
Chapter 1576 Consultation 1

Chapter 1576 Consultation One
After listening to Luo Xiangru's suggestion, Yi Tian did not refuse and immediately agreed. After all, he could not make an accurate judgment just by listening to his description.And I have already had several guesses about this in my heart, I just hope it is not too troublesome.

After the two got up, they walked along the stone path towards the backyard of the Commander's Mansion under the leadership of Luo Xiangru.Along the way, the servants hid aside when they saw it, and outside the other courtyard in the depths of the journey, they saw a group of soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army who had turned into gods with their hands outside.

After seeing Luo Xiangru, they all stepped forward to Jishou to salute, then turned around and greeted Yi Tian behind them, and then returned to their original guarding positions.

After entering the other courtyard, Yi Tian could smell a strong medicinal smell in the air, and there was only one simple thatched hut in the garden.The two walked slowly to the door, only to hear Luo Xiangru bow his hands respectfully and say: "My nephew Luo Xiangru Xie Master Yi asked to see the ancestor."

After ten breaths, the door of the hut opened automatically, and a weak voice came from it: "It's Xiangru, come in."

Luo Xiangru hurriedly turned around and said, "Master Yi, please follow me in. If you can see any clues later, please speak up."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian just motioned and followed Luo Xiangru into the hut.After stepping into the door and looking around, I saw an old man in his sixties lying on the bed. The skin on his body was slightly black, and there was indeed a strong stench emanating from his feet.

Frowning, Yi Tian naturally knew that the pathogen should be on the right foot in class, so even if the moonlit leopard turned into a human, it could only lie on the bed and could not move around.

Luo Xiangru stepped forward and said, "Old Ancestor, this is the new Master Yi. After listening to my description, he was able to guess about your condition, so I brought him here to treat you. of."

"That's right, I'm so thankful, please forgive the inconvenience of the old man, don't take offense at the lack of etiquette," the old man said.

"The junior naturally dare not have any complaints," Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "Can I let the junior see the senior's initial wound?"

The old man nodded slightly and then turned his head away, Luo Xiangru understood and hurried up and raised his right foot gently.Immediately, Yi Tian could see the appearance of the wound clearly, there was a lot of black blood flowing in it, and it also emitted a foul smell.

Yi Tian was taken aback when he saw it, it seemed that he had to cure this moonlit leopard, otherwise the spirit blood of such a monster could not be used to make rune spirit ink at all.

After looking at it for a while, Yi Tiancai nodded and then motioned to Luo Xiangru, who gently put down the old man's legs and slowly retreated.

It took a long time for Luo Xiangru to ask: "Master Unknown Yi, did you see any clues?"

Yi Tian looked solemn and said: "The situation is not good. The wound is not caused by poisoning, but it has been treated as poisoning for so many years, so the pathological changes have occurred and the meridians have been damaged."

As soon as this remark came out, the old man's body did tremble slightly, before Luo Xiangru could reply, he turned around and said: "Old Luo Ruijia is being polite."

Being able to get his response, Yi Tian already knew it in his mind, and his judgment was probably right.This black blood looks terrible and it is mixed with the smell of several kinds of alchemy, but the deepest root is the evil power of the devil that he is familiar with.

Unexpectedly, the alchemists in the Asura world would diagnose and treat with poisoning, so that they would treat the symptoms but not the root cause and forcibly suppress the evil force of the magic source, and wandering around the whole body for a long time would actually harm Luo Ruijia.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tiancai said: "From the wounds of the seniors, it must be at least four to five hundred years."

"That's right, Master Yi has good eyesight, but I don't know if you can tell who I'm fighting with?" Luo Ruijia asked.

"A monk from the demon world, judging from the type of evil force remaining in the blood, he is either a monk from the sky demon clan or a member of the abyss demon clan," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"Okay, Master Yi's eyes are as bright as a torch," Luo Ruijia seemed a little moved when he heard this, and then motioned Luo Xiangru to step forward to help him up and sit on the bed.

Eat less Luo Ruijia asked again: "Then I wonder if Master Yi has any wonderful prescriptions to heal the old?"

Yi Tian looked at it and didn't reply directly, but lowered his head and thought.

Luo Xiangru, who was on the side, couldn't help but chase after him and asked: "Since Master Yi can tell the source of my ancestor's pathogen in one word, then I would like to ask you to rejuvenate and help me. Afterwards, my commanding mansion will surely report to you as long as you can There’s nothing else that can be done.”

Stretching out his hand to stop Luo Xiangru's words, Luo Ruijia said again: "Could it be that Master Yi has some concerns, so he has reservations."

Yi Tian shook his head lightly, but replied decisively: "I was thinking that senior has taken a lot of pills for four or five hundred years to suppress the encroachment of the evil force of the evil source, and now I will make a gesture rashly, which will definitely cause senior discomfort."

"It doesn't matter as long as Master Yi manages to get rid of the evil force of the evil source, I can still bear a little backlash with my body," Luo Ruijia replied.

"Okay, I can try it, but first I have to take a bottle of blood from the wound of the senior so that I can test the strength of the evil spirit in it before I can prescribe the right medicine," Yi Tian said in awe, and then took a white jade bottle Handed over gently.

"That's natural," Luo Ruijia immediately reached out to take it, nodded and handed the jade bottle to Luo Xiangru, "Xiangru, collect blood for me."

Luo Xiangru respectfully took the jade bottle, then lightly cut a small cut near Luo Ruijia's foot wound, took out the black blood and put it into the bottle, after three breaths, closed the lid and handed it to Yi Tiandao: "I don't know what else Master Yi needs. Is it?"

"One piece for the house, a hundred catties of Lingyun gum and Prunella vulgaris," Yi Tian replied.

Luo Xiangru frowned slightly and said, "These two kinds of precious materials are used by the alchemists to dissolve the effects of the pills. Is Master Yi planning to remove the original power of the pills from my ancestor?"

Smiling, Yi Tian replied: "That's exactly the case. It should have been a simple matter, but now it has become complicated. If you can't overcorrect it, then you will make mistakes and you will never be able to return to the right path."

"According to Master Yi's arrangement, since he can tell the root of my problem in one word, he must have unique insights, which is much better than those quack doctors," Luo Ruijia shouted.

"This time, I will prepare a medicine for seniors to try. To be honest, it is impossible to eradicate these 500-year-old diseases at once, and every time I need a jade bottle of poisonous blood to test the dosage of the medicine. At this time, please seniors Forgive me," Yi Tian said again.

Thinking about it, I can't force Luo Ruijia to give blood, but I can use this method to accumulate more.Later, I will try to purify the blood polluted by the evil spirit in the jade bottle first, so I should be able to gather the amount I want in about three times.

 Thanks for the strong support of fellow Taoist suns34

(End of this chapter)

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