
Chapter 156 Screening

Chapter 156 Screening

The sacrifice of the Xuanling Sect started three days ago, but the first half of the activity was only for the head of the Xuanling Sect and the elite disciples of the sect.A casual cultivator from a vassal family like Yi Tian is simply not qualified to enter the main hall of the Xuanling Sect.

Dozens of people sat and waited in the side hall of the outer door. At this time, everyone had almost nothing to say, and everyone was preparing for the next screening.

The cat took out a roster in the corner, and Yi Tian looked it over carefully. An hour ago, Nan Gongjie came in person, blocked Yi Tian at the door of the side hall, and stuffed the roster.

After getting the things, Yi Tian ignored other people's attitudes and just found a place to rest on his own.Just now Nangongjie came over via sound transmission, saying that a special person was going in this time, and asked Yi Tian to take care of him.

After asking the name, Yi Tian sneered in his heart that the Zhongzhou Tianyun Gate stretched too far, even the Xuanling Sect's sacrificial activities were not stopped.I was going to get close to Xiao Linhang after I went in. This kid just blackmailed a set of eight-door Golden Lock Formation last time, but this time he has to squeeze out something more.

Taking out the roster, Yi Tian also scanned it directly, and it listed the monks of the three major sects separately.Ning Yuxuan, Lu Qihao and Gao Shou from Chiyang faction, Yi Tian knew about it early on.Tiejianmen also has three quotas, namely Mo Mingjun, Qiu Renjiu and Yao Rui. These three people were also old acquaintances of Yi Tian before, but this time there is no Wu Min. It seems that she may be practicing in seclusion Knife.

There are many candidates for the Xuanling faction, but only Cai Wenqiang is among them, and Nan Gongjie is known by Yi Tian.Like Pu Siyuan and Dongfang Zhuo, they are only in the early stage of foundation building, so naturally they missed the trip to Xuanyang Cave.

On the list of Yitong Loose Cultivators, Yi Tian saw that two names were emphatically marked. One was Meng Xin, who was affiliated with the Cultivation Clan and had a late foundation cultivation base.The other one is that Yi Tian said that he wanted to investigate the veiled woman downstairs in Qunying, her name was Le Tongxuan, and she was a representative of Lejia, a family of cultivators.The list is only written in more detail. People from Dong'ao, who were 53 years old at the middle stage of foundation establishment, only entered the middle stage of foundation establishment a few years ago.

Judging from the situation of the monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment, they are considered to be relatively excellent. The 52-year-old disciple of the aristocratic family is already very talented. You must know that the family does not have as many resources as the sect. There is no paradise that can provide a suitable place for cultivation.

But this woman gave Yi Tian too much uncomfortable feeling, when facing her, Yi Tian felt a sense of oppression for no reason.Turning her head and looking around, that Le Tongxuan was standing quietly in a corner of the side hall by herself, no one approached her within a distance of three feet.

Now Yi Tian can be sure that not only him, but also other people have sensed it. This Le Tongxuan is definitely not simple.Turning around to look at Meng Xin, there were a few friends from aristocratic monks talking with him.

Rolling his eyes, Yi Tian also pretended to pass by Meng Xin unintentionally, and then felt that he was maintaining a conversation posture, but his body paused inadvertently, obviously a little suspicious of Yi Tian's identity.

Feeling this Meng Xin's spiritual pressure didn't make Yi Tian feel uncomfortable, at least he didn't have that kind of oppressive feeling.Instead, he observed that Meng Xin looked at himself from the corner of his eye, and after ten breaths, Meng Xin moved and walked directly towards Yi Tian.

When he walked three feet away from Yi Tian, ​​Meng Xin stood still, and then asked with a smile on his face: "Meng Xin is very polite in the Meng family of Izumo Kingdom. This fellow Taoist is very unfamiliar, and I don't know his name. ?”

Just as some people around looked over, Yi Tian didn't want to be rude to others, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go up to talk to him: "I've met fellow Taoists in Yi Tianxing, a casual cultivator at the Yi family in Xiadongjiang country."

Seeing Yi Tian introduced himself carelessly, Meng Xin just smiled politely, and the people around him also resumed their normal conversation.Yi Tian was about to leave when Meng Xin's sound transmission suddenly came into his ears: "Alchemist Yang's magical skills are here, but I have seen them in Fanxing City Mansion. Missy is also destined. If I see Mr. Yang, I will definitely help him."

