
Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563
After settling the mansion of the Viscount Hongshan, Yi Tian hurried back to the 'Lanyunju'. Yi Tian used his concealed body skills to quietly destroy his secluded cave.

The Great Immortal Guagua in Neizhong immediately noticed that he was back, and hurried out to meet him.At the same time, he handed over the communication jade talisman received in his hand.After taking over, Yi Tian held it in his hand and carefully checked that it was Hao Ren who sent the message. It turned out that there had been a huge change in the dynasty this time, and this made Hao Ren, who originally wanted to stay out of it, to have an idea.

It stands to reason that a good man still has a hereditary earl title and there is no need to be so anxious, but this time he seems to have transferred some things and wants to make a difference.

And he came here with a summons to discuss with himself how to deal with it.Yi Tian didn't reply directly after reading the information on the jade slip, but fell into deep thought.

It was obvious that the content on the communication jade slip was Hao Ren's own initiative to find his own help, and it seemed that Yun Lin didn't have too much involvement in it.In this case, we have to reconsider whether we should agree to this matter.

After thinking about it, he wrote a reply message on the jade talisman in his hand, activated it, and sent it out. Later, he tidied up the cave and explained his current situation to the Great Immortal Guagua, and then let him sneak out and incarnate into Chu Ann's appearance went to sit in Hongshan Viscount's Mansion for herself.

After finishing the preparations, Yi Tian got up and opened the cave door and flew towards the main hall of 'Lanyunju'.After a while, they came outside the hall, and the people in charge rushed to greet them after receiving the good man's instructions.Walking slowly into the hall, Hao Ren's voice rang in his ears. He seemed to be greeting someone at this moment.

Seeing his arrival, Hao Ren hurriedly stood up and said, "Your Daoist Yi is here, please take a seat."

After looking around, the five people sitting around all stood up and said hello to him. Only one of these people was as strong as Hao Ren.The rest are monks in the middle and late stage of Huashen, but these people are wearing standard armor and they are all monks in the army.

Ke Yitian also came into contact with many monks of the Yulin Army during this period, and found that the styles worn by everyone in front of him were different.With some confusion in his heart, he went up to say hello to Hao Ren and sat down to listen to what they were discussing.

The Jade Talisman letter received earlier simply stated that there was an important matter to discuss, but did not mention anything specific.

After taking himself to sit down, everyone on the scene continued to discuss the topic, and Hao Ren didn't hesitate at all and said directly through the voice transmission: "Friend Daoist Yi hastily invited you out this time because there are important matters to discuss."

Hearing what he said so cautiously, Yi Tian was also excited, knowing that there must be something strange about this matter, he replied calmly: "I don't know if Hao Daoyou has any troubles and I need to take action."

"Fellow Daoist Yi, do you know that shocking news came from the dynasty during your retreat, and it was the order of Her Majesty the Empress herself," Hao Ren said eagerly.

In Yi Tian's mind, it must be the Tweet Order of Recruitment, but he doesn't know why these monks who are not from the Imperial Forest Army gather here.Judging from their active discussions, it seems that they are discussing matters concerning the expedition.Then he pretended to be ignorant and asked: "I didn't expect what kind of decree would move Hao Daoyou. As far as I know, the imperial court is going to hold a selection meeting for the Imperial Forest Army. The matter is imminent. Could it be related to this?"

"No, Her Majesty wants to revive the nobles of the dynasty because of her desire to rule the country," Hao Ren said excitedly.

"Isn't this a good thing, Hao Daoyou, as a hereditary earl, you will naturally get some benefits," Yi Tian joked.

"It is true, but this time the situation is different because it is aimed at introducing commoner monks into the aristocratic circle, so I am discussing with my subordinates how to make contributions in the shortest possible time so that they can have a smooth sailing together," Hao said. Jen explained.

Now Yi Tian had heard that the debut was coming, and it turned out that Hao Ren also discovered the meaning hidden in the Tweet Order for this recruitment.His subordinates are naturally thoughtful people, so they came to discuss with good people, hoping to make military exploits and step into the ranks of nobles.

After listening quietly, all the monks present here are the commanders of the Imperial Huben Army. They are stationed outside all the year round and are good at fighting and killing.And they seem to be talking about how to wipe out the alien forces in Guyan City. Although Yi Tian is not clear about this matter, he already knows it in his heart.

The good man came forward to ask himself to act this time, nothing more than to add reassurance to the battle to pacify Guyan City.Thinking about it, there are no monks in the fusion stage of different races in the entire Asura world, and the rest only need to invite monks in the late stage of the avatar to sit in charge and they will be crushed.

In this case, the meaning of Hao Ren's invitation to come is obvious. After listening to the discussion of these people, Hao Ren coughed lightly and pulled everyone's eyes back. Then he pointed at Yi Tian who was sitting beside him and said: " This is my friend Yi Daoyou, this time I would like to ask him to help me with the encirclement and suppression of the Governor of the Huben Army."

As soon as Hao Ren's words fell, the monks all around showed respectful eyes and introduced their names and positions in the Huben Army.

Later, Yi Tiancai found out that the cultivator at the early stage of distraction was Hao Ren's best friend, Cai Chaoqiong, who is now the partial commander of the Huben Army.This time, after receiving the Tweet order, they hastily brought a group of confidants to discuss with Hao Ren, wanting to make a future for each of them.

The following conversation was introduced to the Goose City, the target of the Huben Army. Hao Ren introduced, "The barbarians are the strongest among the main alien forces in the Goose City. This matter still needs more discussion between Yi Daoyou and Coach Cai."

Hearing this, Yi Tian showed some displeasure on his face. Although he had promised Yun Lin to assist Hao Ren to enter the Fireland for trial, he naturally felt a bit painless when this extra thing happened.

Quietly transmitted voice to Hao Ren: "I promised Yunlin to help you in the trial, but today's matter is not within the scope of the promise."

Hao Ren's expression froze and he smiled helplessly when he heard the words. Speaking of this matter, he didn't care about it, so asking him to make an extra shot is naturally a bit far-fetched.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and reply through voice transmission: "You Daoist Yi is indeed my fault, and I failed to say hello to you. But please help me next time for grandma's sake. Thank you with a generous gift.”

Yi Tian curled his lips and smiled, and then said via voice transmission: "It makes me feel sorry to bother fellow daoist Hao to spend money on this matter. The generous gift will be waived, as long as fellow daoist accepts my favor once, in the future I can vote for Li Baoxiao if I have any favors That's it."

Speaking of which, Hao Ren also knew that he had to agree, so he nodded and said, "I owe a favor to Fellow Daoist Yi for this matter, and I will definitely repay it if necessary in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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