
Chapter 1548 Go to

Chapter 1548 Go to
Sitting in Yushi's carriage and rushing all the way towards the area where Tongtian Road is located, Yi Tian found that outside the ten-story pagoda book, there were continuous crowds lined up and walking forward in an orderly manner.These people were divided into seven teams and divided into six teams according to their cultivation bases from low to high, from the early stage of Nascent Soul to the late stage of incarnation.

These people are all alien monks, spiritual cultivators, Buddha show, demon cultivators, and even some demon cultivators are also mixed in.But to Yi Tian's surprise, these people can also get along well.

Soon the carriage drove past and came to the other side of the ten-story tower of 'Tongtian Road'. There were hardly any monks queuing up here, and people who came and went just needed to register at the entrance to enter the wall directly.

On the other side of the entrance level stands a three-foot-high stone tablet, which is divided into ten floors.There are several names left on each floor, and the number decreases as you go up.

Needless to say, this must be the stele of the record of the Asura monks breaking through the level. Mi Baiji stretched out his finger and said quietly: "This stone tablet records the names of the clansmen who passed the level in the past. Those with dim handwriting They are all monks who have escaped into reincarnation, and the names of living people are all shining with golden light."

Yi Tian looked in the direction he pointed, and sure enough, there were many names from bottom to top that had completely lost their luster.But at least two-thirds of the names are colorful lights.

Counting from bottom to top, the shiny names on the first to fourth layers exude a blue light, and from the fifth layer onwards, a quarter of the names lose their luster, most of them are those at the top .On the sixth floor, there are fewer and fewer names until there are only a dozen or so names engraved on the ninth floor.

Yi Tianshen scanned and found that more than half of the names on the ninth floor were lifeless.There are a few familiar names behind, such as Yunlin, Shui Cangyue and Luo Ziyan.Before that, there were two names that caught Yi Tian's attention. After looking carefully, he saw that it said "Luo Yonghao, Luo Weilun" was even engraved before Yunlin's name.

Pointing casually, he asked, "Then the two names flashing at the top of the ninth floor should be the names of the two princes, right?"

When Mi Boji heard the words, he nodded and replied: "That is the title of the two princes, and they are also the most powerful people in the Asura Dynasty now."

"Isn't there still a monk in the Mahayana period who was the first queen? Luo Yilan, she must be still alive, why haven't I seen her name?" Yi Tian asked.

"I don't know about this matter. To be honest, the first empress was an expert in the Mahayana period. Of course, I didn't have the chance to meet her. It was the first time I even heard her name," Mi Baiji replied.

Yi Tian frowned and moved his gaze to the tenth floor at the top of the stele. After looking at it, he found that there was only Luo Qin's name engraved on it, but that name had long since lost the blessing of the halo, but there were still some traces left on it. There is a faint gray trace.There was a flash of purple light in his eyes, Yi Tian performed the magic pupil technique and looked carefully, and then his face showed a look of dissatisfaction.

This layer of gray traces turned out to be an extremely weak light, and he trembled in his heart and thought inwardly, "Could it be that Luo Qin has not yet died, and is trapped somewhere in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit at this time, struggling to support himself." '

Don't need to think too much about these Mahayana monks. None of them are fuel-efficient lamps. Even if they are beaten, they will leave behind tricks for themselves so that they can make a comeback.Patriarch Wuye is like this, and Prince Mo Sheng or the master of precepts also has a similar method.

As the most powerful Asura Mahayana monk in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, Luo Qin's natural cultivation base is even more unpredictable, and it is not a problem to leave any clones or split personalities for himself.

After putting away his contempt, Yi Tian asked again: "If I want to go directly to the ten-story tower of 'Tongtian Road', is it feasible?"

"If my emperor wants to try it himself, it's no problem, but now you are wearing the coat of the Viscount of Hongshan, if you rush to the ninth floor, you will definitely cause unnecessary trouble," Mi Baiji explained.

"Don't worry, didn't you say that there are three chances? It's reasonable for me to go through the fifth floor first. As for the internal situation, I will make a conclusion after I investigate," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"That's a way. Every time you enter the 'Tongtian Road' ten-story tower, you need to pay a huge fee, and at most ten people can enter at the same time," Mi Baiji said.

"Fee is not a problem, but don't you have to be extra careful when you walk with others, and the Asura monks will definitely show their skills, so being seen like this is a big trouble," Yi Tian said with his brows furrowed. .

"There is no need to worry. The so-called ten people walking together means that at most ten people can be accommodated at a time, and everyone will be assigned to a different Xumi space after entering. There will be no possibility of encountering each other. After passing the level, enter the previous passageway to meet other people who have passed the level," Mi Baiji said.

"It seems that you also practiced in it a few times back then. I don't know which level you got through in the end?" Yi Tian asked with a smile.

Mi Baiji's face darkened and he hurriedly replied: "The sixth floor, which I took three chances to enter due to my lack of strength, has no chance to enter now. So the name is only left on the sixth floor."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he scanned the depths of his mind to the sixth floor and found Mi Baiji's name in the middle and back of the densely packed monks' names.And at the bottom right of his name is clearly written a "three" corner mark.

Turning my gaze to the ninth floor, I found that there was a "one" corner mark under Luo Ziyan's name, while Yun Lin, Luo Yonghao, and Luo Weilun had the word "two" written on them respectively.

As for the names of Shui Cangyue and Luo Yao who are also on the ninth floor, it's just that the words 'one' and 'three' are written under their names respectively.

From this it can be seen that Shui Cangyue has great potential, and if nothing happens, he must be a monk who can step into the fusion stage.It's no wonder that as long as his name is mentioned in the capital of Asura, others will always show envious and jealous eyes.

But Luo Ziyan mentioned that Shui Cangyue had agreed to King Xun's request, and she must be on King Xun's side in this trial of the Fire Source Secret Realm.But Yi Tian's mind moved slightly, thinking that Shui Cangyue would decide this based on his own factors.

He didn't expect that at that time in Fenglin County, he just wanted to suppress Luo Qingcheng's arrogance, and he didn't expect that he would leave such a hidden danger for himself.That Shui Cangyue looked like a hard-working person, after fighting with her this time, she must have left indelible traces in her Dao heart, that's why she was so eager to make up for the traces of her Dao heart.

After entering the Land of Fire this time, what is certain is that Shui Cangyue can ignore Duan Xiaolou's matter, but he will definitely find ways to find himself to fight again.And that fight will definitely let go of the value and go all out to make a move, and there is no reason to keep it just to make up for Dao Xin.

 Thanks for the support of Taoist 2018052013216677

(End of this chapter)

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