
155 Ventilation

155 Ventilation
For the monks who came to participate in the 'Xuanling Great Remuneration', the previous sacrificial activities were just a formality, and there is no need for them to participate.It usually starts three days before the treasure hunt in Xuanyang Cave. Loose cultivators from vassal families like Yi Tian will get in touch with each other before the start, and the sect will send some disciples down to say hello first. How to cooperate with people.

Before the test of the Xuanling Bell, the casual cultivators of the aristocratic family will gather on the second floor of the 'Qunying Building', and Yi Tian is no exception.I didn't want to go, but when I inquired about those people, nine out of ten had already moved in, so it seemed very unusual not to go by myself.Fearing that people would see his flaws, Yi Tian had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked into the 'Qunying Building'. After showing the jade token, the clerk at the door asked to charge ten pieces of spirit stones before leading Yi Tian to the second floor.

Compared with the street, it is obviously much quieter here. The entire floor has a soundproof enchantment, and people outside cannot hear the sound inside.After going up, Yi Tian just asked for a seat by the window, then ordered a pot of tea for 50 Yuan Lingshi, and poured himself there.

Although he is here, Yi Tian doesn't want to be too outrageous, and this test and visit to Yi Tian is also made up his mind that he will not reveal his identity unless it is absolutely necessary. hand tricks.

There are not a few people like Yi Tian on the entire floor. After going up to the second floor, I glanced at the environment. Most of the people sitting here are monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, and there are very few monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment like myself.

There is only one veiled woman in the whole floor, so that Yi Tian can't see the depth clearly. The aura fluctuations on this woman seem to be in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but the degree of condensedness is not worse than Yi Tian's at all, and even surpasses it. .

Asking himself that there is basically no opponent at the same level, Yi Tian feels that compared with Guan Mingyi, he is only a notch behind. If he lets go and fights, at least it will be a tie.

But this woman gave him a high sense of threat, and even Yi Tian reckoned that he might not be able to walk for a quarter of an hour in her hands. This kind of suffocation from oppression has not been experienced for a long time.After sitting there, Yi Tian took a good look at it. Could it be that the person who can give himself such a feeling is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment?

Unexpectedly, the woman was also looking at Yi Tian, ​​but it seemed that she had discovered something novel.After staring at Yi Tian for a while, she turned her head away and continued to admire herself, as if the things on the second floor had nothing to do with him.

After recovering, Yi Tian found that the clothes on his back were a little wet. This feeling was a kind of looking down, completely looking down on Yi Tian.But since he came to Qunying Building, Yi Tian couldn't leave immediately, otherwise it would be even more suspicious.

Sitting there like pins and needles for an hour, Yi Tian intentionally or unintentionally avoided the woman's sight, looked outside, and saw Nan Gongjie walking into the 'Qunying Building'.This is a great savior, Yi Tian thought for a moment, immediately got up and walked towards the stairs, ready to block people there.

Taking several brothers and sisters up to the third floor, Nan Gongjie walked in the front, and suddenly saw a sallow-faced monk from an aristocratic family blocking the stairs on the second floor.The brothers next to me were about to give a lecture, when Nan Gongjie suddenly heard a voice transmission: "Have you passed on the Ziyou Xianglan I gave you to your sister?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Nan Gongjie said with a smile: "So it's Junior Brother Yi. It's better to meet you by chance than to invite you. Come up to the third floor with me." After speaking, he led the person up directly.

I saw Yi Tian smiled and got out of the way, and said: "Senior brother Nangong said that the younger brother should accompany him."

But Nangong Jie received the sound transmission: "You dare to take advantage of me, didn't Nangong Qianyun tell you about me? Be careful, I will beat you together." After hearing Nangong Jie's face twitch, , walked over enthusiastically and put Yi Tian's shoulders on his shoulders to call him brothers, making the brothers next to him think that the two were really old acquaintances, and Nan Gongjie arranged for this family casual cultivator to help.

After following Nangong Jie up to the third floor, Yi Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief, sitting down and being stared at by that woman was really uncomfortable, as if he had no secrets in front of her.Thinking that there must be something wrong with this woman, Yi Tian looked at Nan Gongjie, isn't there a ready-made helper next to him, he flickered for a while and asked him to find out.

After following Nangongjie to the third floor, Yi Tiancai found out that the treatment was really different. This place is dedicated to receiving the disciples of the Xuanling Sect. Anyone who comes here can find a private room, and there are soundproofing measures outside, even for Jindan stage monks. It is also impossible to pry into the conversations of the people inside.

Nangong Jie asked the brothers to find their own seats, and then led Yi Tian into a box. This time, Nangong Qianyun once said to him, "Take Yi Tian to say hello after seeing her." This is the first time Nangong Jie has heard her speak like this, so he naturally knows the importance of Yi Tian in her sister's heart.

Just because Nangong Qianyun gave up her quota to Yi Tian, ​​Nangong Jie knew how deep it was, and he fought against Yi Tian outside Fenghua City, and found that Yi Tian even knew the sect's "Mingyang Alchemy Technique" , it all goes without saying.

