
Chapter 1552

Chapter 1552
If it is said that the Asura Dynasty is powerful, it must be Prince Wei. He has controlled the government for 2000 years and has penetrated his power into every corner of the Dynasty.

If Yunlin hadn't been a rising star to contend with as the emperor's teacher, the power of the entire dynasty would have fallen into his hands long ago.

While the two forces were struggling, there was still a faction in the Asura court who stayed out of the matter. Prince Wei and Yunlin were slightly suppressing this force on the surface, but they were constantly wooing it in secret.

Because of King Xun, the three-legged situation in the Asura Dynasty has lasted for thousands of years, so there is the current situation.

Now that King Xun is not in the imperial capital, Duan Xiaolou, who is the son of the eldest son, has become the leader of King Xun's lineage, and his every move will naturally attract the attention of all walks of life in the court.

But Duan Xiaolou is a playboy, and the second generation ancestor doesn't seem to be very interested in power. Apart from practicing, his biggest hobby is collecting all kinds of rare treasures.

When he was free, he would hold social receptions and invite people from all walks of life in the court to go, and he would openly accept gifts from others in the name of meeting, and then exchange power for personal gain in exchange for benefits.Therefore, many abstinent monks are quite repulsive, but those monks who want to go out for official careers are naturally eager to get an invitation letter from the Palace of Xun, even if they are willing to accompany the last seat.

If you want to enter the upper-class aristocratic circle, the ticket money is indispensable no matter what.

Sitting in Mi Baiji's carriage, Yi Tian gently handed over a jade box, which contained ten earth-level mid-level talismans.Calculated, this is also the entrance fee tonight, and now he is dressed as the Viscount Chu An of Hongshan.According to his original status, even one shot of ten earth-level talismans is a bit too much.

Fortunately, I broke into the fifth pass in the ten-story pagoda of 'Tongtian Road' before, and at the same time left my name on the stone tablet.In the capital of Asura, as long as there is a change that can be related to the stone tablet outside the 'Tongtian Road', it will soon spread among the nobles of the dynasty.

After all, this is a symbol of status and identity. If you can't leave your name on it, even the children of nobles will not look at it.

Some time ago, the assassination of the Viscount Hongshan was of course impossible to hide, but after that, the record of Chu An breaking through the five-story tower in one fell swoop made those who were watching the show shut their mouths wisely.

Mi Baiji, who was sitting opposite in the carriage, took the jade box, opened the lid, and then said through a voice transmission: "This gift is just right, and it makes sense with the recent situation of leaving a name on the stone tablet. But,"

"Is there any reconciliation?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"It's just that after entering the banquet, I can only arrange a seat at the bottom or the back row. I don't know if my emperor would mind?" Mi Baiji hurriedly replied.

"It doesn't matter. I just wanted to find out the truth. It's better to hide behind so as not to attract people's attention," Yi Tian waved his hand and smiled.

Mi Boji's face lightened slightly after receiving an affirmative reply, and then he briefly introduced the list of people who have been invited today.

Half an hour later, the carriage slowly drove into the side gate of King Xun's Mansion, and Yi Tian followed Mi Baiji out of the car and entered King Xun's mansion from the side corridor.

Passing through the front hall and courtyard to the front of the atrium hall, I only heard some music coming from the hall. Yi Tian's divine sense swept slightly and found that many people had already come inside.

Among them, the person sitting in the front seat had experienced the spiritual pressure fluctuations before, so it should be Duan Xiaolou without a doubt.

Mi Boji went up to explain to the waiter at the door, and then handed over the jade box in his hand.After the waiter took it, he opened it and inspected it, then came forward to see him and said, "Please come to the table with me, Viscount Hongshan."

Yi Tian nodded and then walked forward, passing by Mi Boji, he heard him bow his head and say: "We will split up inside."

After entering the main hall, under the guidance of the waiter, he first went to the main seat and greeted Duan Xiaolou.I saw that at this time, his cultivation base had increased compared with the last time we met. Although he had not yet broken through to the late stage, his strength in the mid-stage realm could surpass ordinary late-stage monks relying on supernatural powers and secret techniques.

Later, Yi Tian was placed at the end of the second row, and this position was behind the last row.But with the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage, it is already a lot of face to be able to sit in such a party, and coupled with the status of a noble title, it is enough to be a guest at the night banquet of Prince Xun's heir.

Although the location was not good, Yi Tian didn't show any dissatisfaction at all, and after expressing his thanks to his face, he followed the waiter to the seat and sat down.

After sitting down, I glanced slightly, only to realize that the level of people who came today should be mainly monks in the distraction period.Even Mi Baiji, who led the way for him, just sat at the top of the second row on the right side of Duan Xiaolou.

On the scene, five or six monks in the distraction stage had already arrived. It seems that most of these people are monks from the line of King Xun.A group of maids in the palace sang and danced to the music, while everyone chatted without saying a word.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the door: "Master Yun, sit down and wait for the right servant, Hao Rendao."

It turned out that Hao Ren still had an official title, but he didn't know how much of his right servant was earned by himself.Later, after the maids left, five monks embraced and walked up to the hall. The leader was Hao Ren who had taken care of him a few days ago.

After reaching the main hall, Duan Xiaolou also put down his wine glass and stood up to exchange greetings with the good man.Afterwards, he personally led the seat to the chief on the right, which made everyone look sideways after seeing this situation.

People who can be valued by Prince Xun's son are naturally different. After Hao Ren's group finally got down, everyone raised their glasses and toasted with Duan Xiaolou.

Yi Tian looked at Duan Xiaolou for not saying that Commander Luo Yao would bring him this time, presumably there was his intention.The two people who accompanied him to the trial this time did not go lightly because they wanted to seal the news so that no one could find out the truth.

But in the blink of an eye, I don't know if Duan Xiaolou's helper will appear in today's banquet.Just as he was thinking, Yi Tian heard the voice of the doorman singing again: "Qiao Yongjun, the deputy commander of the Imperial Forest Army."

Everyone present stopped what they were doing, then raised their heads and turned their gazes to the store door.A figure slowly appeared in front of everyone.Yi Tian looked at Qiao Yongjun and saw that he was in military uniform, walking with a smile on his face like a torch.The whole person looks like a soldier in his thirties, and he naturally exudes a sense of power when he raises his hands and feet, and he looks like a person who has been in a high position for a long time.

After Duan Xiaolou saw it, he stood up and didn't go up to greet him, but just offered his hands together and said: "Brother Yongjun is here, please take a seat." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the position of the chief on the left.

 Thank you Daoist Bu Er Wang, Mo Qing for your strong support
(End of this chapter)

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