
Chapter 1560 Analysis

Chapter 1560 Analysis
Hearing Luo Ziyan's words, Yi Tian felt relieved, not to mention other things, as long as it doesn't conflict with the general direction, it will be fine.And I am sure that the most important thing for her at this stage is to take back the imperial power. As for Prince Wei, it is a more difficult and troublesome matter.

There are not many monks in the fusion period of the Asura Dynasty. If there is one less monk suddenly, it will definitely cause a violent shock to the court.But for Luo Ziyan, it was to get back her authority, not to reduce the number of monks in the fit period.

This is a technical job that is more difficult than fighting and killing. Moreover, Prince Wei was pushed out by the previous queen just to balance King Xun.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian asked, "Then how much can you control the court with the strength you have now?"

"In addition to the Royal Forest Army, about one-third of the city lords stationed outside the imperial capital are cronies of Prince Wei. These nails need to be pulled out one by one," Luo Ziyan said.

"These are trivial matters. How many people are on your side in the court, how many fools are there, and how many loyal princes are there?" Yi Tian asked.

"More than half of the courtiers are attached to me, and the remaining one-third are monks who were single-handedly selected by Prince Wei, and the rest are just scumbags." Luo Ziyan frowned slightly: "But Prince Wei's Most of the direct descendants hold real power, and it is not so easy to move them."

"There is nothing you can't do. The methods you use are nothing more than suppression, differentiation, and win over," Yi Tian explained.

"That's right, like Qiao Yongjun, he can try to win over, but there are still many people around, and I can't pay attention to discerning their attitude towards the dynasty. Do you have any good methods?" Luo Ziyan asked.

"I heard that there will be a grand meeting in the Asura Dynasty," Yi Tian asked, turning around.

"Yes, but basically it's only held once a year, sometimes only once every few years, and I can't guarantee that those important people will be there," Luo Ziyan said: "You want to make Xiang Wei public at the Great Court Meeting?" Is the prince a series of troubles to find out how close their relationship is?"

"The result is right, but it's not to attack them, but to flatter them," Yi Tian said with a deep smile: "Since you haven't wanted to formally turn your face, why bother to attack them, and you can see the relationship between his factions once you praise Prince Wei." How many diehards are there, and secondly, you can check how many people in your hands really want to follow you."

"Your method is good. I can use this to divide all the forces in the DPRK and China. In this way, we can target and eliminate them, and then go up and down to find cronies to fill the vacancies. Give those people a high hat and start from here Pull down the seat," Luo Ziyan said with an informative smile on her face.

"It's absolutely correct, but what you have to do is just right, try not to arouse the disgust of everyone," Yi Tian replied: "And the strength in your hands is not yet able to forcibly shake Prince Wei, so you must take advantage of the people from King Xun, The people at Yunlin can be used, let them entangle each other to consume their strength, and finally you come out to clean up the mess is the best strategy."

Hearing that someone from Yunlin was going to use someone from Yunlin's side to fight against Prince Wei's subordinates, Luo Ziyan also had a slightly hesitant look on her face.Yi Tian knows her feelings for Yunlin, and being by her side for more than 2000 years is not like relatives but better than relatives.It is really unreasonable to find her now.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian sat aside and sighed: "The most ruthless emperor's family, since you want to take charge of the Asura Dynasty, you have to let go of some things. Presumably Yun Lin is also someone who knows how to deal with these things. There is no second, there is no second sun, if you really want to be arbitrarily determined in the Asura dynasty, you must cultivate your own power."

"You're right," Luo Ziyan said with a gleam of clarity in her eyes: "Aunt Yun has tried her best to avoid getting too deep in the court in the past few years so as not to cause trouble for me. Presumably he has realized this a long time ago. But now I don't have many monks who can stand alone, how do you think I will face this situation?"

"Selection is important, but many of them can be used directly. For example, Qiao Yongjun and his like have already had the strength to enter the aristocratic circle. What's more, it's just an opportunity. The imperial title award should also be reformed. Five After the title, you can set another title, so that the common people of the Asura tribe can have the opportunity to join in," Yi Tian suggested.

"Good way, you're right, there were too few ways to enter the noble circle before, except for intermarriage, which is a reward. Now that an excessive title is set to attract the elites among the commoner monks, and then provide corresponding resources and offerings, I believe it will be very Soon my supporters will be able to participate in the court," Luo Ziyan said excitedly.

"It's up to the person, these things are not all about you talking about the people below to run errands, isn't the selection of the Imperial Forest Army right now a great opportunity," Yi Tian pointed out.

"That's right. Now that Qingcheng is allowed to intervene in this matter, it should be increased. The previous set can only be said to be relatively fair to the four parties. Now it is better to mix the interests of all parties together in a targeted manner. Set up a new army. Dismantle the original establishment and dismantle the troops of each faction so that they can't pass on their orders," Luo Ziyan said happily.

"That's only part of it. You still have to make the Yulin Army your own to be the final result. I don't need to teach you these things anymore," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Sure enough, just a few words can help me solve the most troublesome problem at present," Luo Ziyan said with a smile: "But you must be rewarded for your merits. Tell me what kind of reward you want. At most, I can send myself to you." for you."

After hearing this, Yi Tian blushed and coughed lightly to cover up the embarrassment on his face, and then said: "I have an astrology wheel in my hand, please lend me the 'Sura Destiny Book'."

"What are you going to do with it?" Luo Ziyan asked with a puzzled expression.

"These two things are supposed to be used together, and I have my own use," Yi Tian didn't dare to say too much for fear of revealing Luo Yilan's affairs.Now in the Asura Dynasty, none of the three monks at the integration stage can pose a threat to him, and only this monk at the Mahayana stage is the most troublesome.

"I can give you things, but it's not a problem if you are so idle. Come and help me check after the Imperial Forest Army selection meeting starts," Luo Ziyan said: "At that time, you can also help me check the royal family and nobles. How many people can still be used."

"Okay, I promise you this matter," Yi Tian replied with a helpless sigh, thinking that Luo Ziyan was still retaliating against himself for arbitrarily advocating for her, and was going to drive ducks to the shelves.

(End of this chapter)

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