
Chapter 1556 Interception

Chapter 1556 Interception
The Viscount Hongshan didn't come out directly after the banquet with Prince Xun's son, but stayed to teach the opportunity face to face.At least in the eyes of outsiders, the Viscount Hongshan is afraid that he will soar into the sky. The little nobleman who is usually only at the Nascent Soul Stage has suddenly caught up with the monks at the distraction stage. How can the Viscount Hongshan be worth a lot in the future? will skyrocket.

Yi Tian sneaked out from the back door of the palace without the outsiders knowing, and then got into the carriage that had been here for a long time and drove slowly towards the Viscount Hongshan's mansion.

In the depths of the palace, Duan Xiaolou and Shui Cangyue silently bowed their heads and transmitted sound transmission as if to confirm something.A moment later, after the exchange, the two had different expressions in their eyes. Although Chu An, the Viscount of Hongshan, did not directly reveal his true identity, they both had their own opinions in their hearts.

The carriage with the mark of the Wang's Mansion was driving along the street, and the driver was entrusted by the steward of the Wang's Mansion to drive forward cautiously.

The monks around the street saw the sign on the carriage and naturally gave way one after another. Even when the soldiers passed by the city guards, they all stood in awe and flashed to both sides to make room for the carriage to go first.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the carriage, extended his divine sense slightly to check the distance of ten feet around the carriage, then bowed his head and meditated.

Suddenly, I was in a trance. The carriage turned a corner and drove into the side road. The direction was right.Along this road, you can go directly to the main entrance of the Viscount's Mansion in Hongshan. Ke Yi Tianshennian noticed that the surrounding space seemed to shake and everything became sluggish.

Needless to say, there must be a formation master playing tricks behind the scenes, and a space formation was set up on the street to pull the entire carriage into the Xumi space of the formation.

Moreover, the strength of the formation mage behind the scenes is not simple. I am afraid that he locked the movement of the carriage early in the morning and chose to ambush on the only way back.

The driver in charge of driving was only a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. Under such circumstances, his eyes were closed and he passed out on the spot.At this time, the road in front of him was covered with hazy fog, and two figures slowly appeared and then hurried towards the carriage.

Yi Tian's spiritual thoughts moved slightly and found that one of them was Qiao Yongjun, the deputy commander of the Imperial Forest Army, and the other was a 40-year-old man in a long gown and Taoist robe holding a formation plate in his hand.Needless to say, this person is the person behind the formation, but the Asura monks are good at killing but not skillful.

The monks who set up the formation must be the alien monks recruited by Prince Wei, and Qiao Yongjun also got his help to dare to abduct people on the street openly.

A divine thought swept over the carriage, and was immediately bounced off by the restraint on the carriage.Qiao Yongjun's complexion changed slightly, he walked forward and looked at the carriage before he asked, "I don't know who is the master in the carriage, the deputy commander of the Royal Forest Army is very polite."

Since Qiao Yongjun couldn't find out the truth, he wanted to find out from the words first.

"Lord Qiao's strength has been learned from me, but it's about the struggle between imperial power and ministerial power, so it's better for you not to get involved," Yi Tian replied indifferently from inside the car.

Qiao Yongjun frowned slightly, obviously he could get a lot of information from just a few words, but after meeting like this, he never even saw the face of the real master, so it was really hard to get off the table.

Then the spiritual light appeared on his body and directly displayed the Asura Dharma Body, and several spiritual lights scattered under the seal in his hand and attacked towards the position of the carriage.

I saw a layer of faint green glow floating around the carriage three feet away, directly blocking all incoming spells.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, said coldly: "Master Qiao, I'm afraid that the Sumeru Space Formation around here will not be able to maintain it. Don't you want to attract passers-by to the deputy commander of the Imperial Forest Army to stop you in this eventful autumn?" Get out of the carriage of Prince Xun's Mansion, not to mention the Viscount Hongshan, who was attacked recently, is sitting in it."

"Hmph, you, the Viscount Hongshan, are probably just pretending," Qiao Yongjun said disdainfully, "I already knew that there was something wrong with it, are you deliberately targeting my Prince Wei's mansion?"

"Whatever you think, what I can tell you is that there are other people behind this scene, and I just happened to be at the right time," Yi Tian replied.

"What a coincidence. I know all the top masters of the Asura clan. I estimate that your strength should be on par with mine. But the spiritual pressure fluctuation is not anyone I know. It's very suspicious," Qiao Yongjun said fiercely.

"I really admire Brother Qiao's strength, but you and I have never had a direct conflict of interest. Your opponents are Duan Xiaolou and Hao Ren, and I just promised someone to help. What's more, are you so sure that you can beat me?" Yi Tian asked back.

This time it was Qiao Yongjun's turn to show embarrassment. To be honest, he had already noticed that the people in the carriage were quite strong in the confrontation just now, and if he wanted to make gestures in this Xumi formation space, he would tear the formation barrier. At that time, making a public attack on the street will just give the censor an excuse to visit him.

Knowing that the form was not dominant, Qiao Yongjun also intended to retreat, but it seemed too cheap to leave like this. As the deputy commander of the Imperial Forest Army, he had never been so aggrieved.

Yi Tian sat in the carriage and looked at him, and later said via voice transmission: "I admire Commander Qiao's strength, but right now is not the time. If you want to talk about it in Piaoxian Tower in three days' time?"

Since we are in an impasse, the last resort is to 'drag', at least I am not afraid.If Prince Xun's Mansion finds out that the carriage escorting the Viscount Hongshan has not returned, someone will come out to inquire about the news soon, even if it is Qiao Yongjun, it will not end well.

Moreover, Yi Tian was determined that the other party would definitely agree to his proposal. When he first arrived in the imperial capital, he had already learned about the situation of the three protagonists who participated in the trial.Although these three people are all important figures of the Ashura tribe, they are all the spokespersons of the monks who are behind the scenes.

The other two have a lot to do with the monks in the fit stage, so if it really doesn't work, there is no need to be too scruples.As for Qiao Yongjun in front of him, although he has some relationship with Prince Wei, he is already out of reach.To put it bluntly, if it weren't for his cultivation base being stronger than that of monks of the same level, he might not have entered the eyes of Prince Wei.

It's just that a monk like him has a bit of arrogance in his heart and won't be easily manipulated by others.Yi Tian's idea is to get close to the opponent first to see if there are any flaws in his Dao heart, and then try to do what he likes. It is best if everyone can cultivate to this level and don't need to fight to the death. Only by solving the current predicament It's business.

After three breaths, Qiao Yongjun's reply came from my ear: "Okay, since the fellow daoist made an appointment, it is a great honor for me, but can you tell the real identity, fellow daoist, otherwise it will seem too insincere."

 Thanks for the great support of fellow Taoist lost little potato
(End of this chapter)

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