
Chapter 1559 Analysis

Chapter 1559 Analysis
After the secret meeting in Piaoxianlou, the Viscount Hongshan dressed up by Yi Tian still swaggered away from the main entrance that night, got on the carriage and drove straight to the Viscount Hongshan Mansion.

Those Asura nobles in the Piaoxian Tower secretly took note of it in their eyes. Regardless of their lack of strength, these people's ability to observe people is not shallow.

As for Qiao Yongjun, he disguised himself and left in his own way, without anyone noticing the whole process.Of course, Yi Tian was very clear about these prominent figures in the imperial capital, and they had their own paths.

After sitting cross-legged at home and correcting for a few days, the Viscount Hongshan Mansion received a call-up order from the imperial court.What Yi Tian didn't expect was that Luo Ziyan also made a move. She first arranged for the selection meeting of the Royal Forest Army to be hosted by the deputy commander Qiao Yongjun.

This was unexpected by the courtiers. Luo Yao, the original favorite, was dispatched to carry out other urgent matters, so the empress had no choice but to ask the deputy commander to preside over it.

In this way, it is inconvenient for Prince Wei to talk more, and even the effort of trying to make trouble secretly is saved.

The second thing is to let Princess Fenglin preside over the matter on behalf of the queen, and it is also a strong signal to the nobles of the dynasty.Moreover, the authority was delegated to allow Luo Qingcheng to select good talents from among the noble children to fill the post of team leader of the Royal Forest Army.

Now the nobles of the imperial palace of the entire dynasty exploded. The current empress wanted to revive the momentum of the nobles and gave such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. fame.

Another piece of news is that the Royal Forest Army will also select high-strength people from Pingming's children, and this is also an opportunity for those clansmen who are unexpected by the Asura nobles to be promoted.

In the end, it was a letter of appointment for Viscount Hongshan. Since Chu An was able to get started with talisman, the appointment of Viscount Hongshan as a counselor for the logistics department of the Royal Forest Army was directly under the empress.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Viscount Hongshan was a blessing in disguise. After the assassination and attack, he not only curry favor with the son of King Xun, but was also accepted into the Imperial Army. .

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that Luo Ziyan was creating a channel for the two to meet, and he wanted to give her a lot of suggestions that needed assistance from the side.

But at least one thing about Qiao Yongjun and Luo Qingcheng is probably done, and at this stage, we can't do too much to let them get in touch first.When things come to fruition, as long as Luo Ziyan gives an order, it will be a firm matter, and as long as Qiao Yongjun gives the jade slip to Luo Ziyan, he will definitely get a corresponding promise, which is much more effective than saying it from his own mouth .

But now Yi Tian feels that there are constant troubles in his hands. This letter of appointment requires him to report to the logistics department of the Imperial Forest Army at noon today. At that time, the chief will come to give lectures.He was very clear in his heart that this officer might have come in Luo Ziyan's disguise, it seemed that hearing her complaints would be inevitable.

Just as he was thinking about it, the housekeeper of the Viscount's mansion came to urge him, and as soon as the frame was ready, he waited for the master to get on the car.After listening to the report, Yi Tian shrugged helplessly and reluctantly left the mansion, boarded the carriage and drove straight towards the logistics department of the Imperial Forest Army.

Although the Viscount Hongshan is a man of the moment, but his apparent strength and cultivation are too low.After rushing all the way to the logistics department of the Royal Forest Army in the imperial capital, I went through several checkpoints and asked carefully.Yi Tian also deserves to be patient and take out the commission letter in his hand again and again to prove his true identity.

In the end, it took two hours to arrive at the lobby of the logistics department. As soon as I got off the car, I saw Mi Boji, the imperial historian, already waiting here.It was good to meet an acquaintance. It seems that Luo Ziyan was also afraid that she would be made things difficult by the people in the logistics department because she was afraid of her identity and could not show her strength, so she sent someone to help her.

Following Mi Boji all the way into the hall, he saw a lot of people coming and going, but most of these people were organized in groups of five led by monks of the Huashenqi period.These people were all dressed in uniform uniforms of the Imperial Forest Army, and it was rare for two of them to walk through the hall and quickly attract the attention of others.

Fortunately, Mi Baiji opened the way, and he deliberately wore an official uniform so that the people around gave way one after another.After bringing him to the president's office of the logistics department, he saw Luo Xiao standing in front of the door from a distance. It seemed that the two came to size up and then stared at Yi Tian for a long time with some differences on their faces.

It's a pity that with his strength, he couldn't see any flaws. Later, he sighed and said with a smile: "The two of you are ordered to come here, don't let your lord wait in the house for a long time."

Mi Baiji said with a faint smile: "My lord's order is to meet the Viscount Hongshan alone, so I'll wait outside the door. Please, my lord."

After Yi Tian nodded casually, he stepped forward, looked at Saul with a faint smile on his smiling face, then gently opened the door and walked in.

There was only one round table in the room, and a man in a cloak was sitting at the table at this time.After closing the door, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice the sound-proof enchantment, then walked up slowly and said, "Master Unknown is too late to summon his subordinates."

"You are so brave that you dare to teach me how to do things," Luo Ziyan took off the cloak mask on her head to reveal her true face, and then said with dissatisfaction on her face.

"Why do you teach you how to do things?" Yi Tian replied with a leisurely look: "You don't want to take the opportunity to divide and win over the forces of Prince Wei, but also try to re-discipline the royal children. Then you want to win over the noble children There are so many things to do. I will help you deal with it. Now that you can get things done with one stone and many birds, at least you have to thank me."

"Thank you, my cousin's life's happiness is ruined in your hands. Have you ever asked her if she really likes Qiao Yongjun?" Luo Ziyan said angrily.

"So I was angry because of this," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Actually, don't worry too much, it's just your one-sided idea. Presumably no one has asked Luo Qingcheng whether he likes Qiao Yongjun, right? But according to my observation, Princess Fenglin has a tough personality and must find someone who can feed and live with her."

"So you messed up the mandarin ducks and sent her out," Luo Ziyan replied.

"Absolutely not sent out at will," Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "According to my observation, Qiao Yongjun is a man of cultivation and ambition. He must not dare to live under others for a long time. All he lacks is an identity. Unless he wants to go out and be a Loose cultivators no longer care about the affairs of the dynasty."

"You're right. This person is one of Prince Wei's powerful generals. If you can win him over, or at least keep him neutral, it will be of great benefit to return the government to the court," Luo Ziyan thought for a while road.

(End of this chapter)

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