distinguished guests came.

Needless to say, this distinguished guest should be Luo Ziyan. I didn't expect that Mi Baiji's efficiency is really good, and he was able to get in touch with him so quickly.

If I could go to the meeting secretly before, but now Yi Tian thought about it and wrote some information on the communication jade talisman before sending it out.

Then, with a slight movement of his spiritual sense, he called the steward of the mansion and ordered them to open the middle door wide to welcome guests.The Viscount Hongshan was attacked just now, and now he is welcoming guests at the door with great fanfare. It is naturally difficult to understand in front of the guards of the Imperial Forest Army from the outside world.

And many servants in the mansion are no strangers to it, what kind of outrageous things can't be done by such a master at the stall.

The actions of the Hongshan Viscount's Mansion quickly attracted the disdain of the passers-by, but they naturally shut their mouths knowingly when they saw a group of murderous imperial guards guarding.

But at two o'clock, on the main road in front of the main entrance of the mansion, a frame of four Gale Eagles was slowly approaching.The sign painted on the outside of the car fully reveals the identity of the person inside the car is Mi Boji, the imperial censor.

I saw the carriage drove to the outside of the Viscount Hongshan's mansion, and there was a family coachman who came forward and handed the greeting card.It's just that in the eyes of passers-by, the censor and the Viscount Hongshan have never had any contact, so why would he visit at this time.

I only heard someone singing at the door: "Doctor Yu Shimi pays homage to Viscount Hongshan." Just a few words attracted the attention of everyone on the street.Under the surprised eyes of all the monks, Mi Baiji slowly got out of the car and walked into the mansion of Viscount Hongshan.

A moment later, Yi Tian and Mi Baiji were sitting opposite to each other in the study in the backyard. A sound-proof barrier was erected in the room, and the servants around were shielded.

Mi Boji sized it up before asking, "Could it be that my emperor did this?"

"No," Yi Tian shook his head and said, "I just saw the opportunity and came back to resurrect the dead, and someone else made the move."

"Do you need me to send someone to investigate thoroughly?" Mi Baiji asked.

"A thorough investigation is necessary, and there must be something wrong behind the Second Generation Ancestor's surprise attack. I will use this identity for a while, so you can figure it out," Yi Tian thought for a while and replied.

(End of this chapter)

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