After listening, Yi Tian's body froze for a moment, then looked at Meng Xin and said with a smile: "If you are lucky enough to be able to walk with Brother Meng, that would be the best. Please take care of Brother Meng for the explanation."

"Definitely, everyone advances and retreats together." Seeing that Yi Tian agreed so readily, Meng Xin was also overjoyed. He was afraid that he would be alone, but unexpectedly, the eldest lady sent someone here. This person Yang Liuqing was Xinglintang in name The externally hired alchemist, who can help Miss Bone to refine the Qiankun pill is definitely a friend rather than an enemy.

Now the two chatted like old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time, and the content was basically innocuous topics.During this period, Yi Tian whispered, "Beware of that veiled woman, she is not simple."

After Meng Xin heard it, he also took the opportunity to turn around after speaking, and glanced quickly with his eyes, and then his eyes returned to their original state after concentrating.Quietly nodded to Yi Tian, ​​indicating that he knew and would pay more attention.

It didn't take long for everyone to wait, and less than an hour later, some disciples of the Xuanling Sect came in and told everyone to line up and keep quiet, and asked everyone to go out one by one, and walked to the Xuanling Bell for screening after a while.

Everyone didn't dare to make mistakes, they lined up one after another and followed the deacon disciples out of the side hall.Yi Tian, ​​who was in the middle of the queue, was next to Meng Xin. Now that the situation was going on, this Meng Xin was more reliable.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the team of nearly 30 people walked around the main hall and stood behind those sect disciples.

The two Jindan cultivators who presided over the screening were Fan Hongfei and Su Qiaoyang whom Yi Tian had met in Donghai City.The whole line was very long, Yi Tian roughly counted about 50 people, the first twenty or so were disciples of the three sects, the Xuanling sect accounted for four-fifths of the team, the iron sword gate and the red sect Three disciples from the Yang faction followed closely behind.

I only heard Su Qiaoyang said after sinking his dantian: "This time the Xuanyang Cave entrance screening begins."

Next, Fan Hongfei said: "Take all the jade cards in your hand, inject mana into them to activate them, and then light the Xuanling Bell and start ringing the bell. Everyone has two chances. No matter what method you use, you only need to ring once and you will be killed." Can."

The monks from aristocratic families in the back were also full of complaints, and underestimated a few words in a low voice, "It's so troublesome to ring the bell, it's true." This is the question in Yi Tian's mind. For any connection, the Xuanling faction will have to do a screening first.

The people in front have already started, and the first one is Cai Wenqiang. Yi Tian knew that he was in the middle stage of foundation establishment when he was selecting apprentices in Pushanfang, and now he is practicing at a normal speed in the late stage of foundation establishment. Still full of talent.

As the first person to ring the bell, Cai Wenqiang didn't say much. He walked to the Xuanling Bell and activated the jade tablet with his left hand, and a beam of light shot from the jade tablet to the copper bell more than ten feet high in front of him.After being illuminated, the bronze bell shone with a little yellow light, and then Cai Wenqiang took out a spirit sword with his right hand to cast a spell, and slashed the spirit sword towards the bronze bell fiercely.

A crisp bell ringing shook the entire hall. Cai Wenqiang nodded with joy on his face, only to see a yellow ray of light returning to the jade tablet after the Xuanling bell rang, and the surface of the jade tablet was covered As if activated again, it glowed yellow.

At this time, Su Qiaoyang spoke again: "The mark of passing the screening is very simple. If the jade card in your hand does not receive feedback from the Xuanling Bell, it will be considered a failure."

A disciple below asked puzzledly: "Didn't you just ring the Xuanling Bell? Why did the rules change?"

Now Su Qiaoyang smiled and said: "The jade token in your hand is the key to enter the Xuanyang Cave, but it can only be used after being reflected by the light of the Xuanling Bell, so everyone must keep it away after passing the level. If there is any danger in the cave, just crush the jade token and it will be teleported out."

After speaking, Su Qiaoyang sat down and motioned the disciples below to follow and continue ringing the bell.Soon the few people in front passed the level smoothly. Yi Tian saw that Nan Gongjie was in the fourth place, so he went up and tried twice before knocking out the sound.

