
Chapter 1550 Breakthrough 2

Chapter 1550 Breakthrough II

Unexpectedly, the road assessment of this Talisman was so simple. After Yi Tian placed the completed Explosion Talisman on the stone table, a spiritual light flashed in front of him, and the entire table was surrounded by a barrier.Then the Explosive Talisman suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, and then a lifeless voice came from the air: "Pass the level on the first floor. After collecting the rewards, you can choose to continue to break through the level or go out of the tower directly."

After talking about the aura on the stone platform, the talisman pen and a stack of talisman papers were left behind. Yi Tian went up to scan it with his divine sense and found that the talisman pen could be regarded as a low-level spiritual weapon.No wonder the monks from the outside world want to dig into it. A ground-level talisman pen is quite a fortune for a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, especially those talisman makers.

At least Yi Tian himself didn't have such a convenient collection of talismans when he was in the Nascent Soul Stage.After going to the reward, two light doors appeared out of thin air on the wall of the front stone room, and the light door on the right was marked with the words "Second Floor".After Yi Tian glanced over, he took a step and walked directly towards the door.

A white light flashed in front of him, and then it turned into a dark corridor again. As he walked slowly forward, there were oil lamps on the walls of the corridors on both sides that suddenly lit up to illuminate the road ahead.

But what Yi Tian didn't know was that at this moment, a name suddenly lit up on the second basement floor of the stone tablet outside, and Mi Baiji, who was standing in the distance, saw Chu An's name slowly appearing with a frown.It's just that there is a mark with the word "one" in the lower right corner behind the name, and a mark with the word "Fu" in the upper right corner.

After seeing it, Mi Boji's face relaxed and looked at the sad name, revealing a faint smile of reminiscence.

After arriving at the second floor, Yi Tian walked through the long corridor to the stone room at the end. This time, there were three jade boxes on the stone table in front of him.Going forward to open the jade box, he found that there were three materials inside, a pile of talisman grass, a jade bottle filled with red liquid, and a black ink jade essence.

Needless to say, these are all necessary things for making talisman paper and spirit ink, after Yi Tian looked at them, he thought that the test of "Tongtian Road" was a bit higher.Unexpectedly, the assessment of this branch of talisman is not only a simple talisman making, but also includes the preliminary preparation of talisman making materials.

In this way, those who are not skilled in skills can really be eliminated. To pass this level, it is not only about making talismans, but also the principle and preparation of raw materials must be involved to a certain extent.If it is those monks who only buy ready-made talisman pens and talisman paper, it may be difficult to pass this level smoothly.

The voice in the air sounded again: "To make talisman paper, Lingmo needs to reach the elementary level of the earth level to refine ten burst talismans within an hour. After drawing, just place the finished product on the hourglass."

After speaking, an hourglass appeared on the stone table in front of him at some point, and the fine sand in it was falling rapidly.Yi Tian looked at it until now was not the time to hesitate, stretched out his hands and started making talisman paper and spirit ink at the same time.

The grade of this talisman grass also happens to be the elementary level of the prefecture level, and it can be calculated to be in line with the finished product.As for the red liquid in the jade bottle, it can be judged from its smell that it should be the blood of a seventh-level monster, so it would be perfect for making spirit ink.As for the black jade essence, which is almost an earth-level treasure, the three things complement each other, as long as the level of the talisman maker is not too bad, it should be fine.

But the most terrible thing is that there is a time limit, and then Yi Tian no longer thinks about the movements in his hands and speeds up directly.The left hand raised the talisman grass and directly crushed it, and then put it all away.Take out some spiritual spring water from the storage ring and mix it into it, then light a samadhi real fire in your palm to heat it up.

After ten breaths, the talisman grass pulp was dried, Yi Tian skimmed it out with his fingers and divided it into thirty parts evenly, and then rolled each part into shape under the traction and control of spiritual power.Not long after, thirty talisman papers of normal size were placed on the stone table in front of him.

At the same time, the right hand continued to mix the ink jade essence into the blood of the monster beast, and then stirred it evenly until it turned into a fist-sized ink ball.After gently pointing towards the jade box, place the ink ball in it just to fill it up.

Take out the talisman pen rewarded by a level, dip it lightly in the spirit ink, take the talisman paper, and start drawing the burst talisman on it.Such earth-level talismans are trivial to Yi Tian.In the case of showing off intentionally, Yi Tian also directly raised the grade of the drawn talisman to the mid-level of the earth level.

In less than half an hour, thirty Explosive Talismans were neatly stacked in front of them.After all, the talisman paper and the talisman pen were all used up.

After doing this, Yi Tian took out ten Explosive Talismans and placed them on the hourglass. Suddenly, the spiritual light on the stone table appeared here, and the ten Explosive Talismans disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

Half a moment later, there was another voice in the air saying: "The second level is cleared. Since the quality of the finished talismans greatly exceeds the level requirements, the rewards for clearing the level will also increase accordingly."

As soon as the words fell, a jade box appeared on the stone table again. Yi Tian stepped forward and reached out to lift the lid of the jade box, and saw that there were neatly placed talismans, the jade bottle of spiritual blood and three pieces of ink jade essence inside. A kind of treasure material, but the quantity is double.

Startled for a moment, but thinking about it in his heart, he didn't expect that there is such a winning mode in the checkpoint assessment.It seems that in the next few levels, I have to find a way to show a level beyond ordinary people.

He raised his head and looked at the two passages that reappeared on the stone wall in front of him. Yi Tian smiled and walked into the light gate on the third floor.

Unsurprisingly, the third and fourth floors also assess how to draw high-level talismans, but the requirements are getting more and more difficult. It is almost the case that the fourth floor assessment requires top-level talismans at the prefecture level to pass.

Moreover, the requirements for making talismans are becoming more and more demanding. The third floor only provides less than one-third of the treasure materials, and the fourth floor simply allows you to prepare the materials yourself.Yi Tian tried the external treasures he brought with him and found that there was still a big gap between their quality and those provided in 'Tongtian Road'.

Treasure materials of the same level are far less useful than those here, and I also tried to use a higher-level talisman paper and spirit ink to make a talisman and add it to it. I didn't expect that it was because of this talisman that my breakthrough was alive. Grades dropped.

It can be seen that in the ten-story pagoda of 'Tongtian Road', the first choice is to use the things inside.

After arriving at the end of the corridor on the fifth floor, Yi Tian suddenly found that the environmental settings here were different from before, and there was no request to make talismans in the stone room in front of him.Instead, the talismans I drew before were placed on the table, and the voice in the air said: "The actual combat test of talismans requires the use of talismans to attack. If you win, you can pass the level. But if you use supernatural powers and spells, you will be fined, but the rating will be reduced by one." class."

As soon as the words fell, the environment of the stone room in front of him suddenly changed. Yi Tian found that he was in the wilderness now. He had a large pile of Explosive Talismans in his hand, and in front of him was a large group of five-level wasteland magic wolves coming in groups. In the hundreds or so.

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(End of this chapter)

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