
Chapter 1569 Backhand

Chapter 1569 Backhand
It was three days later when the brigade of the Huben Army completely took over Guyan City, and Yi Tian sat in Guyan City for three days in response to Cai Chaoqiong's plea.

During this period, Henry Zhang played a decisive role. He was originally a monk who was attached to the barbarians here. Naturally, he knew the facilities in the city and the places where the barbarians stored their property.

With the assistance of Henry Zhang, three teams of people from the Huben army were assigned to inspect these facilities. In addition to the isolation of the original barbarian monks, they also took out the warehouses of various materials that the Yu family brothers had kept here.These are unexpected incomes for the Huben army, even for monks in the distraction stage like Xiang Yitian, things that are despised are a lot of income for monks in the Nascent Soul Stage and even the Transformation Stage.

This time, Yi Tian's main harvest is the belongings in the storage ring on the brothers of the Yu family, and these are the highlights in comparison.

Afterwards, Cai Chaoqiong also spent a lot of money to send Yi Tian a huge amount of Lingshi.He can't figure out what he likes, but he can't go wrong with sending spirit stones, not to mention that the number has reached 5000 million, which directly emptied more than half of Guyan City's storage for thousands of years.

Yi Tian just smiled lightly at this, and these spirit stones seem to be huge in number, compared to the benefits that Cai Chaoqiong will get, they are nothing compared to the big ones.What's more, in this encirclement and suppression war, I alone solved two mid-stage monks who were distracted, and recruited an early-stage monk who was distracted. This alone already accounted for two-thirds of the credit.

And now these credits have been transferred to Cai Chaoqiong intact, so he is like an empty-handed white wolf who has taken the benefits for nothing. Naturally, it is not too much to make up for it afterwards. Anyway, everyone takes what they need and cooperates. There is a tacit understanding with each other.

Before leaving, Yi Tian and Cai Chaoqiong repeatedly asked about Henry Zhang, hoping to turn a blind eye and close his eyes. Cai Chaoqiong was also very cooperative in removing all information about Henry Zhang from the military exploits book. In this way, this person has never appeared in Guyan City. .

After taking Henry Zhang all the way back to the Imperial Capital of Asura, Yi Tian returned directly to the 'Lanyunju' to deal with Hao Ren, while Henry Zhang took his recommendation jade slips to the residence of Mi Baiji, the imperial historian, and became the new Worship the elders.

After listening to his report, Hao Ren's face was full of excitement. His strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds after this event is completed.These newly promoted nobles of the dynasty can't see any clues at the moment, but in the future they will faintly form a circle with him as the core.

Yi Tian always thought that Hao Ren was a person who was obsessed with power and tactics. It was no wonder that he was hundreds of years older than himself, but his cultivation level was two steps behind his own.

After explaining to Hao Ren, he also solemnly declared that in the future, he would not bother himself with other things except Yunlin's order and the final trial of the fire source.

In this regard, Hao Ren repeatedly promised that he would not make it difficult for him to do it again. Of course, Yi Tian was very pleased with this, and then he said goodbye and went directly back to his retreat cave, pretending to be ready to retreat and practice.

But when he summoned the Great Immortal Quack, he found that he had fallen into a deep sleep.This time, after swallowing two distracted mid-stage Nascent Souls, he was not overwhelmed by the huge spiritual power.The current appearance seems to be relying on instinct to refine spiritual power.

Yi Tian put Guagua in the deepest part of the cave, then sat cross-legged opposite him and stretched out his hands to form seals, and then displayed the magical power of 'Tianmotong'.After Zimang flashed in his eyes, Yi Tian stared at Guagua and looked into it. Looking directly inside through his surface, he found the spiritual power flowing in his body.

After three breaths, he found that his spiritual power was continuously absorbing spiritual power from the two golden light clusters in his stomach, and then wandered in his limbs and bones.Needless to say, this should be continuously refining the spiritual power of the two Nascent Souls.

However, at this speed, the amount drawn each time is not much, and it will take at least several years to maintain this state to completely digest these two groups of spiritual power.Normally, I don't think it matters, but the situation is different now.

I need to sneak out and continue pretending to be the Viscount of Hongshan, and I have to send someone to stay behind at 'Lanyunju' so that I can deal with any emergencies as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, he smiled slightly and said, "You are lucky, kid. Follow me to enjoy food and drink hot food. You can practice without any worries along the way." Gently tap Zhunguagua's forehead.

The talisman flew to Guagua's forehead and submerged quietly. Through the magic pupil, one could see that the talisman flowed into the stomach along with the flow of spiritual power, and then dispersed them directly on top of the two light clusters.After Quack's body shook violently for a few times, the undigested spiritual power in his body accelerated to disintegrate, and such a huge spiritual power was quickly absorbed, dissolved and refined with the help of the seal.

After the whole process was accelerated, it lasted for three days and three nights. Only then did the croaking absorb the two huge groups of spiritual power in his body. When he opened his sleepy eyes, he saw Yi Tianzheng sitting cross-legged in front of him and meditating not far away.Afterwards, blue-red rays of light flashed all over his hands and feet, and he turned into a human form again. After taking off his clothes and putting them on, he sat cross-legged in his original position.

Naturally, this kind of behavior cannot be concealed from Yi Tian's eyes and ears. After waking up from the samadhi later, Yi Tian looked at it and said: "In this way, you can be considered to have advanced to the eighth level, but I don't want to advance this time." I will help you again and you must face the catastrophe alone."

Immortal Guagua nodded solemnly and replied: "Thank you, Master, for your kindness, for bringing me from the lower world to the spirit world, and spending thousands of years nurturing me so that I can refine and transform into a human form."

Unexpectedly, with the improvement of cultivation level, the great immortal Guagua would become more and more spiritually enlightened.After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a gratified expression on his face and said: "Actually, you have collected a lot of strong luck for me during this period of time, and condensed my own luck. What I have to face this time The matter is also very important, and the advanced fit is by no means a trivial matter, so I have to be fully prepared before I can make the final attempt."

"Understood Master, is there anything else you want to order recently?" asked the Great Immortal Quack.

"As usual, you should pretend to be me and practice again. Remember that if Hao Ren has any requests, except for the trial of the land of fire, just refuse." Yi Tian ordered: "As for me, what I am most worried about is Yunlin came here in person, your thousand-face technique plus my blindfold can't hide it from her."

"Then how should I deal with it?" Daxian Quack said.

"It doesn't matter, you just need to notify me in time, and I will stay behind to help you," Yi Tian took out a humanoid puppet to control it and walked forward to sit down in front of the Great Immortal Guagua.He reached out and took out a talisman and a talisman pen, wrote the rune on it, and then gently pasted the talisman on the puppet's forehead and said, "Change."

The figure puppet turned into his own appearance and sat cross-legged on the ground, directly raising his cultivation base from the stage of transformation to that of the middle stage of distraction, and the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body was completely imitated.

 Thanks to fellow Taoist Cheng Yu 6688 for his support

(End of this chapter)

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