It wasn't until the eighth disciple struck twice, that the copper bell remained motionless, and there was no slight vibration.Fan Hongfei looked at it and shook his head: "Go on, this time you will miss the trip to Xuanyang Cave."

This time, the people behind were terrified, for fear that they would be eliminated in the initial screening just like a disciple.Maybe it was influenced by the people in front, but the two disciples of the Xuanling Sect behind did not ring the bronze bell.

Even Su Qiaoyang couldn't stand anymore, he got up and reprimanded those disciples.The aristocratic casual cultivators standing at the back of the line became even more panicked. Even the dignified inner sect disciples of the Xuanling Sect couldn't knock, so how should the aristocratic disciples deal with themselves.

Soon more than [-] inner disciples of the Xuanling Sect tried it, and five of them were eliminated. Even so, [-] people of the Xuanling Sect got the entry key.

Next came the people from Iron Sword Sect. Yi Tian knew that these three people were all disciples who had comprehended the sword intent.Especially that Enemy Nine, who looks harmless to humans and animals, has actually cultivated to the middle stage of foundation establishment.In the sword mound, Qie Renjiu comprehended the sword intent of Yuanying level. In the long run, he is the mainstay of Tiejianmen.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Among the three members of Tiejianmen, the enemy Jiuxian came up first.Enemy Jiu, who pulled out the Jujue sword with one hand, focused his eyes, and the invisible sword in his hand was urged, and the people next to him were forced to retreat three feet away.And Su Qiaoyang and Fan Hongfei also looked at Enemy Jiu's actions in surprise.With a sound of 'go', the Jujue sword in his hand mixed with a white sword energy concentrated on the bronze bell like a flash of light, and the bell ringing lasted for nearly ten breaths before slowly disappearing.

This is already stronger than Cai Wenqiang in the later stage of foundation establishment. Even those Xuanling sect disciples who have passed the test can't help but take a few more glances at this fat man. His strength is indeed there.

Meng Xin, who was behind, also had a serious face, bowed his head and said, "He is a strong enemy. If you can get in, don't provoke him if you can."

These words seemed to remind everyone, Yi Tian knew that this was a reminder to himself, and then he just smiled and nodded.He thought to himself: "This fat man Qiu has become so powerful now, it seems that he was too lenient to him last time, and we should find an opportunity to hit him again."

The next few people also rang the bronze bell easily, and what surprised Yi Tian the most was that Lu Qihao didn't even use the spirit weapon, and directly smashed the bronze bell with a fireball to buzz.

Afterwards, it was the turn of the disciples of the sect to become casual cultivators from the aristocratic family, and all kinds of situations happened now.The level of strength is not uniform, making these disciples of casual cultivators from aristocratic families make a lot of fools, and only four of the first ten people passed.Even the two Golden Core cultivators shook their heads. The difference in strength is a bit huge.

Among the four people who passed, Yi Tian saw that Le Tongxuan did not use a spiritual weapon and only relied on a spell in her hand to get it done. The monks next to her also pointed at her, which means that there are also strong people among casual cultivators. .

When it was Meng Xin's turn, he didn't disappoint either. He stepped forward and took out a Ghost Head Knife, and after infusing it with one hand, he slashed at the bronze bell. A crisp sound indicated that he had also passed.

Next, Yi Tian didn't take out the spiritual weapon after he came on the stage, but he just flicked his right hand, and the cyan light flickered again and again. Suddenly, with a wave of his right hand, hundreds of cyan light spots concentrated in the middle of the copper bell, and the continuous crisp bells rang.

It was only after about ten breaths that he stopped. Now the casual cultivators beside him, including the disciples of the sect, stared at Yi Tian seriously, and even the two Golden Cores kept discussing through sound transmission.But when they saw the jade tablet in Yi Tian's hand, they all nodded their heads together. This may be the suzerain's recommendation order, and it seems that this person should also be his own.

Among the disciples of the three sects, there are those who are envious, provocative, and disdainful. Flat guy has a fight.

Le Tongxuan, who was standing by the side, broke the five-flavored bottle in her heart. She didn't expect to see a person from the Holy Cult here. It's not surprising that others can't recognize her. She knew that Yi Tian just performed the second move of King Ming's hand 'Covering rain', this is not something that ordinary believers can learn.

(End of this chapter)

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