
Chapter 1565 Decision

Chapter 1565 Decision
As the Huben army arrived at the meeting point, Ke Yitian found that the situation here was different, and the reinforcements that Cai Chaoqiong had said did not arrive in time at this time.

Spiritual thoughts swept across Guyan City, which was three thousand miles away, and it seemed that there was no preparation there at this time, probably because it hadn't noticed the crisis yet.

The crowd in the main cabin of the warship was surging, and many sergeants were almost ready after passing information back and forth.Judging from their appearance, most of them thought that the battle was planned by the coach as if they were picking something out of a bag, and the credit after the event was nailed to the iron plate, so everyone was ready to repay the credit and reward.

Sitting on the handsome seat, Cai Chaoqiong couldn't see any expression of joy or anger, but the anxious eyes that flashed from time to time were seen by Yi Tiandu.

It stands to reason that the time agreed with the Black Banner Army has passed, but at this time there is no sign of the opposing warship approaching.If only relying on the Huben Army and one army, it will definitely not be able to break through the defensive formation of Guyan City.

Yi Tian thought for a while, then turned around and said to Cai Chaoqiong: "I don't know when the Black Banner Army will arrive. The most taboo thing in the battle of the large army is that the coordination is not smooth. If the situation is not unexpected, what is the plan of the coach? We should prepare for the worst or the morale of the army will be unstable.”

Cai Chaoqiong showed guilt when she heard the words, and replied later via voice transmission: "I don't know what happened to Zheng Zecheng, but fortunately, Guyan City hasn't taken precautions yet, we'd better wait for a while, and hope that the Black Banner Army can In time."

Just as he was talking, a flash of spiritual light suddenly broke through the protective barrier of the warship and flew to the main cabin. Cai Chaoqiong, who was on the main seat, reached out to take it and quickly read the information on it.Then he showed a cloudy and uncertain look on his face, and returned to normal after three breaths.

It's just that at this time Yi Tian could notice that the spiritual pressure fluctuations around Cai Chaoqiong's body fluctuated somewhat, which was obviously caused by emotional fluctuations.And the communication jade talisman in his hand is probably a message from the Black Banner Army, so I'm afraid this matter will change.

Yi Tian turned his head and met the other party's gaze, and he could see the helplessness in Cai Chaoqiong's eyes, and immediately asked through voice transmission: "It seems that the incident has changed, how will Coach Cai respond?"

Cai Chaoqiong's complexion was serious, only the corners of his mouth felt bitter, and he looked around at his subordinates and found that they hadn't noticed his strangeness yet.Then the voice transmission said: "You Daoist Yi, I really didn't think carefully this time. I didn't expect that the secret entry to Beijing was leaked. It seems that Prince Wei and his family have noticed my plan. They followed the command of the commander of the Black Banner Army. The transfer of Zheng Zecheng's troops seems to mean that he can no longer be counted on."

"If such a plan is to be settled, Coach Cai must make a timely decision, otherwise there will be changes if it is too late," Yi Tian replied.

It can be seen that Cai Chaoqiong has a difficult expression on his face, and he is really unwilling to let such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be messed up.But now there is no other way, if they attack forcefully, the worst consequence is to fight to the death with the barbarian forces in Guyan City.

In this way, the casualty rate is likely to be greatly increased, and at the same time, it may not be possible to win in a two-on-three situation. These are the primary concerns in his mind.

Suddenly, Yi Tian asked via sound transmission: "I don't know how the opponent's combat power is matched?"

"The barbarian monks have three monks in the distraction stage, two in the middle stage and one in the early stage. I originally thought that three-on-three would be a sure win, but now people are not as good as heaven," Cai Chaoqiong said angrily.

"How about the mid-level combat power?" Yi Tian asked again.

"Our army has an absolute advantage based on the number of monks in the transformation stage, but if we can't solve the opponent's high-level combat power, all this is useless," Cai Chaoqiong replied,

Immediately, he seemed to realize something, and turned his eyes to a shocked look and said, "Does Fellow Daoist Yi think it can be stronger?"

"Exactly, if we can break into the opponent's city defense formation before it is opened, we will have a [-]% chance of winning. I can help you deal with those two mid-stage monks who are distracted, and leave the remaining one for you to deal with," Yi Tian Said lightly.

"I'm so grateful to fellow Daoist Yi. If this can be done, I will definitely list fellow daoist as the first meritorious service in the military merit book," Cai Chaoqiong said with a happy face.

"That's not necessary. Since I promised to fight, I won't care about military achievements, and I don't need a noble title," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "If the battle is successful, don't mention my name afterwards, or it will damage Lord Yun You can't bear the big plan."

The look of surprise on Cai Chaoqiong's face changed a few times, and then he gritted his teeth and replied, "Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Yi, as long as I can calm Guyan City in the future, I will be obliged to ask you something."

"Okay, order the following to set sail to make pre-war preparations, and then introduce the situation of the barbarian monk to me, and we will attack with all our strength before Guyan City has not noticed the crisis," Yi Tian ordered.

With three orders, the entire cabin began to get busy, and those generals who knew some details in advance showed serious expressions on their faces after hearing Cai Chaoqiong's voice transmission.

Now without the assistance of the Black Banner Army, they can only rely on themselves. On the other hand, the credit this time has become even richer.Everyone privately calculated that as long as they operate properly, those cultivators in the transformation stage will not be able to escape the title of a royal knight in the imperial court. Compared with the previous expected reward, it is much better.

In this way, the monks of the stage of transformation on the ship actively prepared for the battle as if they had been pumped, and then assigned tasks according to the original plan.

The warship of the Huben army flashed across the sky and galloped towards the direction of Guyan City. The flags on the ship were all lit up when they flew less than [-] miles away. After lining up on the deck, they showed off their weapons one after another.

Gu Yan City in front of him also discovered the invading enemy for the first time, and immediately the alarm bells in the city rang loudly, breaking the calm atmosphere immediately.

Many barbarian monks came out of the cave and rushed towards the foundations of the defensive formations.Obviously, they were the first to receive the notice to open the town's defensive array to defend against the enemy.

However, the crackling sound of magic spells could be heard continuously from the positions where the array base defenses were located, and then four black smoke rose rapidly, marking the positions of the four array defense base arrays.

Then I saw spiritual lights flashing in the four bases one by one, obviously they were activated one by one.As long as the four formation bases are fully activated, the city defense formation of Guyan City will be set up. When the warships of the Huben Army arrive, they will have to spend a lot of effort to break through the defense formation first.

But when the spiritual light on the last formation base flickered rapidly, a light film rose and surrounded it with the other three.The warship of the Huben Army arrived in time at this time, before the monks on board flew out, suddenly a cyan aura flashed out of nowhere and entered into the defensive formation.

With a sound of "coax", the last base point of the formation was directly broken by the green light, and the defensive formation of Guyan City was broken immediately. Under the defense of the three-way formation, Guyan City became a dead end with no way to advance or retreat. .

(End of this chapter)

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