
Chapter 1574 Learned

Chapter 1574 Learned
It's been a while since I came to Emperor Asura, and Yi Tian has almost figured out many ways in the city.Nowadays, if one wants to break through the formation rune formation written in the "golden seal script" of the fairy world, one must prepare at least a heaven-level mid-level formation-breaking awl and formation plate.

The raw materials for refining such spiritual weapons and the rune ink for writing inscriptions must be of the same matching level.Checking the storage bag, I still have a lot of sky-level magic spar brought from the abyss of the demon world that I can use.

But the rune ink can only be formulated with the blood of the corresponding ninth-level monster.Nowadays, there are not a few people who can have stock in the hands of the imperial capital. Luo Ziyan, Duan Xiaolou, and Hao Renzhi are the masters who will not lack such materials in terms of status and worth.

But Yi Tian really didn't want to disturb them. After all, such precious materials are not common, and it will be troublesome to ask for the huge favor he owes for no reason.

After thinking about it, I should search the territory of the imperial capital first, so that I can no longer use the identity of Viscount Hongshan, and at the same time, I can't show my real body in front of others.Thinking about it, Yi Tianbian used the Thousand Faces Technique to pretend to be a casual cultivator of a foreign race in the early stage of distraction, and searched in the major commercial areas of the imperial capital.

The largest business house in the city is naturally the Asura Palace, which is backed by the Asura Dynasty. This is a special business house with the royal family as its background.The goods sold inside are basically the most top-notch treasures in this world, spiritual weapons or elixirs.

But there is an unwritten rule in this place that priority is given to receiving Asura noble monks, so even if those foreign casual cultivators fancy something inside, they can only buy it without competition from the Asura tribe.

Yi Tian turned around at the gate of the Shura Palace and found that most of the monks who came in and out within a quarter of an hour were mainly Asuras.If I go in with such an alien dress, I will become a target of public criticism. If I ask to buy the blood of a ninth-level monster at that time, I will definitely be targeted by those who want to.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head, turned around and walked away, walking towards the area where the alien races gathered on the street.Half a moment later, after entering the bustling alien area, I looked up and saw a huge signboard with the inscription 'Qingfeng Sub-station' and a string of small characters embroidered with the company name of Qingfeng City in the spiritual world.

Needless to say, this should be the residence of the Taiqing Pavilion in the Asura Realm. I escaped from the Langhuan Cave without any objection and was taken away by the Ancestor Houtian, a monk at the integration stage. At that time, I was living in another world. Thinking about it, it has been three years 400 years.During this period, his cultivation base also jumped from the late stage of transformation to the late stage of distraction, a whole big step.

I don't know what happened to those close friends who stayed in the sect after I disappeared, and I couldn't help but feel in a daze when I thought of this.After a while, Yi Tian settled down and walked straight towards the Qingfeng sub-station.

After entering the inside, I found that there were quite a few people picking in the lobby, but those with a cultivation level like myself were naturally spotted by those clever guys early on.After coming up to say hello, he was taken directly to the elegant room upstairs and received by the shopkeeper here in person.

After sitting in the room for a short time, a monk from the spirit world knocked on the door and came in. Yi Tian looked at him as a late-stage monk.But judging by his appearance of being a storekeeper, it seems that the monks sitting here are at most similar to himself.After thinking about it, Yi Tian paused and said, "I don't know what to call the shopkeeper?"

"My junior's surname is Du, and I'm the second shopkeeper of the Qingfeng sub-station here. I don't know what you want to buy when you come here?" Shopkeeper Du asked.

"I want to buy some precious materials, some of which are unique to the spirit world. You can take a look at this list first. If you have any questions, just explain it directly." After speaking, Yi Tian reached out and took out the jade slip and handed it over.

After taking the jade slips, the shopkeeper spread them out in his hands and looked them up quickly. Half a moment later, his face showed a slightly cloudy expression and said: "The treasures and materials needed by the seniors are various and in large quantities. Among them are Please forgive me for not being able to provide it.”

"What kind of precious materials do you have here?" Yi Tian had expected this situation early, so he didn't need to be too persistent.

"Ninth-level monster spirit blood, heaven-level precious material Zhu Yanlei, and spiritual star diamonds are not available in this shop." After the shopkeeper Du finished speaking, he looked at Yi Tian who was in front of him and asked again: "And the Qingfeng Chiyang Ginseng is a specialty of the Taiqing Pavilion, and it is highly sought-after in Qingfeng City, the spiritual world, so it is impossible to supply it to the capital of Asura Emperor."

"Oh, it seems that shopkeeper Du should be Taiqing Pavilion, who is very familiar with the three major sects of the spiritual world. I wonder if he is a member of the Taoist sect of the Shangqing?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"It seems that the senior knows a lot about the spiritual world, and the junior is the person in charge of the Daoist Sect of the Qing Dynasty," Du shopkeeper replied.

"In the early years, I made good friends with the monks of Taiqing Pavilion, so I knew that there is such a medicinal material as red sun ginseng. It can not only increase the rate of pill production, but also improve the first-level quality of the medicine. It's a pity that I haven't seen it until now. "Yi Tian sighed for a while.

"That's true. I heard that Xishan Lingzhi Garden, which produces red sun ginseng in Taiqing Pavilion, has doubled its production every hundred years, and its quality has also improved. But even so, the price of Qingfeng red sun ginseng is still rising. Senior I'm really sorry," Shopkeeper Du replied.

Hearing the mention of Taiqing Pavilion Xishan Lingzhi Garden, Yi Tian couldn't help being distracted for a while, and then coughed lightly to cover up the embarrassment on his face: "If that's the case, forget it, among these missing treasures Only the blood of the ninth-level monster is what I need urgently, is there any way to block the shopkeeper?"

After thinking for a while, the shopkeeper Du tentatively asked: "I wonder if senior is an alchemist or a craftsman?"

"Refiner, why does this have anything to do with it?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"Senior doesn't know something, but if you want the blood of a monster, you must have a monster first," Shopkeeper Du said with a smile, "I heard that the Moonlight Remnant Leopard sitting down by Luo Yao, the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, is a level nine monster."

"Moonlight Remnant Leopard," Yi Tian said with a look of surprise, "Could it be possible that a ninth-level monster can be tamed to become a mount for a cultivator?"

"That's a ninth-level monster tamed by Luo Yao's ancestors. It is said that it has been completely controlled and kept in the clan as a guardian spirit beast for thousands of years," Shopkeeper Du said in a low voice.

"Then Yidu shopkeeper means let me go to Luo Yao's mansion to ask for some spirit beast blood," Yi Tian said lightly, to be honest, he and Luo Yao couldn't urinate in the same pot at all.If you rush to come to the door again, you will definitely be ridiculed by him many times. Last time when you were on an escort mission, he stopped you at the gate of the imperial capital to compete for a drink.Although he faintly won the round, if he asked Luo Yao, he would not be able to let go of this air.

I just heard the introduction from Shopkeeper Du: "Commander Luo Yao seems to have encountered some trouble recently, which is related to the ninth-level monster Moon Night Leopard. Right now, he is asking people to find a way. If senior still has confidence in his craft If so, you can go to his house to try your luck, and if you can solve the troubles of Grand Commander Luo Yao, then it is no problem to get some monster blood."

(End of this chapter)

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