
Chapter 1571

Chapter 1571
There was such a commotion in the Red Mountain Viscount's Mansion, although he took out a forged Queen's Secret Edict, the sealed seal was also rubbed down by himself according to the mark on Luo Ziyan's body.Seeing this, Princess Fenglin continued to explode and wanted to verify the authenticity, but Shui Cangyue seemed to have sensed something and immediately stopped Luo Qingcheng's nonsense.

The two of them were ordered to come here to proclaim the decree, and Shui Cangyue also investigated the relationship between Yi Tian and the Queen in private, and was surprised to find that there was no possibility of Yi Tian and Her Majesty the Queen afterward.But the more it is like this, the more uneasy Shui Cangyue is, the more problematic the situation that seems to be no problem on the surface looks deeper.

It wasn't until Yi Tian took out a copy of the Queen's Secret Edict that Shui Cangyue's divine sense swept over the seal on it and couldn't sit still anymore.This imprint is not the official empress seal style, and if it is placed on others, they may have doubts.But Shui Cangyue knows a lot of secrets about the royal family, and has also seen the style of the empress' private seal.

Under normal circumstances, the queen would only use her private seal as a seal for those very close people, and there were quite a few people in the entire dynasty who knew about it.The Fenglin Monarch in front of her was also one of them, but she didn't have such a sealed Jade Slip in her hand.

In this way, it is clear at a glance who is close or distant. Don't look at Lord Fenglin as the royal family and the queen's cousin, but there are too many mysteries in Yi Tian in front of him.

Lord Fenglin wanted to lose face to Viscount Hongshan in order to repay Liang Zi who was ridiculed in Prince Xun's mansion last time, that's why she didn't think about it after seeing the secret decree.But Shui Cangyue, as a bystander, naturally knew it in her heart, not to mention that they were entrusted to come here this time and there was no reason to be angry about it.

Although the whole process of passing the decree followed the rules, Luo Qingcheng's face was always cold.This time the trick was resolved by Yi Tian, ​​so naturally he couldn't give a good face, after passing the decree, he just snorted coldly: "I hope you will do things for the dynasty with your heart, and don't let down the painstaking cultivation of the emperor. "

Yi Tian smiled lightly and didn't pay attention to her at all. He just turned his head and saluted Shui Cangyue Jishou: "Thank you very much," then reached out and took the decree and the jade book in his hand to examine it carefully. Down.After taking three breaths, he thought to himself, "Finally it's here." The jade book in his hand is the 'Sura's Destiny Book'. I didn't expect Luo Ziyan to give it to herself in such a way.

Although he didn't know what was the meaning of it, but Yi Tian knew that he could try to use it with the 'Asura Destiny Book' and the existing astrology wheel.After communicating with Luo Yilan's spiritual thoughts through the astrology wheel back then, I have not continued to try. Maybe there will be new discoveries this time.

The general servants in the whole Hongshan Viscount's mansion were relieved after sending away Princess Fenglin and others who came to deliver the decree.Unexpectedly, the master who seemed to have no imposing manner could be so tough in front of the princess, and even took out the Queen's Secret Edict to frighten the scene, and everyone's eyes showed admiration.

On the other hand, Yi Tian ordered the housekeeper Haosheng to take care of the mansion, and he wanted to retreat for a period of time, and if there were no important matters, he would reject all the entertainment.

After returning to the inner hall, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and sacrificed the restriction to isolate it all. He walked to the center and sat on the ground, and then took out the astrology wheel and Shura's destiny spectrum and put them in front of him for inspection.

The palm-sized astrology wheel has been used by itself, and it must be driven by the Asura dharma body.As for the other 'Sura Destiny Spectrum', it is said that it has been stored in the hands of the contemporary empress.But it seems that Luo Ziyan has kept it for so many years without realizing the secrets inside. After opening the jade book, Yi Tian's divine sense invaded and checked it, only to find that it is an ordinary list jade slip.

To say that the most special thing is that there are densely packed names of people recorded on it, ranging from the Qi refining period to the Mahayana period according to the level of cultivation.There are at least hundreds of thousands of names in front of them, but more than half of them look bleak.Needless to say, these monks with gray names should have all fallen.

Seeing that there are already so many in the Qi Refining Stage alone, Yi Tian continued to extend his divine sense and scanned the names of the Foundation Establishment Stage and found that it was only about one-tenth of the previous ones.

In the Jindan stage, it was reduced to about 3000 people, and in the Nascent Soul stage, it was about 500 people.In the stage of transforming gods, the number of people dropped by three-fifths to about [-] people, but only about half of them had halos on their names.The distraction period is even more pitiful. There are less than a hundred names in total, and only about forty of them are lit.

Yi Tian clearly saw that Luo Que's name was fixed in the middle stage of distraction on this list, and sighed in his mouth, he didn't expect that his fortune was still closely related to this person.Although I followed his footsteps to get this opportunity, but also because he suffered disasters, it's a pity that it's inconvenient for me to make further comments at this time.

When I turned to the fusion period, I found that there were nearly ten names engraved, and only the last three were lit.As for the final list of Mahayana monks, only the names of Luo Qin and Luo Yilan remain. Although the two names are not bleak, they are basically very close in comparison.

A thought flashed through Yi Tian's mind and he thought about it secretly. It is estimated that both Luo Qin and Luo Yilan were seriously injured, and at this moment they are hiding somewhere in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

Luo Qin seems to be in another plane, and Luo Yilan should stay in this world. If there are no Mahayana monks sitting in charge, it is easy for other Mahayana monks to invade across the plane.

After stretching out his hands to make seals on his chest, Yi Tian displayed the Asura Transformation Body, then slowly raised his six hands and pointed at the astrology wheel in front of him.Six streams of spiritual light were injected into it at the same time, and after activating the astrology wheel, a shining star light was shot out to form three circles around it.

A trace of Luo Yilan's soul slowly appeared on the astrology wheel, and after flying out, it turned into a palm-sized spirit body floating on the astrology wheel.After looking around for the next four weeks, and finally focusing on the jade book spread out on the ground, Sanxi said with a hint of joy on his face, "I didn't expect you to get the 'Asura's Destiny Book' so soon, it seems that you are the chosen one." Sure enough, there is great luck."

"The 'Asura Destiny Book' that you asked me to look for back then has already been brought to you, but I read it only recorded the names of the surviving monks of the Asura clan," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and said.

"That's enough. Through the astrology wheel, you can get a glimpse of the realms and certain future scenarios that the famous people on the Jade Book may reach in the future," Luo Yilan said.

(End of this chapter)

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