
Chapter 1547 Meeting 3

Chapter 1547 Meeting Three

After getting an affirmative answer, the expression on Yi Tian's face also became relaxed, as if all the burden on his heart had been unloaded.And Luo Ziyan also heaved a sigh of relief, but the eyes in her eyes flickered, as if she was thinking about something.

The two sat there and fell silent for a while, and after a while, Luo Ziyan spoke first: "I heard that my cousin once mentioned that the warships of the Asura Cult rushed through the territory under her jurisdiction, and there was no prior notice." He said hello, did his guards fight with you in the end?"

"You mean Princess Fenglin," Yi Tian came back to his senses and said, "I was stopped by her at that time, so I had to forge a jade slip and engrave your seal on it. In the end, I was lucky enough to pass the test .”

After hearing this, Luo Ziyan's face not only showed no intention of blaming, but she showed excited eyes and said: "Tell me how you did it, and how you won the fight with that Shui Cangyue. I don't believe that Qingcheng The girl's words are more convincing from you."

Probably it was her curiosity that caused Yi Tian to take out a blank jade slip, and then stretched out his right hand to sacrifice a ray of spiritual flame to quickly brand the seal on the jade slip, and then sealed it with both hands in the standard Asura style. Activate it by sealing it.

Ten breaths later, a new forged jade slip was hurriedly completed. Although it was done on the spur of the moment, the spiritual power emanating from the seal on it really made Luo Ziyan really amazed.

After receiving the jade slip, Luo Ziyan held it in her hand and looked at it again and again, before she said: "It's really amazing, if it wasn't for the people in the inner court who are familiar with my edicts, it would be really hard to tell."

"It's thanks to you helping me to lie about Princess Fenglin, otherwise she would be troublesome to pursue it," Yi Tian said without the slightest sense of joy on his face.

"It's okay, it's okay, Princess Fenglin has always been a thorn in the royal family, and even the people from Prince Wei's side have been tricked several times. It's beyond my expectation that you can make her deflate, and I will meet her in the future I need you to take care of the things around me," Luo Ziyan gloated.

Yi Tian was stunned and said inwardly, "This is still a cousin, I am afraid that Luo Ziyan is also a quirky spirit who used her actions to rectify the next cousin, but in the end she herself gained the identity of a good person." '

Then she heard her say again: "But this time you and Shui Cangyue fought against him, which also indirectly stimulated him."

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian asked hastily.

"Originally, Duan Xiaolou had been trying to ask him to help, but Shui Cangyue politely refused. But this time, Princess Fenglin came forward to broker the matter. It is said that it was Shui Cangyue's intention, which must be I must have been influenced by you," Luo Ziyan said solemnly.

"Don't you still care about the power of King Xun?" Yi Tian asked back.

"It's better to have one more friend than one more enemy," Luo Ziyan argued, "It's a pity that King Xun always has an unbiased and unbiased attitude, and his side is the strongest in the whole secret trial. The possibility of Yu Li winning is naturally the highest."

"It turns out that you are worried about this," Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "In this case, it can just be a cover for us. You must know that the people who go in have ulterior motives, but I have had an encounter with Duan Xiaolou and know his thoughts. .”

"Why is he willing to attach himself to Aunt Yun?" Luo Ziyan asked hurriedly after hearing what she said.

"Attachment is impossible," Yi Tian shook his head and vetoed: "But Duan Xiaolou has self-knowledge, not to mention that he is not here, so the trial is just a formality, but if we can show enough strength to let him come over It's not impossible."

"If that's the case, it's all up to you. The three venerables all bet their treasures on their respective candidates, but I don't know that I bet all my hopes on you and hope you can live up to my trust," Luo said after finishing speaking. Ziyan took out half of the jade pendant and handed it over: "This is what my mother gave me when she passed away. It was originally a congratulatory gift for me when I got married. Now I will give you half first to confirm your and my identities. .”

Yi Tian heard that his divine sense swept over the half of the jade pendant she handed over, and there was no trace of spiritual power remaining on it, it was completely a piece of mortal jade.After a little hesitation, he reached out and gently took the half of the jade pendant and put it away.

Then I saw tears flashing in Luo Ziyan's eyes, then she took out a silk handkerchief and wiped it gently, and said: "Yi Lang don't want to disappoint my concubine's heart."

After sighing lightly, Yi Tian nodded and said: "Don't worry, your business is my business, not to mention that the marks on your body and my fate have long been entangled."

After hearing this, Luo Ziyan's face turned slightly rosy, and later she warned: "Yi Lang goes to the Tongtian Road, remember not to show any flaws. With your current status, you can at most go up to the fifth floor, and you can pass through successfully." The monks of the clan will automatically leave their names on the stone tablet outside the tower."

"Don't worry, I will think twice before acting, but is it really that difficult to pass above the ninth floor?" Yi Tian asked.

"I don't know, it's just that the guards at the bottom of the ninth floor are different from before. I have thought about it, even if I practice to the late stage of distraction, I may not be able to break through, so I pin all my hopes on you," Luo Ziyan replied.

"Really, you have so much confidence in me?" Yi Tian joked.

"It's not that I have confidence, but I found that the exercises we practiced before were a little off the beaten path. I only realized it after seeing your Dharma body image. Maybe unlocking the ten-level secret of the 'Tongtian Road' I can only rely on you, because only your dharma body is the same as my ancestor, the Holy Emperor," Luo Ziyan replied solemnly.

This coincides with what Yi Tian guessed in his heart. The 'Tongtian Road' was originally estimated to be built by Luo Qin, so only he who has cultivated the same dharma body as him can break through to the tenth floor.

Later, Luo Ziyan briefly introduced the various forces in the Lower Imperial Capital, and also used this place as a secret meeting point for the two.On weekdays, Mi Boji came forward to be responsible for contacting him, and if he encountered any troubles in the imperial capital, he could come forward to mediate.

But Luo Ziyan also pointed out that for example, a group of royal children headed by Princess Fenglin should try their best not to provoke Wei Wei as much as possible, and she didn't want to participate too much to avoid wasting energy.

After the two had a secret conversation for less than an hour, Luo Ziyan put on a disguised cloak and left directly from the back door of Piaoxian Tower under the escort of Mi Baiji.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he waited an extra half an hour in Yayuan, and left through the main entrance together after Mi Baiji came back.

After sitting in Yushi's carriage again, Mi Boji asked via voice transmission: "Is my emperor going back home directly at this moment?"

"Let's go to the 'Tongtian Road' first," Yi Tian suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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