
Chapter 1572 Negotiations

Chapter 1572 Negotiations
Speaking of understanding the astrological wheel and the 'Sura's Destiny', I am naturally inferior to Luo Yilan, but after seeing and hearing during this period of time, Yi Tian also has some opinions on this queen of Asura's predecessor.

At least from Luo Ziyan's mouth, I know that the real ancestor queen should be Luo Ziyan's mother. As for the Mahayana monk Luo Yilan, she is indeed the ancestor of dozens of generations ago as she said before.And this ancestor disappeared in this world after arranging the political situation in the Asura Dynasty ten thousand years ago.

In the past ten thousand years, only the three monks at the peak of the dynasty's power can be fortunate enough to contact him.Yi Tian always took a relatively wait-and-see attitude towards this matter, not knowing what use Luo Yilan's split soul would be if he had to collect the two spiritual weapons in front of him.

Later, Luo Yilan opened her mouth and said: "You just need to control the astrology wheel to pass over the names of my fingers, and I want to check whether the fortunes of these people will affect the fortunes of the Asura Dynasty. "

It turned out that she couldn't directly activate the astrology wheel, and Yi Tian's face remained calm when he heard the words, and the six hands paired up and touched it, and after triggering it, they sacrificed their spiritual power and flew towards the astrology wheel.Luo Yilan pointed at the 'Sura Destiny Spectrum' and said: "Starting with Luo Yonghao, Luo Weilun and Yunlin followed it in turn."

Then the palm-sized round wheel spun rapidly in the air, and its body continued to grow larger and turned into a size of ten feet before shooting a white aura from the center of the astrology wheel.Under Yi Tian's guidance, it directly shines on the top name of Shura's Destiny Spectrum.

At the same time, Luo Yonghao's name on the Shura's Destiny Book flashed a flash of light, and then a virtual shape appeared on the astrology wheel.Then the phantom gradually turned into a human form, but a bloody red light shone on its body, but the light was soft and not too glaring.

"Next, Luo Weilun," Luo Yilan said again with a cold voice.

Finally, Yi Tian skimmed the horoscope wheel to move slightly to the next name, and his figure appeared on the horoscope wheel later.He opened his eyes and looked carefully, only to find that the halo on Luo Yonghao's body was much more solid than the halo just now, but its light was shining and domineering, obviously his luck was much stronger than that of King Xun.

Then it moved to Yun Lin, which was much softer than the previous two, but the solidity of the phantom was much stronger.

Luo Yilan stared and sized up for a while before saying: "Let's change to the following monks in the distraction stage, starting with Luo Yao." Then a series of names popped up, most of which Yi Tian was familiar with, and they were all familiar to him during this period of time. The monks I met included Qiao Yongjun, Duan Xiaolou, Shui Cangyue, and Luo Ziyan among them.

There are two of them named Lou Zhenqiang and Dong Fei, both of whom are late-stage distraction cultivators.Speaking of which, Yi Tian's understanding of the situation of the Asura monks is naturally inferior to that of Luo Yilan, and the person who can make her pay attention must have something extraordinary.

Secretly keeping the names of these two people in his heart, Yi Tian reckoned that maybe he would meet them in the subsequent trials in the Land of Fire.

Luo Yilan stopped after Shaoqing inspected the distracted monks and said, "It's okay, these high-level monks are enough to dominate the Asura Dynasty for about 5000 years. You did a good job."

"Senior praised me, I wonder if there is anything else I can do for you?" Yi Tian asked casually.

"Tongtian Road, do you want to go to the tenth floor and fetch for me a drop of heart and blood left by Luo Qin, the secret treasure of the Asura clan?" Luo Yilan asked.

Yi Tian couldn't see any joy or anger on his face when he heard the words, but he just looked at it and said: "As I am now, if I want to enter the tenth floor, it will definitely cause the emperor to shake up and down, and the stone tablet outside the 'Tongtian Road' It will record the whereabouts of my breakthroughs, and I don’t want to be wanted by the dynasty.”

"It's not easy, originally this place was reserved for the disciples of the younger generation to test their cultivation, so naturally there is a back door," Luo Yilan said disdainfully.

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian looked at it with surprise on his face and said, "Since this is the case, it should be fine for me to sneak in through the back door passage."

"Don't be too happy too soon." Luo Yilan frowned and said, "It's true that there is a back door passage, but you still need to go through the tenth floor by yourself. I can point you to the upper ten floors." It’s just a way. If you can’t pass the level, you won’t be able to get back the things stored at the top of the tenth floor.”

"Of course I know about this, but it's up to people. I don't know if my record will appear on the stone tablet outside the 'Tongtian Road' after I go up?" Yi Tian asked.

"You can rest assured that as long as you go through the back door, it will not be recorded on the stone tablet." Luo Yilan looked indifferent, and then said: "But when you pass through the ten levels of 'Tongtian Road', the Shura war drum deep in the palace will automatically Ring it, and the sound will resound throughout the Asura world."

"Isn't this troublesome?" Yi Tian said with embarrassment: "In this way, the three monks in the fusion stage are not fools, and they will definitely take action to find out the reason. As long as I am still in the world of Asura, I will definitely not be able to escape. The three monks at the fusion stage pursued it."

"You don't need to worry about this," Luo Yilan said contemptuously: "The Asura war drum is a sacred object of our Asura clan, but unfortunately it has never been sounded for ten thousand years. I don't know that there will be such a setting on 'Tongtian Road'."

"After all, this is not a free lunch. I took such a big risk to get a drop of blood left by Holy Emperor Luo Qin for you, and you have to pay at least an equal price," Yi Tian said.

"After the matter is finished, you will give me that drop of blood left by Saint Emperor Luoqin, and I will tell you how to collect Shura's war drum," Luo Yilan coaxed.

Hearing such a transaction, Yi Tian's face drooped immediately and said: "The Shura war drum is the treasure of the Asura clan, even if you tell me how to collect it, I still need to get it myself. And this One can imagine how difficult it is to go deep into the palace to get the treasure, but you get a real benefit but give me a piece of cake, this kind of deal is too bad for me."

"Then what benefits do you want?" Luo Yilan asked back.

"The method of collecting Shura's war drums is only part of it. Seniors must have some private collections when they sat in the Asura world for thousands of years. Can you reveal a few things? It is my recovery of the 'Sura's Destiny' and the heart of the Holy Emperor." What about the reward?" Yi Tian tried to ask.Anyway, it is now certain that Luo Yilan wants something from himself, and Yi Tian has also thought about how to deal with it. Now that he has retrieved the 'Sura's Destiny Spectrum' and the follow-up matters, he has to take a big risk to think about it, at least he can't treat him badly. own.

Luo Yilan's complexion sank when she heard the words, and after thinking for a while, she said, "I have another courtyard at the bottom of Mingjing Lake. It's just for you as a reward. I hope you don't let me down."

(End of this chapter)

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