
Chapter 1557

Chapter 1557
The carriage of King Xun's Mansion slowly drove to the outside of Viscount Hongshan's mansion, so outsiders saw that the tree that Viscount Hongshan had already climbed next to King Xun naturally had no limits in the future.

In fact, Yi Tian was also planning secretly. Since someone sent two cultivators at the transformation stage to assassinate him, he naturally wanted to hit him and leave no one alive.Now that I pretend to be Chu An, I will naturally become a thorn in the side of others and want to deal with it quickly.

In addition, with the current situation where the opponent is in the dark, if he keeps silent like this, the second wave of assassinations will definitely follow.

During the past few days pretending to be Chu An, Yi Tian spent some time searching the entire mansion up and down.But in the end, he didn't find anything of value, so he had some doubts in his heart, what is it about such a useless second generation ancestor that deserves to be assassinated by others.

Sitting in the mansion, Yi Tian recalled the itinerary of the past two days and the words of the people he saw. Now he has contacted all three trial participants.According to analysis, among the three, Duan Xiaolou is the most free and unrestrained, and this trial is nothing but obedience to him.

As for Hao Ren, the focus is on utilitarianism, and he has already noticed his situation after the first contact.Although she has Yunlin behind her, her true cultivation is not strong, and she is definitely not as good as Duan Xiaolou when it comes to fighting.

As for Qiao Yongjun on Prince Wei's side, he is an interesting character, and he has more variables than the previous two.The main reason is that his birth is not as good as the other two.But this person must have something extraordinary, and being able to climb up step by step shows that he has real materials.

In addition, the Imperial Forest Army was originally an organization in charge of killing. He must have extraordinary strength to be able to sit in this position.Among the three candidates, he must be the strongest.

Yi Tian calculated that the most important thing for him now is to take advantage of the situation. As for how these three people ended up, it has nothing to do with him.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly moved his mind slightly and found that there was a jade talisman breaking through the barrier and flying in.Yi Tian stretched out his hand to catch it and held it in his hand, glanced over and found that it was Mi Boji's summons.

After carefully reading the above content, a clear expression appeared on his face. It turned out that Chu An, the Viscount of Hongshan, also had a half-brother named Chu Yuan.Its strength is already as high as that of the early stage of the transformation of the gods, and it is only because Chu An is the eldest son that he inherited the title.

If Chu An died without any children, Chu Yuan would be the legitimate heir to the title.Moreover, this Chu Yuan has now taken refuge in Prince Wei's family, and now that he is not in the imperial capital, he still cares about the Hongshan Viscount's Mansion.Due to his vow back then that he would not be able to set foot in the imperial capital as long as Chu An was alive, he must be very anxious to come to this Chu Yuan at this time.

After losing two cultivators at the stage of transformation in succession, he failed to kill his brother. I'm afraid he won't be able to attack at will again.

After reading this information, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, and he had seen too many such scenes of brotherhood.The journey of cultivating Taoism is already bumpy, so it can't be said how cruel people are.

But what Yi Tian didn't understand was why Chu Yuan was so anxious to regain the title, there must be a reason for this.It's just that I don't know much about the Asura Dynasty for a while, so I can't see through the mystery.

After sitting cross-legged in the mansion for three days, it was almost time that he had agreed with Qiao Yongjun. Yi Tian then packed up and opened the restriction barrier, called the housekeeper and ordered him to go out for errands.

Not long after boarding the carriage of the Red Mountain Viscount's Mansion, he set off directly towards the 'Piaoxian Tower'.

After bringing him to Piaoxian Tower, the waiter in front of the Liberty Gate greeted him with a smile, and Chu An's reputation among the nobles also rose when he entered.But anyone who hears some news will look at the current Viscount Hongshan with admiration.

Although Mi Baiji kept a private room for himself, it was the place where he met Luo Ziyan privately.If you let others come in and out at will, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating.Therefore, Yi Tian ordered to ask for a Tianzi room on the top floor of Piaoxian Building as a place to receive Qiao Yongjun.

After staying in the room and waiting for a long time, I realized that someone was rushing here in a divine sense.After opening the door, he saw a monk wearing a cloak and a mask, but judging from the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body, it was undoubtedly Qiao Yongjun.

After he entered the room, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the sound-proof barrier, and then said lightly: "It's appropriate for you to disguise yourself like this."

"To each other, don't you also meet me in someone else's face?" Qiao Yongjun found an empty seat and sat down slowly, "Tell me your real identity without comment. I, Qiao, don't like talking to people in a roundabout way."

"Under Yitian."

"It's you, hehe, I don't know what kind of master you are. I think you are doing retreat in 'Lanyunju' because you want to deceive people," Qiao Yongjun asked.

"It can be understood in this way, after all, I don't like being stared at from behind all day long," Yi Tian said, reaching out his hand to reveal his true face.

Qiao Yongjun sighed and then took off the mask, so that the two of them could not hide the atmosphere of speaking and they would not be as competitive as before.

"I don't know why Fellow Daoist Yi asked me to come here?" Qiao Yongjun sized him up and said in a deep voice, "You and I belong to different camps and theoretically have opposing positions. It's already a miracle that we can sit down and chat."

"Commander Qiao is serious, you and I don't have any conflict of interest, why should we be hostile to each other," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

"The trial of the fire source land is a place of contention among the three parties, so naturally I will not be humble," Qiao Yongjun said.

"I know about this, but can the three candidates really become candidates for the queen's husband?" Yi Tian asked back: "As far as I know, this is just the product of a dispute between Prince Wei and Lord Yun. Listen to the former Empress Asura, what they say doesn't count."

Qiao Yongjun was taken aback when he heard this, and then sighed: "People can't help themselves in the Jianghu, Qiao is under the command of Prince Wei, but there is no royal power behind him to protect him, and it is helpless to be chosen as a pawn. "

"I feel the same way with my fellow Taoists. I can't make a decision if I haven't cultivated to the fusion stage in a day." Yi Tian also echoed: "But if I say that with the strength of Qiao's leadership, I can marry Luo Qingcheng for a hundred years. Well, if you become Luo Ziyan's cousin-in-law, I'm afraid that even the two princes won't be able to touch you."

"You're right," Qiao Yongjun's eyes flashed brightly, then they darkened quietly and said, "But as me, it's quite difficult to win the favor of Princess Qingcheng."

"If there is difficulty, there is still hope. As long as I operate from it, it may be possible to make the impossible possible," Yi Tianshan induced.

"Tell me about your conditions. I don't believe that such a good thing will come to you for nothing in the world." Qiao Yongjun stared at him and said, "You have given me such a big gift, I think I have to pay the corresponding price."

(End of this chapter)

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