
Chapter 1555 The Secret Meeting

Chapter 1555 The Secret Meeting
After the three of them received the imperial decree, they had officially accepted the emperor's order, and the congratulations from all around immediately rang out.Luo Jinzhong said again at this time: "The three please read the contents of the imperial decree carefully. Her Majesty the Empress has already written a list of several personnel who must be transferred."

After receiving the imperial decree, the son of King Xun scanned it with his spiritual sense and saw that there were many names written on it, and most of them had their origins marked on the back.Nearly half of them are members of the Imperial Forest Army, and the rest are descendants of Asura nobles.

Seeing that the last Viscount Chu An of Hongshan was also listed, Duan Xiaolou immediately changed his expression and said with a smile: "In this case, please ask the angel to reply to Your Majesty the Queen, Xiao Wang, I will definitely live up to my trust and build the Imperial Capital Public Security Department." It will make the assassination of my Asura nobleman happen again."

Princess Fenglin and Shui Cangyue next to her also agreed with a few words to show that they would not disappoint the Queen.

After Luo Jinzhong left, the atmosphere in the whole hall became active again, but the people who were doing it at this time were more or less careful.I just feel that the Qiongyao wine in front of me has lost its taste. What happened today indicates that there will be earth-shaking changes in the Asura Dynasty.

Among them, the direct beneficiaries are King Xun's side, as for the people in Yunlin's family, they can naturally get a share of the pie.The most troublesome thing is the line of Prince Wei, the rights that were divided were originally dug out from their hands.So much so that in the following banquet, Qiao Yongjun's expression was indifferent, and everyone who saw him didn't dare to spare him easily.

Soon after the banquet lasted for several hours, it was over, and Yi Tian was about to leave.Suddenly, a housekeeper came forward and said, "Your Majesty, please, Viscount Hongshan come with me."

The butler's cultivation base was at the stage of transforming gods, and after Yi Tian glanced at him, he didn't say much and slowly followed behind him through the nave to the back corridor.After passing through several other courtyards, we finally came to the deepest courtyard of the palace.

"The prince is waiting for the viscount inside," the butler said, then turned around and left.

Yi Tian looked at the courtyard in front of him and laid a barrier, and there was a gap two feet wide and seven feet high on it.Duan Xiaolou's voice came out of it: "The Viscount Hongshan is here, please come in for a while."

Walking into the courtyard, Yi Tian swept his eyes and found that Princess Fengling and Shui Cangyue were also there.The three of them sat at the stone table in the courtyard and reserved a seat for themselves.

Seeing this, Yi Tian walked up slowly to bow his hands to the three of them and sat down slowly.Princess Fengling frowned slightly and wanted to say something but hesitated to speak, while Shui Cangyue at the side said: "The Viscount Hongshan is so courageous, he can do this even when facing monks who are two high realms." Shui admires his calmness." After speaking, he stretched out his hand to take the teapot and gently poured a cup of tea for Yi Tian.

Duan Xiaolou also looked at it carefully, and after three breaths, he shook his head as if he couldn't see through the reality.He opened his mouth a little later and said, "I checked the location where the Viscount Hongshan was attacked that day. The two monks in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods are very sure about the monks in the early stage of the transformation of the gods and the three monks in the Nascent Soul stage. Viscount Hongshan, what did you say earlier? Don't many loopholes make us all fools."

Until he couldn't hide it easily, Yi Tian gently took the teacup in front of him and put it to his mouth to sip.It was only later that she replied: "That's the truth, the Viscount Hongshan survived the assassination incident. Then Luo Ziyan wanted to use this to split up the power of the Royal Forest Army, and at the same time win over the King Xun faction and the nobles. It's as simple as that. .”

As soon as these words came out, Duan Xiaolou and Shui Cangyue looked at each other with serious expressions, and fell into silence.There was a clear look in their eyes, but they couldn't see through the look of Chu An, the Viscount of Hongshan, who had swept across the front of him with his divine sense.

On the contrary, Princess Fenglin yelled softly: "Bold slave, you dare to call my imperial sister's name directly. You must know that I can kill your head at any time."

'Puff Chi' smiled and Yi Tian lazily replied: "If you find time to ask Luo Ziyan to see her attitude, you will know my identity."

"You are not Chu An, the real Chu An is dead long ago. You belong to the imperial sister, but don't be too complacent. There are two distracted monks here, I don't believe you can play any tricks," Princess Fenglin sneered.

"Really," Yi Tian continued after looking at the three people in front of him: "Speaking of the imperial edict, I still have a copy in my hand, but I don't need to take it out. At least the other two are much more vicious than yours. You can see if they have moved now, it has already explained something."

Luo Qingcheng suddenly came to his senses this time, and looked at Duan Xiaolou and Shui Cangyue on both sides at this time, who seemed to be seeing something.It's just that Princess Fenglin is used to being arrogant and domineering, so she can't see Yi Tian's actions, so she snorted coldly and said, "Don't be too complacent, I'm not easy to mess with. From now on, you will still work under my command Be careful with everything."

"That's enough, Qingcheng, don't talk anymore," Duan Xiaolou interrupted at the right time, then turned around and stared at it for a while before trying to transmit the voice: "We met before, you saved me."

"You still have eyesight," Yi Tian said, stretching out his hand and pointing towards Luo Qingcheng, a beam of spiritual light fell and she immediately fell into a deep sleep.The attack was so fast that even Shui Cangyue who was sitting on the side didn't have time to stop it.

"Why do fellow Taoists do this, Qingcheng is still a child," Shui Cangyue said.

"Princess Fenglin's temper is too bad. If it wasn't for Luo Ziyan's face, I would have taught her a lesson." Yi Tian took out a jade slip and put it on the table and said, "This is the real Queen's secret order." , please check it quickly and don’t live up to the emperor’s order.”

Only then did the son of King Xun straighten his expression. He went to the jade slip to check the sealing mark, opened it and opened it in his hand to examine it carefully.Half a moment later, he handed the jade slip to Shui Cangyue, and the latter passed it quickly, and gradually showed a cautious look on his face.

Sighing, Shui Cangyue put away the jade slip and handed it back: "So I know the seriousness of this matter, please reply to your Majesty, I will do my best to handle the matter well. As for Princess Fenglin, please wait and see." Let her go on my thin face."

"It's easy to say, and I don't mean to embarrass her," Yi Tian wiped away the halo on her body with a finger hook.After ten breaths, Luo Qingcheng's eyelids trembled slightly and regained consciousness. After waking up, she looked at Viscount Hongshan vigilantly in front of her with a little fear in her eyes, and she didn't dare to say more.

Seeing that she was getting acquainted, Yi Tian said: "The selection of the Imperial Forest Army is imminent. What Luo Ziyan means is to insert her forces in and replace the forces of Prince Xiawei. No matter how bad it is, she will form an independent army. You can stop obeying Qiao Yongjun's orders." Or Luo Yao."

"The empress wants to take back her authority, what does Venerable Yun mean by this?" Shui Cangyue asked.

"Yunlin has no objection to this, and Luo Yao is really difficult to control. Rather than let him grow up and become the second Prince Wei, it is better to settle him on the spot," Yi Tian explained.

(End of this chapter)

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