After sitting down in the private room, Yi Tian first asked, "Did you take care of the Ziyou Xianglan last time? I'm curious how your sister got the barrier-breaking pill formula?"

Nangong Jie looked at Fan Yitian first, and saw that his equipment was carefully prepared, and he obviously came prepared, and his sister must have explained to him, so this trip to Xuanyang Cave is also for him. With a secret boost, thinking of Nangong Qianyun's arrangement, Nangongjie was also excited, "Father and son soldiers will never leave the battle, and the brother-in-law is the one who takes the treasure and returns it."

After clearing his throat, Nangongjie replied: "My sister and Liu Piaopiao of Baigumen have reached an agreement, as long as the other party can burn a prescription of the Breaking Barrier Pill, she will provide three fourth-order Ziyou Pandan."

Such a genius suddenly realized that the two women still had such a private transaction.But turning around and thinking about it was wrong, and asked: "Isn't there still two plants left, where is Nangong Qianyun going to find it?"

Unexpectedly, Nangong Jie looked at Yi Tian with a look of disdain and said: "My sister is still a fourth-level spiritual planter, and the Ziyou Xianglan you gave her has already been ripened. Now it is planted separately, and it will take another five years." There's enough of it."

Now Yi Tiantian really admires Nangong Qianyun from the bottom of his heart. He can even think of this method. After that, whether the business of Qihuangmen should be done or not. I really feel sad for Zhu Chen. The method, it is estimated that in less than ten years, the price of the Breaking Barrier Pill on the market will drop sharply.

When Yi Tian was distracted, Nangong Jie also took out his identity jade card to contact Nangong Qianyun. After reading the reply letter, his eyes opened wide, and he could hardly believe that his sister would say that.

After reading it, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting opposite, just sipped his tea and asked, "Tell me, is there anything your sister can do for me to help? I will definitely help if I can."

Nangong Jie said with a resentful face: "Is my sister so optimistic about you? Her original words were, please help to pick a Xuanyang fruit from the deepest part of Xuanyang Cave, and dig a spoonful of the Xuanyang fruit." If you bring back the soil under the Yangguo tree, you must be grateful. This kind of thing shouldn’t be entrusted to my younger brother.”

Yi Tianman replied indifferently: "No problem, I will remember it."

Unexpectedly, Nan Gongjie jumped up and pointed at Yi Tian and shouted: "Do you know that after the three Xuanling rewards in the past 200 years, there are only four Xuanyang fruits brought out from Xuanyang Cave. The whole army was wiped out, everyone was kicked out by the restriction in the cave in the first few levels, if you don’t understand the situation and dare to say that, I really don’t know if you are ignorant or fearless.”

With a puff, Yi Tian laughed, and signaled Nangong Jie not to be so impulsive, he was sure that he dared to say that.

In fact, I have already figured it out in my heart. As soon as I heard about this Xuanyang Cave, I knew that it was reserved for my disciples by the Xuanyang Gate. Your Xuanling branch can break through to the bottom level, and you can be considered lucky if you take out a few Xuanyang fruits. Not to mention those casual cultivators, they came here just to make up the numbers.If you want to pick the fruit, you have to come from the direct line. The key is how to maximize the benefits this time without others knowing.

After reassuring Nangongjie, Yi Tian asked directly: "I don't know how the people who go in are screened, and you'd better give me a list so that I know what I know, your sister gave me a map , I don’t know if it will be useful after entering.”

Nangong Jie shook his head and said, "That map was drawn by my senior brother 60 years ago when he entered, but the traps inside are changing, it may be useful or not, so don't get your hopes up too much. I can help you make a copy of the list, you will stay in the 'Qunying Building' these few days, and I will find someone to give it to you tomorrow."

Yi Tian felt uncomfortable at the thought of sitting there on the second floor. The masked woman felt too oppressive to him, and he couldn't bear to sit in front of her for a few days.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian directly discussed with Nangong Jie: "Then I'll take it in the box on the third floor. There are too many people on the second floor, so I can't rest well."

"That's no problem. I'll just give you an order later. Is there anything else I need?" Nangong Jie patted his chest and replied.

"Do me a favor, find out if there is anyone who needs special attention this time, and help me find out the identity of the masked woman at the table by the window sill downstairs."

Nangong Jie said nervously for a while: "Did you use your brain again to tell you, isn't my sister enough?"

Yi Tian snorted coldly: "That woman has a problem. Her spiritual pressure gives me a bad feeling. She should be a very strong opponent. You'd better check it out quickly. And after you go in, you have to Tell my colleagues, don't offend this woman, I have a hunch that something bad will happen to her."

Seeing Yi Tian's serious look, Nan Gongjie also realized that something was wrong, so it is really necessary to check his details.After pushing open the door, Nan Gongjie called out to the senior brother outside, whispered a few words in the ear of the person who came, and then waved his hand to tell the person to quickly investigate.

(End of this chapter)

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