
Chapter 1549 Breakthrough 1

Chapter 1549
When Mi Boji's carriage stopped far away from the passage stone path, Yi Tian had already forgotten all the information on the top few layers of the stele in his mind.Familiar names on the eighth floor include Duan Xiaolou, Hao Ren, and Qiao Yongjun. These three are the protagonists of this Fire Source Secret Realm, and their strengths are not much different.

Look at the labels on the lower right corner of their names, except for Qiao Yongjun, the other two are just entering for the first time.But these three failed to break through the eighth level. It has to be said that the masters of the younger generation of the Ashura clan are no more than that.

Apart from Luo Yao and Shui Cangyue, there are three or four veteran monks who also broke into the ninth floor. It is estimated that there will be potential opponents among these people.It's just that he still doesn't know who the two helpers on Prince Wei's side are.

After looking at Mi Baiji, Yi Tian raised his brows, moved his lips slightly, and gave orders in private.After hearing this, Mi Baiji showed a bit of embarrassment on his face. He lowered his head and thought for a long time before replying via voice transmission: "Prince Wei is cautious, and I don't know what kind of lineup will be formed in this trial. How about this, I will find a chance to cooperate with Duan Xiaolou All in all, let’s find an opportunity to entertain Qiao Yongjun and at the same time test his reality.”

"There is no delay at this moment, you can also disclose some information to Hao Ren so that he can also participate in it," Yi Tian said with a meaningful smile on his face: "These three protagonists of the trial should communicate with each other before the game. Next, it's best to let Luo Ziyan come forward so that they can only fight calmly when they cannot avoid it."

After hearing this, Mi Boji said with a knowing look on his face: "It makes sense, if Her Majesty the Empress bestows some small favors on the spot, then they can only show their lives with their lives."

Although there were elements of scheming in this matter, the three of them had to be obsessed with power and want to express themselves in front of the empress.Yi Tian is pinching their seven inches to the death, even if the three of them want to hold back, the monks behind them will not allow it.

After arranging these things, Yi Tian bid farewell to Mi Boji and walked towards the special passage of the Asura tribe by himself.Not long after I came to the entrance, I saw two commanders of the imperial forest army stationed on both sides of the entrance. After seeing myself sized up, their eyes showed disdain.

On the contrary, there was a late Nascent Soul cultivator at the registration place next to him and shouted: "To enter the tower, you must first show your identity token, and then pay the full fee."

After a pause, Yi Tian turned around and walked towards the registration office. Later, he showed the seal of the Viscount of Xiahongshan and took out a large number of high-grade spirit stones from the storage bag to pay the fee.

It's just that the guards of the imperial forest army around looked at it with surprised expressions on their faces.It's no wonder that the original Viscount Hongshan was a playful kid who never had the guts to try the Tenth Floor Tongtian Road.

The incident of being assassinated in Dongcheng this time caused a lot of uproar. In the eyes of others, he came here to break through the barrier before the incident subsided. In the eyes of others, it seemed that his brain was enlightened as if he was working hard, or he was stimulated and wanted to lose more property.

However, most of these people are still watching the fun, just considering that the Viscount Hongshan is an imperial nobleman, and he is too embarrassed to say so.Later, after paying the fees, Yi Tian had an extra yellow jade token in his hand.

Just listen to the Nascent Soul monk who is in charge of registration explaining: "Take this jade card to the ten-story pagoda 'Tongtian Road'. If you encounter danger and crush the jade card, you can safely send it out, and your name will be recorded in the On the stele. Remind me again, please do what you can, [-]% of the cultivators who entered the Tongtian Road died in it too late, and [-]% came out with injuries."

It seems that this 'Tongtian Road' ten-story pagoda is really not simple, and it actually caused a [-]% death rate.But even so, it can attract so many monks to challenge, which shows that the reward determination inside is unexpectedly high.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian nodded symbolically, then took the jade token and put it in the storage ring, then walked towards the entrance of the passage with big strides.

Such actions caused the same light to flash in the eyes of the monks of the Imperial Forest Army, but most of them seemed to be watching a good show.

After stepping through the passage door a little later, Yi Tian found that he seemed to be involved in a vortex of spiritual power. After a moment of dizziness, Yi Tian felt that he was standing on the ground with his feet on the ground.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was already standing in front of a giant Asura statue, and when he looked up, the appearance of that statue was [-]% similar to Luo Ziyan.But the idol is at least tens of thousands of years old, so it goes without saying that it should be the appearance of Mahayana monk Luo Yilan.

Then this ten-story pagoda 'Tongtian Road' should naturally be built by Luo Qin.After Yi Tian looked at it, he stepped around the statue and walked around the passageway behind it. In a blink of an eye, he saw that there were actually two roads here.

After looking at the two huge characters 'force' and 'technique' written in front of the two roads, Yi Tian turned around and walked towards the passage marked 'technical' after thinking about it.

There is no doubt that this road to the sky is definitely not as simple as imagined. If you choose the channel of "strength", it will test your cultivation and combat effectiveness.With the strength of the second generation ancestor like the Viscount Hongshan, winning by strength will naturally attract a lot of suspicion from others, it is better to rely on "skills" to get through the test.

But the way of 'skill' has to be further subdivided, but I don't know how to test it later.Going forward along the passage, Yi Tian came to the stone room at the fork again not long after.This time, there are actually four roads marked with the words 'Dan, Qi, Array, Talisman'. It seems that I have made a special choice for myself.

Speaking of which, Yi Tian really wanted to directly choose the channel marked with 'device', but in this way, the possibility of being noticed would be greatly increased.It doesn't work to choose alchemy. If the Viscount Hongshan is good at alchemy, his cultivation base will not stay in the Nascent Soul stage for so long.

And anyone with a discerning eye knows that most of the alchemists are eccentric and like to be alone, and it doesn't look like what an alchemist does by swaggering around the market like Chu An.

After removing these, there are only two paths left by the formation talisman, and both of them are the same as Qi Dao, so they are regarded as side doors to Qi Dao.

After thinking about it, I turned around and walked towards the passage marked with the word 'Fu', and came to the end of the passage after a while.There is only a stone table inside, on which are placed talisman paper, talisman pens and jade slips.Reaching out to take the jade slip, he opened it and glanced over to find that it reads 'Character with a pen, which requires a high-level adult. "

This kind of examination questions is naturally quite demanding for the spirit talisman masters in the Nascent Soul stage, but Yi Tianxue has been making talismans for thousands of years.Earth-level talismans can be produced in the Nascent Soul stage, and it is natural for mere human-level high-level talismans.After thinking about it, he reached for the talisman pen and drew a burst talisman on the talisman paper.

(End of this chapter)

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