
Chapter 1575

Chapter 1575
Most of the materials that Yitian requested to purchase in the shop of the "Qingfeng Substation" in the imperial capital are in stock.But the crucial ninth-level monster blood was impossible to buy.

Speaking of which, I also wanted to try my luck, so it was impossible for a small branch of the Taiqing Pavilion to sell such monster blood that was almost at the stage of fusion.

Even if you want to buy such a heavenly mid-level treasure in the main store of Taiqing Pavilion in Qingfeng New City in the spiritual world, you have to weigh whether it is enough.

Fortunately, the shopkeeper Du of the store revealed a piece of news to himself at that time, and to be honest, it was not very useful for Yi Tian.After all, he had to bite the bullet and beg Luo Yao, a bastard, so Yi Tian couldn't be happy.

After paying off the spirit stones in the Qingfeng sub-station and putting away the purchased treasures, Yi Tian sighed and said, "I don't know how the current situation of Commander Luo Yao's residence is, there must be a lot of monks who come to visit him as him. If I go rashly like this, I may not be valued by others, and I am afraid that if I really have the ability to solve the problem, it may not be my turn."

Shopkeeper Du laughed and said, "Since senior is interested, then the shopkeeper is willing to issue a letter of recommendation as a guarantor."

"Oh, since shopkeeper Du has spoken, it seems that your name is also related to the residence of the Grand Commander Luo Yao, but I don't know what price I have to pay?" Yi Tian looked at the corner of his mouth and said.Since it is the best place to go in the name of Qingfeng Company, there will not be too many problems in terms of identity.

It's just that Yi Tian is also an old man, such a seemingly simple thing, but in it, he uses the reputation of a firm as an endorsement, and of course he has to spend a lot of money to do it.

"It's easy to say, senior holding this letter of recommendation can be regarded as representing my Qingfeng firm. This shop is the Taiqing Pavilion, the head of the three major sects in the spiritual world. This letter should be worth a million spirit stones." Shopkeeper Du said with an unhurried attitude.

Unexpectedly, he would be blackmailed by a disciple of the branch of the Taoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty, and Yi Tian secretly remembered his appearance.Then he reached out and took out a spare storage bag, filled it with enough spirit stones, and handed it over. Before the shopkeeper could wait to take it, Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "If your recommendation is useless, I won't see Mr. Luo Yao." What about the commander or the person in charge of his house."

Shopkeeper Du said with a determined face: "It's okay to rely on my gold-lettered signboard. If the senior can't see the commander-in-chief Luo Yao or the person in charge, then take the recommendation letter back, and I will refund the original price."

"It's reasonable to say so," Yi Tian said with a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Shopkeeper Du said with a serious expression on his face: "If the senior took the recommendation letter and saw Commander Luo Yao and was unable to help because of his lack of strength, then this matter can no longer be blamed on the humble firm."

Yi Tian just nodded to indicate that he understood, and the latter got up after confirming that the storage bag was correct, and said: "Please wait a moment, senior, and take me to pick up the letter of recommendation."

An hour later, Yi Tian swaggered and walked quickly on the main road of the imperial capital, and after getting a recommendation from Qingfeng Shop, he inquired about Luo Yao's residence.After going out, there is no rush to find the direction guided by the map all the way.

Not long after, I saw a duke's mansion at the far end of the street. There was a plaque above the main entrance with the words 'Commander's Mansion' written on it.

Don't laugh and say that this must be Luo Yao's mansion, and there are many shops and restaurants with similar banners on both sides of the surrounding streets.Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept across his heart and said that he was secretly amazed, but he didn't expect Luo Yao to have a lot of properties under his name.What's more interesting is that he seems to have occupied half of the whole street. At least half of the businesses here have the same family emblem as his house.

After a short walk, I came to the outside of the Commander's Mansion, and saw a long queue here, many monks lined up in an orderly manner, all holding greeting cards in their hands.

There was a group of people at the door, all dressed in the costumes of the Commander's Mansion, and their cultivation bases were around the Nascent Soul Stage. The leader was a monk in the middle stage of Transformation God, sitting there in the clothes of a housekeeper, and was responsible for checking the visits of the visitors.

Fortunately, my cultivation was only temporarily suppressed in the early stage of distraction, the housekeeper hurriedly stood up and walked forward to Jishou with a slight movement of his mind: "What can you teach me when the unknown senior comes to my Commander's Mansion?"

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take out the letter of recommendation from Qingfeng Company and handed it over gently. After taking the hand, the butler looked at it quickly and said, "So please, senior, follow me to the side hall to serve tea."

Later, under the leadership of the housekeeper, Yi Tian swaggered into the commanding mansion in front of a group of low-level monks.After walking along the stone path of the main entrance for half a quarter, he turned a corner and came to the side hall. After entering, Yi Tian was arranged to wait in the upper seat for a while, while the servant girl from the house served him with fragrant tea.

After making arrangements, the butler turned around and left in a hurry, but before leaving, he ordered: "Please wait a moment, senior, and someone in charge will come to receive you later."

After waiting in the side hall for more than half a moment, Yi Tian finished drinking a cup of tea before he heard the sound of footsteps. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that the person who came was an early-stage monk who was distracted.Looking up, he saw that his face was seven to eight points like Luo Yao, and he stood up slowly and said: "I will come here to relieve the commander's worries at the recommendation of the next loose cultivator Qingfeng firm."

"This seat, Luo Xiangru, is the younger brother of the Grand Commander. I don't know how to call him?" The other party returned the courtesy.

"My surname is Yi Nai, who is a loose weapon refiner," Yi Tian just gave his surname, and at the same time revealed his identity.

Hearing this, Luo Xiangru's face flashed with desolation, and then he walked up and sat down on the opposite side before he said: "It's actually my ancestor who has a leg problem and invited a famous alchemist in the imperial capital to consult him, but he couldn't cure it. until the illness is cured."

"It turns out that I have a leg problem. In this case, I am sorry to guess that it must be a secret disease caused by fighting with someone many years ago," Yi Tian asked.

"Master Yi really has some skills, and he hits the nail on the head," Luo Xiangru said with a smile on his face, and then showed some worry: "The imperial doctor in the palace also said that the ancestor's leg suffered from a secret disease back then, and now he is sick." The power of non-gallstones can be rescued."

"As far as I know, it's not a big deal for a ninth-level monster to regenerate its severed limb, unless it hurts an inseparable part," Yi Tian said.

Surprise flashed across Luo Xiangru's face as soon as this remark came out, and after looking at Yi Tian, ​​he said: "The tour guide's judgment is good, in fact, he should have made up his mind to cut out the injured part back then, but unfortunately it didn't happen like this Determined."

"Could it be extended from the affected area to the meridians of the whole body, so that it can't be healed by ordinary methods," Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"That's true. Master Yi's words seem to be quite insightful in this way. Why don't we talk about it after the old ancestor in front of me sees the situation," Luo Xiangru suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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