
Chapter 1553

Chapter 1553
The two main guests of Prince Xun's mansion have arrived, and as expected, the three protagonists who participated in the trial met in advance.It seems that Duan Xiaolou also wanted to use this to test the depth of the other two.

Unexpectedly, the waiter at the door sang again before everyone was seated: "Congratulations to Princess Fenglin and Senior Shui Cangyue."

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the room couldn't sit still. They didn't expect Princess Fenglin to be invited.Everyone turned their attention to Duan Xiaolou who was sitting in the main seat, wanting to see his reaction.

At this time, Prince Xun's expression did not change, but the surprise in his eyes flashed away. Today he hosted a big banquet and invited Hao Ren and Qiao Yongjun to the scene.But he knew in his heart that he had never invited the lord at all, and he didn't even know that she had returned to the imperial capital.

Otherwise, today's seat arrangement will definitely leave a seat for Princess Fenglin, so it would be a bit troublesome. The chairmen on the left and right have already been seated. When Princess Fenglin comes in, I don't know where to let her sit.

But Duan Xiaolou is also experienced in accidents and knows how to adapt to such emergencies, so he immediately bowed his head and transmitted a few words.Walking up from behind, several servants of the palace hurriedly placed a seat next to the main seat at zero o'clock.

Shaoqing saw Princess Fenglin coming in a palace attire, behind him was a handsome monk in his thirties, and everyone who knew him whispered a few words, it was Shui Cangyue herself.

The last time Yi Tian was held back by the lord for no reason in Fenglin County, he held his breath, and he had never even seen the lineup of the lord Fenglin himself.

When I got to meet her this time, I found that she was seven or eight points similar to Luo Ziyan, but compared to the same royal family, she was more charming and less heroic.

Turning around and thinking about it, it's normal. Master Fengling's cultivation base is not enough, and he doesn't need to face all the intrigues in the court all day, so he lacks a bit of aggressive and decisive momentum.

On the scene, everyone's attention was focused on Princess Fengling, so the existence of Viscount Hongshan was directly ignored by those big shots.For Yi Tian, ​​such an unexpected situation is very beneficial to him. Originally, he was most afraid of the big tree attracting the wind, so hiding in the bottom seat of the second row can be used to thoroughly investigate the reality of these people.

Duan Xiaolou stood up and said with a smile, "Sister Qingcheng, please take a seat, and friend Shui Dao, please come too." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the banquet that was just set up next to him.

Princess Fenglin came here uninvited, but after looking over her eyes, she knew that this was Duan Xiaolou's temporary contingency plan.But she also knew roughly what to do in any occasion, so she immediately walked forward and sat down with Shui Cangyue after paying respects.

The latter is the intertwining of eyes and Duan Xiaolou, everyone's meaning is in the air.

After Princess Fenglin took his seat, the banquet reopened and there were bursts of music playing.

After drinking for three rounds, Duan Xiaolou stretched out his hand and waved the maids and waiters away, and then stretched out his hand to pat the four palace maids who walked out from the back of the hall, each with a tray in their hand, the tray was covered with a red cloth, and the inside was unknown. What.

I saw Duan Xiaolou cleared his throat and said: "Xiao Wang, I accidentally obtained some rare treasures in recent years and used them to brew fine wine. Today I invite you to have a taste first."

The red cloth was lifted to reveal the wine jars inside, each jar was about ten catties in size, and the maids filled a glass for the monks who were working on it one by one.I saw that the wine in the glass was red and transparent, and a fresh fragrance came out, which made people salivate unconsciously.

After scanning Yi Tian's divine sense, he knew that it must be mixed with the blood wood spirit that Duan Xiaolou found back then.Speaking of which, I still took a large portion back then, but I have already used two-thirds of it.

Compared with the previous time when Luo Yao found fault, the drinks here in Duan Xiaolou seem to be stronger.

At the moment, I secretly laughed in my heart, it's okay to give myself a hundred catties of wine, but many monks present can't do it.Those at the stage of transforming gods who were a little bit weak would probably drink a cup, but monks at the nascent soul stage like myself only got half a cup.

Later, Duan Xiaolou raised his wine glass and said: "Welcome everyone to come here and drink this glass to your heart's content," he immediately drank it.Many monks at the scene naturally did not dare to go against the master's wishes when they saw it, and they all drank the strong wine in their cups one after another.

After drinking a glass of wine, there were a lot of cosmetic changes on the spot, most of which were because they couldn't bear the surging spiritual power in the drink and didn't dare to make a fool of themselves in front of the host and hold it back forcibly.

Yi Tian looked at most of the people around him who looked like this, but he himself was not in a hurry to taste it.

After Duan Xiaolou put down his wine glass, he said to Monarch Fenglin who was at the side: "I don't know what advice Qingcheng sister has come here this time?"Luo Qingcheng's uninvited visit this time seems to have disturbed the rhythm of the host's house a bit, Duan Xiaolou probably wanted to catch people's attention before making a decision after understanding the intention of coming.

Luo Qingcheng slowly put down his wine glass and opened his red lips lightly: "Have you all understood what happened in the imperial city of the imperial capital recently?" Many monks present showed puzzled expressions when these words came out. How many things will happen within a day, no one can tell which event Princess Fenglin is referring to.

"My Asura Dynasty has been established for tens of thousands of years. During this period, there has never been an incident of assassination of nobles in the imperial city. The imperial sister was very angry about this and personally called me into the palace to discuss this matter," Luo Qingcheng said. After looking squarely at Duan Xiaolou, he also saw a bit of embarrassment on his face.

Then without waiting for Prince Xun's son to reply, Princess Fenglin said again: "I came here this time just to find out how His Royal Highness can adjust the defense of the imperial forest army and strengthen the security defense of the imperial capital so that the nobles of the dynasty can feel at ease."

After hearing this, everyone showed strange expressions on their faces, and those who knew the inside story chose to remain silent at the moment.Even Qiao Yongjun, the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, just shivered a little, and then pretended to be nonchalant and sat there quietly waiting for the development of the situation.

Duan Xiaolou's complexion didn't change at this time, but he knew very well in his heart that this was the opportunity of Her Majesty the Empress to use the opportunity to take advantage of the ferment of the noble's assassination to involve all aspects.

The Imperial Forest Army was originally under Prince Wei's direct subordinates. Although a quarter of them belonged to Yunlin's people, the power still belonged to Prince Wei's family.

At this time, Luo Qingcheng was obviously ordered by the empress to test the reactions of all parties.Needless to say, there will inevitably be changes in the court situation in the near future, and the queen may make corresponding adjustments taking advantage of the selection of the Royal Forest Army and the assassination of nobles.

The most likely thing is to take back part of the power of the Royal Forest Army, but with the Queen's current strength, it is impossible to eat such a big cake all at once.Therefore, the stance of all parties is very important. If they have meritorious service, they can naturally divide up substantial power in this matter.

After thinking about it, Duan Xiaolou didn't answer directly, but said with a smile: "It so happened that the Viscount Hongshan was also present today. He was the party involved in that incident. I want to hear about the situation that day from him."

(End of this chapter)

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