
Chapter 1545 Meeting 1

Chapter 1545 Meeting One
The news that the Imperial Censor had entered the Viscount's Mansion in Hongshan was quickly spread by the people around him, but most of them believed that the Imperial Dynasty had begun to investigate and collect evidence for the attack on the nobles.

Not long after, I saw the Viscount Hongshan boarding the frame with Yushi Mi Boji, and then left straight away.

The mansion of the Viscount Hongshan is located in a remote part of the DC area, which is also a place that Yi Tian finds extremely convenient. There are not many nobles of the dynasty who come and go here.

Now with Mi Boji on the sidelines helping the situation develop, it's easier than I imagined.

The two of Shaoqing came to the "Piaoxian Tower" where the nobles gathered. Many people inside knew Chu An's appearance, but now they all pointed and pointed at the inside and outside the words. I'm afraid it will be very ugly.After all, no matter what the Viscount Hongshan was, he represented the nobles of the imperial dynasty, and it was all the nobles who lost face when they were attacked for no reason.

Yi Tian didn't take it seriously, he glanced at these noble children and shook his head secretly.Most of them have inherited the blessings of their ancestors, but it is a pity that few of them are truly capable.

Even monks of the same level in the spiritual world with the same cultivation level, even if the cultivation level is almost the same, the Taoism is very different.Even though the Ashura Realm is the head of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, it is only limited to high-level monks.

A monk in the distraction stage can be equal to a monk in the demon world, and at most it can be at the same level as a monk in the spirit world in the stage of transformation.As for the Nascent Soul stage monks who are further down, it is even worse. On the other hand, even if the top strength of the monks from other walks of life is slightly inferior to the masters of the Asura world, successor monks emerge in endlessly, and their strength is faintly overwhelming.

If Luo Ziyan has traveled to other walks of life, she should have found that the royal family is more sick. It is no easy task to maintain the position of the head of the Nine Realms of the Spirit under the withering population of the Asura royal family.

Soon after the two came to the back garden, Mi Baiji seemed to shield all the servants around.Then hurriedly stepped into the courtyard and raised his hand to open a protective sound-proof barrier, then turned around and said: "The nobleman is inside the house, my emperor must not keep her waiting for a long time. My servant must be safe outside to watch the wind.

Yi Tian nodded and said: "That's very good, you wait first, I will notify you directly if there is any news."

After speaking, he took big steps towards the wing room in the courtyard, and when he reached the door, he stretched out his hand and pushed the door open, only to see a rippling halo inside, blocking off the outside.

Through this hazy light film, you can see a figure sitting at the table in the house, and Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, as if he wanted to test his own strength.After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and sacrificed the black magic fire to wrap his whole body, and then the whole person broke through the barrier of the halo as if entering a no-man's land.

After entering, I saw a man wearing a cloak covering his head and face sitting at the table and looking at himself.Yi Tian directly activated the imprint on his forehead without saying anything, and suddenly the same imprint echoed on the other party's forehead.

Shaoqing saw that the cloak was slowly fading off, revealing the appearance of a stunning beauty, she was exactly the Luo Ziyan that she saw in Qingfeng Old City back then.At this time, the golden mark on her forehead was shining, as if she had sensed her situation.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to dare to show your true face after we have met for so many years, Yi Tian, ​​you are still so cautious," Luo Ziyan laughed.

"That's right, it's just forced by the situation," said Yi Tian's face twisted for a while and directly changed back to show his true nature.He walked up to find a vacant seat across the table and sat down, then he was not in a hurry to reply, but just scanned Luo Ziyan with his spiritual sense.

Unexpectedly, I haven't seen her for many years, her strength is far superior to his own, but now she has only cultivated to the middle stage of distraction.Yi Tian shook his head and said: "I didn't expect it to be only one, four, and five hundred years ago, and now my strength is already above yours. It seems that you have been hindered by ordinary things to improve your cultivation level these years, and there must be many obstacles."

After hearing this, Luo Ziyan's face darkened, and then she revealed a bit of resentment and said: "You only care about yourself, and you don't know the pain of being a family member."

"Yes, yes, I know you can't help yourself, there are a lot of troubles and affairs around you, so you pulled down your cultivation level under exhaustion," Yi Tian knew that he had lost his words and had to comfort him.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziyan let out a chuckle, and then said with a sad face: "Actually, my cultivation level can be regarded as the top in the world of Asura, but I didn't expect to lose to you. No wonder Aunt Yun It has been said that the Ascension Cultivator's strength is extraordinary, and the most frightening thing is the unlimited potential and the speed of improvement of cultivation base."

"Oh, did Yunlin talk about my situation?" Yi Tian asked.

"Well, she was deeply surprised when she saw you a hundred years ago," Luo Ziyan described with joy, "You know that after we met in Qingfeng Old City, Aunt Yun and I have intentionally or unintentionally mentioned that The Taiqing Pavilion monks have helped."

"That's all in the past, did Yunlin secretly investigate me back then?" Yi Tian hurriedly asked in surprise.

"That's natural," Luo Ziyan proudly said: "I understand Aunt Yun's personality, but anyone who has anything to do with me will sit down and investigate. It's just that you were only in the early stage of transformation, so you just settled it hastily. gone."

Fortunately, Yi Tian felt a little relieved. Fortunately, Yun Lin didn't investigate herself in depth, otherwise most of the things she did in Taiqing Pavilion would be uncovered.Some of the killings of fellow sects and other high-ranking monks from the other two sects would naturally be exposed, and it would definitely not be a good thing for Yun Lin to use it to threaten herself.

"It seems that what I really got into Yunlin's eyes is the battle with Luo Yao a hundred years ago," Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"The Asura Sect was originally a secret force released by Aunt Yun. Now that it has become bigger, it will naturally invite people to make things difficult. Naturally, it would be great to have you help out," Luo Ziyan replied.

"Then does Yunlin know my true identity?" Yi Tian asked solemnly.

"He only knows that you are a monk in the spiritual world and have practiced the secret method of Buddhism," Luo Ziyan explained.

"There is one thing that I have been puzzled by," Yi Tiandao, and pointed out the door after speaking.

"Are you referring to Mi Baiji?" Luo Ziyan said knowingly: "The imperial censor has his own unique skills in natural cultivation. Although his strength is not strong, he has a special way of sensing the supernatural powers of the Asura clan."

"So that's the case, do you think you can trust it 100%? After all, monks like Yunlin have selfish intentions," Yi Tian kindly pointed out.

A gloomy look flashed across Luo Ziyan's eyes, but she replied: "Aunt Yun treats me like her own daughter, and since she was taught to practice since childhood, I naturally trust her very much."

"It's so good," Yi Tian didn't mention it anymore after seeing it, anyway, Luo Ziyan's reaction was already in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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