
Chapter 1570

Chapter 1570
Arranging everything in the 'Lanyunju' and letting the Immortal Guagua sit in charge, Yi Tiancai was determined.He used the concealment technique again and sneaked out of the retreat cave and returned to the mansion of the Viscount Hongshan.

This time it took only dozens of days to go out, but the mansion also received many invitation letters.Yi Tian sat in the study of the mansion and checked the letters he received one by one, most of them were banquets for the nobles of the dynasty.

For these things, I have no intention of going to them at all. To put it bluntly, it is a waste of time.After reading it, he took a look at the circular letter sent by the imperial court and the jade slip message sent by Mi Baiji.During the period of his retreat, the selection meeting of the Imperial Forest Army was held as scheduled, and Qiao Yongjun, who presided over the meeting, managed it well.

The circular also mentioned that Princess Fenglin, who was sent by the royal family to monitor, was also very careful. After carefully checking the background of the selected monks, they were directly inserted into various departments of the existing imperial forest army in the name of the queen.

These were all things that Luo Ziyan had originally envisioned, but it was only through Luo Qingcheng's mouth that she gave orders.Therefore, Qiao Yongjun, who is the deputy commander of the Imperial Forest Army, can only remain silent about this. After all, he has no power to arrange personnel when his power is there.

In addition to this, Luo Qingcheng personally went out to discuss with Duan Xiaolou the establishment of the Imperial Capital Police Station in the mansion of Prince Xun's son last time.This time, it is obvious that they want to split the power of the Imperial Forest Army. In the court circular, it is clearly stated that the power of the Imperial Forest Army will be reduced. In the future, it will be responsible for inspecting the guarding powers of the gates guarding the imperial city and the four gates of the imperial capital under its rule.

As for the security inspection and other powers in various areas of the imperial capital, they were all delegated to the security station and entrusted to Duan Xiaolou, the first security officer.Counting it, the King Xun faction has become the biggest beneficiary this time, and the original aristocratic forces can all get a share of the pie in the newly built security office.

This issue had already been raised during the Great Court Assembly, and nearly three-quarters of the courtiers agreed. Therefore, even if Prince Wei wanted to obstruct it, he would not dare to confront the Manchu aristocratic group. The result was also very obvious. Broken teeth and swallowed.

As for the influence of Yunlin's family in the Imperial Forest Army, it also had a slight influence, but the power of the nobles headed by Hao Ren on the other end was greatly expanded. In general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

As for the final loser, Prince Wei himself, whose power was greatly restricted, could only keep the two gates of the imperial city defense of the Imperial Forest Army and the southeast gate of the imperial capital.The strange thing is that Prince Wei didn't seem to have any objection to this, and it was rare for him to say nothing at the Great Court Conference.

After reading the collected information and court circular, Yi Tian fell into deep thought, Prince Wei's appearance seemed a bit unexpected.I didn't expect that once he was in power, he would be able to dominate the situation, and he could hold his breath when encountering a trough. This city is beyond Luo Ziyan's comparison.

Luo Ziyan's strength, even with Yunlin's assistance, would be difficult to deal with such an opponent.I believe that Prince Wei's family will make a move soon, but I don't know how Luo Ziyan will respond.

After reading these circulars, Yi Tian casually put them away, and then secretly thought about his next actions.But I haven't got the 'Asura's Destiny Spectrum' yet, so I haven't been able to determine the next move yet.

Just as he was thinking about it, the voice of the housekeeper of Hongshan Viscount, who was forbidden to come out of the room, said, "Master, come out quickly to receive the order, the imperial court has a new appointment."

"New appointment," Yi Tian muttered, with a puzzled look on his face, he didn't expect that Luo Ziyan would send him a mission.

Just as he was thinking about the urging voice from the housekeeper at the door, he said again: "The one who came to deliver the decree this time is Princess Fenglin, don't keep her waiting."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned and secretly said bad luck, this Luo Qingcheng knew a little bit about the details.Most of the time he was sent to pass the decree because he wanted to kill his prestige, and he really couldn't do anything under the title of righteousness.What's more, in public, she is sure that she still wants to use the status of Viscount Hongshan, so she must be targeted.

After thinking about it, he sighed and stood up slowly, stretched out his hand to open the forbidden barrier and walked out.Never before had such a large battle been seen in the mansion of the Viscount Hongshan, and a group of housekeepers and servants seemed to shrink back.

Looking across, I saw Luo Qingcheng sitting on the front seat in the main hall, with a group of Imperial Forest soldiers behind him.Beside her was Shui Cangyue, but at this moment he was sitting with his eyes closed and rested as if he had nothing to do with him.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stepped forward and said: "Welcome to the angel, I don't know what to do here."

Asking this knowingly, the housekeeper next to him reminded him in a low voice: "Master Qi reports that as usual, he has to kneel down to greet the imperial ambassadors before he can accept the order."

With a cold snort in his mouth, Yi Tian knew that these Jindan cultivators were scared out of their wits now, and the old housekeeper was still more loyal, so he made a point.

But Luo Ziyan and Shui Cangyue who sat on the seat would not know what status they were sitting on, they did this clearly because they wanted to make fun of themselves.This ritual of kneeling and worshiping cannot be done no matter what, but it is not an option to continue in such a stalemate.

Luo Qingcheng, who was seated above, had a smug look in his eyes and said, "Viscount Hongshan, my palace is also a nobleman of the imperial dynasty, and the title is more than three ranks higher than yours. Even those grand dukes will bow their heads when they see me Salute, even those whose cultivation base is higher than mine cannot be exempted, is it possible that Lord Viscount is going to abandon the etiquette of the court?"

What he said made sense, but Yi Tian couldn't refute it for a while.After thinking about it for a while, he stretched out his hand to take out the jade slip and put it on his hand gently, he said: "This is the imperial court's tedious etiquette that I received the Queen's secret order, even if I see the prince, I don't kneel down. How about next?"

"There is such a thing, I don't believe it," Luo Qingcheng's face changed and he stood up and shouted anxiously, then he realized that he had lost his composure and adjusted his tone a little: "Present the jade slip in your hand and wait for me to examine it." know the truth."

He stretched out his hand to turn the spiritual power seal sealed on the jade slip to Luo Qingcheng and Shui Cangyue to let them see the truth, and Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Princess Fenglin can't be trusted, this is the Queen's secret decree, does the princess know the consequences? , I think your water guardian friend should understand the meaning of this better than you."

After speaking, she stretched out her hand to gently lift the jade slip and was about to send it forward. Suddenly, Shui Cangyue opened her eyes, looked at it, and then said in a deep voice: "Since the Viscount Hongshan has obtained the Queen's Secret Edict, it is the Queen who can see officials and not kneel." Naturally, we dare not have any doubts about the powers given to us.”

After Shui Cangyue finished speaking, her lips parted slightly, as if she had a private chat with Luo Qingcheng through sound transmission, and the latter showed an embarrassed expression after hearing this.Resisting the anger in his heart, he said softly, "Viscount Hongshan, you are doing well. The princess has written this down. Let's stand and receive the order."

 Thank you for your great support

(End of this chapter)

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