
Chapter 1561 Revealed

Chapter 1561 Revealed
Accidentally got the astrology wheel from Mu Lang, the leader of Asura, but Yitian realized that this was the beginning of trouble.After activating the astrology wheel, he unexpectedly contacted a ray of soul of the former queen Luo Yilan for no reason.

And she also warned herself to assist the current queen to help her regain power, but when Yi Tian mentioned the previous queen in the Imperial Forest Army's logistics department, Luo Ziyan looked depressed.From her mouth, I learned that the previous empress was Luo Ziyan's biological mother, and she had long since exhausted her lifespan and died.

As for Luo Yilan, she was an ancestor dozens of generations ago. This Mahayana cultivator is now hiding somewhere, and even the three integrated cultivators don't know where she is hiding.

On weekdays, he can only be contacted through Mingyuejing in the Asura Temple, and each time the contact time is only about half a minute, and Mingyuejing will not reply this time.

Regarding this matter, Yi Tian took a wait-and-see attitude and approached himself that he had no chance to enter the Asura Temple, let alone retrieve the Mingyue Well.

After talking with Luo Ziyan, it was finally agreed that she would lend me the 'Sura's Destiny Spectrum' for a look.But this is also something that will happen after the selection meeting of the Imperial Forest Army. At this stage, she is fully cooperating with her to insert all candidates into the Imperial Forest Army.

Afterwards, Yi Tian had no choice but to take out the ten thousand talismans that had been prepared and hand them over to Luo Ziyan.Counting it, he had completed a hundred years of work under the pretense of being the Viscount of Hongshan. As for Luo Ziyan, she had only temporarily let her go after she took the talisman.

Yi Tian also got a notice after he came out from the logistics department of the Royal Forest Army. In view of his outstanding performance, he promoted the Viscount Hongshan to an intermediate talisman master in the logistics department.This is also the result of Yi Tian's repeated requests to forcibly suppress the credit. With the strength of the Nascent Soul cultivator, occupying the position of an intermediate talisman teacher in the Yulin Army is already the best.

Besides, I don't want to get into unnecessary trouble because of this, and now Yi Tian can always find that there are many people behind him deliberately following him.It didn't take much for them to be sent by those big forces to follow him. Since the attack, Viscount Hongshan has gradually entered the field of vision of the aristocratic circle. Anyone with a little experience will try to find out the truth.

After leaving the Imperial Forest Army's logistics department, Yi Tian was about to board the carriage and leave, when suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar figure flash by.At the same time, I heard a sound transmission voice in my ear: "Come tell me about the logistics warehouse."

The person who spoke was Qiao Yongjun, and it seemed a bit contrived that he happened to pass by.Don't think too much about it, he must be waiting for him on a special trip, but I don't know if he knows the true identity of the person he is meeting this time.Yi Tian thought for a while, then turned his mouth and replied through voice transmission: "Wait a moment," turned around and told the driver to let them wait for a while, and then hurriedly followed after he got off the carriage.

The two came to the remote warehouse one after the other, and Qiao Yongjun raised his hand to open the barrier and sealed the space.Then he turned around and asked, "I didn't expect Yi Daoyou to be able to persuade Her Majesty the Empress to betroth Princess Qingcheng to me."

"I think Commander Qiao seems to be a bit too optimistic," Yi Tian replied lightly: "As far as I know, although this is approved by Her Majesty the Queen, the key depends on how you can show the matching strength. "

"How do you say that?" Qiao Yongjun frowned and said, "Could it be that there are still problems?"

"The strength led by Joe is understandable, but you also know where your shortcomings are?" Yi Tian smiled.

"Are you talking about your background?" Qiao Yongjun said with a grim expression.

"Exactly, it is well known that the Asura world's background has a great advantage, and this is what Commander Qiao lacks," Yi Tian analyzed: "Now even if Luo Ziyan is willing to match, Luo Qingcheng is willing to marry that You have to stop the mouths of the nobles in the court and the opposition."

Qiao Yongjun sighed after hearing the words: "It's true, the Asura dynasty still values ​​the status of nobility. Even if I have achieved success in cultivation as a commoner, it is always difficult to integrate into those noble circles."

"It just so happens that Luo Ziyan also has the same idea. These nobles are so powerful that they can even influence the operation of the entire dynasty. To put it bluntly, even if Prince Wei holds great power, he is limited to mobilizing the Imperial Forest Army and other directly subordinate institutions. The direction of the dynasty is still powerless," Yi Tian replied.

"Since Daoist Yi promised this matter, and Her Majesty the Empress takes good care of my ministers, she must have thought of a countermeasure," Qiao Yongjun said with a sly look in his eyes with a smile.

"That's natural, and you don't need to hide anything about it at this time, anyway, you will know soon," Yi Tian said.

"Know what?" Qiao Yongjun asked after hearing this
"Naturally, I will rectify your name and give you a new noble status. I guess you will be summoned by Luo Ziyan soon, and then everything will be clear," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Only then did Qiao Yongjun show a knowing smile and said: "It seems that Yi Daoyou must have said a lot of good things for me in front of the empress. But there is one thing that I always have doubts in my heart, but now I can't express it."

"Commander Qiao, please tell me, as long as it is convenient to answer, I must know everything," Yi Tian frowned slightly.But he secretly became wary in his heart. It seems that Qiao Yongjun wanted to test his bottom line, but it's no wonder that he would do the same if he thought about it differently.

He asked solemnly, "From Daoist Yi's tone, you can call the Queen by her real name, and I think you are very close. Forgive me for trying to understand the relationship between you and me, so I can feel at ease."

Sure enough, this problem still cannot be avoided. Since I was able to make such a promise before and promised Qiao Yongjun to match him up, and this time it was revealed that the Empress could try to bestow him with noble status and introduce him into the real core circle of power.To put it bluntly, only people of Yunlin's status can do these things.

And the influence that he showed during this period of time really shocked Qiao Yongjun, otherwise he would have to weigh whether he should accept the big gift in front of him.

After thinking about it, he said with a faint smile: "Commander Qiao's words are different. Our cooperation is based on mutual trust. There are some things that you know too much is not good."

"Yi Daoyou's words surprised me a bit. In the current situation, no one wants to be toyed with by applause. We are nothing but ants in front of those monks in the fusion stage, but ants also have the way of ants to survive. Yi Dao If you can disclose the exact news, maybe our cooperation foundation will become stronger, don’t you think so?” Qiao Yongjun asked back.

Yi Tian reluctantly reached out and took out a palm-sized round wheel, held it in his hand to observe and said: "I can only tell you that I am the person in charge of the astrology wheel and the 'Sura's Destiny Book', so you should know."

(End of this chapter)

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