
Chapter 1564 Departure

Chapter 1564 Departure
After discussing with Hao Ren in the main hall of 'Lanyunju', Yi Tian still reluctantly agreed to help him, but he also made it clear in private that it was not an example.

I am doing my best to prepare for the Land of Fire during this period of time. If such side effects always affect the major events in the future, then the loss outweighs the gain.Hao Ren also said hello to this and promised to make no exceptions, but he also explained why he was in such a hurry.

In the final analysis, the reason for all of this was her own idea to Luo Ziyan, and she began to relax the entry threshold for the Asura nobles, so these powerful factions in the Huben Army all saw the opportunity and wanted to make contributions.

Luo Ziyan opened the door for the Imperial Forest Army stationed in the imperial capital, but there are also many people who are well-informed about the Asura army stationed outside.Naturally, they were unwilling to be dragged down and came to the imperial capital to find someone to help them to see if there was a way to get promoted.

This time, Cai Chaoqiong, the commander of the Huben Army, approached Hao Ren. They had a good relationship and were in the same faction, so after discussing, they decided to act first and use the military merit evaluation to win the title of imperial noble.

It's not just that the underling generals trained by the coach are all gearing up after hearing the news, for war repairers, the only thing that can quickly improve their status is military exploits.At this time, the foreign powers that were usually watched were the first to be taken care of. After weighing the strength, Cai Chaoqiong secretly went to Beijing to find Hao Ren to move troops.

And Yi Tian also understood what Hao Ren meant, even though he was the assistant appointed by Yunlin, he had no chance to really show his strength.Hao Ren will try to find an opportunity to test himself out of reason, and now this assist is undoubtedly a test of his strength.

Even if Yunlin found out about this matter afterwards, she would pretend not to know it, so after thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian decided to take a shot to show off her strength so that Hao Ren could understand his strength through the eyeliner of Huben Army.

Presumably after the incident, he would try his best to block the news of himself with the bottom of his heart, and decided not to disturb him again before the trial.

Three days later, Yi Tian was sitting in the lounge of the Huben Army's warship, secretly thinking about how to make a move next, in order to show his worth without revealing too much strength.

Suddenly the cabin door rang a few times, and Cai Chaoqiong's voice came from outside, saying, "Is it convenient for you, Daoist Yi, please come to the main cabin for a while."

Opening his eyes, Yi Tian replied indifferently: "The coach is here to invite you personally, and I will come here next time." After speaking, he slowly got up and walked forward to push open the cabin door, only to see Cai Chaoqiong standing on the cabin aisle Congratulations.

It seems that he also got Hao Ren's secret suggestion that he dare not show any disrespect to himself. Thinking about his future, he still needs his own help. Yi Tian didn't pretend to follow him into the main cabin of the warship to see what he had arranged. What's up.

After the two of Shaoqing entered the battleship hall, they saw many non-commissioned officers of the Huben Army gathered around a huge table, busy analyzing information.In the middle of the table is a huge sand table drill, which depicts the terrain around Guyan City in detail.

After scanning Yi Tian's divine sense, he found that the city is surrounded by mountains and rivers and occupies a geographical advantage. It is also easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, there is a giant protective formation around the city. If you want to break through the front, you can't have more than three times the force. possible thing.

After sitting in the main seat with Cai Chaoqiong, I only listened to his introduction: "Thank you, Daoist Yi, for your help this time. I am very grateful. I think this will definitely catch the alien resistance forces in Guyan City in one fell swoop."

"Coach Cai don't want to thank you first." Yi Tian is not as optimistic as he is. After watching the sand table drill, he expresses his opinion: "This city is blessed with defensive formations. I don't know what tricks Coach Cai has to break through. What about its defense?"

"Siege is nothing more than two methods, internal destruction and external strong attack. It is best to have both, so that many unnecessary casualties will be reduced," Cai Chaoqiong said with a straight face.

This is the orthodox method of using troops, and it seems that he has also made anticipation preparations for this matter.It's just that Yi Tian thinks that his expedition this time is a temporary idea, and there are quite a few soldiers under his command who are good at fighting, but it seems that he doesn't have many people with him this time.At most, the people in this boat brought all the personnel of the partial division, and at least they had to pay a heavy price to capture Guyan City.

Moreover, the soldiers are extremely fast. After discussing with Hao Ren in the imperial capital this time, he took himself halfway to meet up with the brigade and rushed directly to Guyan City. It was also a desperate attempt to catch the opponent by surprise.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian said via voice transmission: "I don't know if the people who are arranged by Coach Cai to enter Guyan City are ready. The most important thing for such a long-distance raid is the word 'quick'. The cooperation of all parties is very important. If If something goes wrong at one point, it’s a failure.”

Cai Chaoqiong's face also trembled when he said this, obviously expressing the worries in his heart.Don't look at Cai Chaoqiong's determined appearance, it's all for his subordinates to see.If he, the coach, shows a state of anxiety, then this raid will be impossible to fight.

But the facts are the facts, Cai Chaoqiong inadvertently showed a hint of surprise, and then his lips lightly opened the sound transmission and replied: "Yi Daoyou is really powerful, you can tell our army's combat strategy in just a few words."

"It's not that I'm good at observing people's words, but it's because of Coach Cai's aggressive strategy that I have to pay attention to it." Seeing that his guess was close to ten, Yi Tian said seriously, "I don't know if you have a backup emergency plan." , if the opponent has already made defense preparations under the long-distance attack, how should we deal with it?"

"I have considered this matter, so I specially asked Zheng Zecheng, the deputy commander of the Black Banner Army, to help. I think his fleet should also be on the way," Cai Chaoqiong replied.

"Such a confluence of the two armies can also be effective, but the timing must be matched with Cai Daoyou, otherwise there will be a change if it is too late to scare the snake," Yi Tian reminded.

Cai Chaoqiong showed an embarrassing smile on his face and just kept comforting him later, which meant that there was no need to be too nervous about this matter.

Three days later, when the fleet approached Guyan City for a distance of three thousand miles, it was considered to have arrived at the meeting point, but there was no reinforcement from the Black Banner Army here. Sitting in the main cabin, Yi Tian also scattered his spiritual thoughts to investigate.

This distance has already exceeded the maximum coverage radius of the spiritual thoughts of ordinary monks in the distraction period. I think Cai Chaoqiong also considered this before making this arrangement.Ke Yi's divine sense is far superior to that of the same level and has reached the category of early-stage monks. In the area covered by the divine sense, he did not notice the slightest approach of warships with the banner of the black flag army.

 Thank you fellow Taoist suns34 for your support

(End of this chapter)

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