
Chapter 1554 Variables

Chapter 1554 Variables
In the main hall, he was called by Prince Xun's son on the spot, and everyone's eyes all turned to focus on Viscount Hongshan in the direction of Duan Xiaolou's finger.

At the same time, several divine senses came unscrupulously and swept up the last seat in the second row on the right.

If it was really Chu An, the second generation ancestor, I am afraid that he would be frightened immobile by these big shots on this occasion.It's a pity that now it's Yi Tian who is not at all satisfied with the eyes of the crowd in the entire hall.

Now that Duan Xiaolou pushed himself out as a shield, Yi Tian didn't mind making the water a little more muddy.Slowly stood up and bowed to Duan Xiaolou and Luo Qingcheng, who were sitting on the main seat, with both hands, and said, "I want to report to the Crown Princess that two killers were lurking on the road not long after I came out of the black market in Dongcheng that day. Assassinated. Fortunately, my family will fight to the death to protect my name, who died with this talent.”

"Those thieves are so courageous, Viscount Hongshan, don't worry, this matter has already reached the heavens, I heard that the emperor will definitely support my son of Asura nobles, and in the future, I will take strict precautions and will never allow such incidents to happen again," Luo Qingcheng said. Rushing to speak.Her statement naturally won the approval of many aristocratic monks present, even those monks of the King Xun family or the Prince Wei family could not go against everyone's wishes.

As for the noble monks who were originally neutral, they would be more inclined to the royalists.

Duan Xiaolou also hastily expressed his position: "Viscount Hongshan, please sit down. I will definitely assist the Queen to thoroughly investigate this matter. I must not let this incident shake the ten thousand-year foundation of my Asura clan."

What Yi Tian didn't expect was that Prince Xun's son could figure it out so quickly, and then expressed his position on the Queen's side.From this point of view, the other two lines of people present at the scene would more or less say a few words to show their loyalty. At least it is definitely not a wise move to block the car with one's arms in the face of this general situation.

Sure enough, Hao Ren was the first to stand up and cupped his hands towards Prince Xun and Princess Fenglin and said, "I agree with what the princess said very much, I think my Asura Dynasty depends on the support of noble children for a long time, like this The assassination incident must be thoroughly investigated, my house has a guard team of [-] people for the princess to demolish, if necessary, please feel free to speak up."

There was a trace of determination in Luo Qingcheng's eyes, as if Hao Ren's reaction was in her expectation, and she turned to reply: "I appreciate the doctor's affection, this matter is under the jurisdiction of the Royal Forest Army. The guards of your house can temporarily Incorporated into the Imperial Forest Army to make up for its manpower shortage."

Unexpectedly, Luo Qingcheng would say this, and many nobles present showed surprised expressions.Although it is temporarily incorporated under the command of the Royal Forest Army, it is not the Queen's word to become a regular.In this way, Prince Wei's power was indirectly divided, but at this critical moment, he couldn't help himself.

If you don't take advantage of the opportunity to intervene in the affairs of the Imperial Forest Army, I'm afraid there will be no shop after passing this village. Although many people in the big point are afraid of Prince Wei's power, more people rely on political sense to discover this incident. The influence behind it is far-reaching.

Regardless of whether it works or not, as long as you express your opinion, you can show your face to the queen and improve your own image at the same time.At this time, many noble monks also expressed their desire to send their personal guards to the Royal Forest Army to make up for the lack of personnel.

At this moment, the most uncomfortable person in the whole scene is Qiao Yongjun, the deputy commander of the Yulin Army. Such a scene is tantamount to poaching his corner to share his real power.But the city mansion that has been down for many years made him not moved at all. Instead, he turned to Princess Fenglin and said, "This time, it is true that the Imperial Forest Army's dereliction of duty shocked the pillars of the empire. After this happened, I hurried back to the imperial capital to deal with the follow-up matters For this reason, an additional team was stationed outside the Viscount Hongshan's mansion for strict protection."

It turned out that he sent the Imperial Forest Army at the gate of his house, it seems that this Qiao Yongjun still has a heart and knows how to react when the situation arises.Then I heard him say: "I also think that the imperial guards are insufficiently manned and it is difficult to monitor the huge imperial capital, so I suggest setting up another branch department in the army. The newly recruited monks can be formed into the imperial capital patrol team to specialize in the imperial city." various cases."

As soon as the words came out, many people also heard the taste, Qiao Yongjun was worthy of being someone that Prince Wei valued, but he thought of a countermeasure in just a few breaths.Since the general situation is irreversible, he is going along with the flow to temporarily accept the guardian monks of the noble children, and then find another way to independently form a new army.

In this way, its original authority will not be weakened, and the possibility of being mixed with sand by others is prevented.

Princess Fenglin looked solemnly at Qiao Yongjun who was sitting on the seat on the left, a trace of disappointment flashed across his face.There is a huge difference between the two in terms of cultivation bases, and the difference in qualifications in Lunchaozhong is even greater.Unexpectedly, after a few words, he even canceled his original intention invisibly.

Prince Xun's son, who was sitting on the side, also had a flash of light in his eyes, and looked at the two people around him with serious expressions, as if they were considering the pros and cons of the moment in their hearts.

The three presiding persons in the hall remained calm for the time being, and even Hao Ren didn't say any more and seemed a little dull for a while.Suddenly the waiter at the door sang again: "Welcome to the special envoy of the imperial court."

Everyone's eyes lit up, but each of them thought secretly.Unexpectedly, at this time, Her Majesty the Queen would send a special envoy to intervene in it. Logically speaking, there is no need for this. Since Princess Fenglin's arrival already represents the Queen's intention, is there any change in this matter?

After a rush of footsteps came, the queen's special envoy strode into the hall. Yi Tian looked up and saw that it was Luo Jinzhong, an old acquaintance.

Unexpectedly, after escorting the disciples of the Asura Sect, he returned to the court and became the queen's confidant.He walked into the main hall and cupped his hands towards Prince Xun's son and others who were on the throne: "The final general was sent by the empress to announce the decree, and I also invite His Royal Highness, Senior Shui Cangyue and Princess Fenglin to accept the decree."

The three of them showed a little suspicion on their faces when they heard the words, then they stood up and walked forward to kneel down in front of Luo Jinzhong.

Yi Tian listened quietly from the sidelines, this decree was specially given to the three of them.What Luo Ziyan meant was to let Prince Xun's son take the lead in selecting talents from the Imperial Forest Army, and at the same time set up the Imperial Capital Security Team to deal with various security issues in the Imperial Capital.

Shui Cangyue is the adjutant, and Princess Fenglin also participates in politics and is responsible for supervising his work.In this way, the power of King Xun and the power of the nobles are mixed together, and it will be easier to deal with Prince Wei's troubles in the future.

After the three of them received the order, the noble monks all around looked eager to try. Many of them were from King Xun's side, so they could naturally participate in it. As for the neutral faction, they could leave Princess Fenglin's side. access.

But Yi Tian smelled something else, what is meant by selecting the elite of the Imperial Forest Army is nothing more than finding out all the loyalists of Prince Wei to make Qiao Yongjun and his ilk empty.I didn't expect that Luo Ziyan would draw out her salary from the bottom of the pot. This trick is indeed just right.

 Thank you Mo Qing, brother Xie for your great support

(End of this chapter)

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