
Chapter 1577 Consultation 2

Chapter 1577 Question Two

Staying in the deepest courtyard of the Grand Commander's Mansion, Yi Tian set up a restrictive barrier in the room and found an empty place to sit on the floor later.

From the storage ring, he took out the jade bottle, a large amount of Lingyun gum and Prunella vulgaris, and then took out the zundan furnace and put these precious material factors into it.With a wisp of flame from the tip of his left finger, he lightly pointed at the furnace mouth, and then began to quickly refine the precious materials in the furnace.

This time, seeing the leopard on a moonlit night, Yi Tian was convinced that most of the scars on his body were left after he fought against the demon ancestor Abyss boss.Originally, the brimstone and raging flames of the abyssal demons were extremely strange and had the characteristic of devouring spiritual power.

Scrupulous Luo Ruijia didn't pay much attention after the fight back then, and as time passed, when the brimstone and fiery energy began to erode from the meridians, he realized something was wrong.

He must have taken a lot of elixir over the years, but the effect is not good, at most it can only suppress the encroachment of the brimstone and fire.But in this way, Luo Ruijia would have to fight against this fire poison every day.

No matter how strong their medical skills are, those Asura royal doctors have never left this interface, let alone went to the Demon Realm to see the real abyss demon brimstone and fire.It would be foolish to ask them to take care of them with such a closed door.

But Yi Tian didn't plan to do it all at once, if that's the case, if he didn't have enough blood of the ninth-level monsters on hand, it would ruin his own affairs.

After thinking about it, he gently stretched out his hand to lift the lid of the jade bottle, and then muttered something about the secret art of Buddhism.A ray of golden Buddha's light shined and condensed in the air, Yi Tian reached out and slowly took out the blood of the monster from the jade bottle and gathered it at the mouth of the bottle to form a five-inch diameter blood bead.

The golden Buddha's light seemed to be aware of it and directly gathered into a bunch to shine on the blood mass and then made a "sizzling" sound, and the remaining energy of the black sulfur fire inside was slowly precipitated under the purification of the Buddha's light.

After going on like this for half a day, the blackness on the blood bead ball was completely removed, and it returned to its original pure color.

After doing this, Yi Tian showed a satisfied smile on his face, and then gently put the essence of the blood beads back into the jade bottle with his fingers.These are the most direct raw materials for making rune ink in the future, but they are still two-thirds short.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian turned his gaze to the alchemy furnace on the other side, and saw that at this time, Neizhong had already refined the two precious materials.After bringing it to the furnace, an empty jade bottle was taken out and placed on the ground, and the spirit liquid was taken out and blessed with Buddha's light.

In the early morning of the next day, the door of Yi Tian's house was pushed open from the inside, and the people waiting outside rushed to meet him, and someone even flew to report to the second master Luo Xiangru.

The housekeeper who led the way before happened to be outside as the person in charge at this time, and when he saw Yi Tian coming out, he stepped forward and led him straight to the courtyard where the ancestor was meditating.

Not long after I walked to the gate of the other courtyard, I saw Luo Xiangru was already waiting there. As soon as I met him, he eagerly stepped forward and asked, "Has Master Yi prepared the secret medicine?"

"Fortunately, we can start the first time to remove the poison," Yi Tian nodded and replied.

Then Luo Xiangru opened the forbidden barrier and the two walked into the other courtyard one after the other. Yi Tian's spiritual thoughts moved slightly and found that Luo Ruijia who was in the house seemed to have woken up when the two came in.

Walking into the thatched hut, he waved his hands and said without waiting for the two to say a word to pay homage to Luo Ruijia: "Those red tapes can be avoided, has Master Yi prepared the elixir?"

Taking a step forward, Yi Tian took out a jade bottle and put it on the table, saying: "This junior has prepared the first-time pill, and half of it can be taken orally and the other half can be applied to the wound. But there is one thing that needs to be explained in advance." Next, I hope you two will learn from me."

Luo Ruijia frowned slightly and said, "Could there be any side effects?"

"It's impossible," Yi Tian said confidently, "It's just that senior's body has been devoured by this evil force for 500 years, so don't use too much medicine at one time. And the process of clearing is painful, please Seniors have to hold back."

"It's okay to remove the poison and heal the wound. Of course, it will cost some money. At this moment, I know in my heart that Master Yi can start," Luo Ruijia said in a deep voice.

In this way, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and lifted the lid of the jade bottle, and then used the technique of controlling objects to take out the coefficient of the prepared spiritual fluid in the bottle and divide it into two halves in the air.Then he signaled: "Senior, please take half of it by yourself, and the other half can be directly applied externally."

Luo Ruijia nodded, stretched out his hand and swallowed the half ball of purified spirit liquid directly into his stomach.After ten breaths, the veins on his hands were swollen, his eyes were red and his face was twitching continuously.

Seeing this, Luo Xiangru looked shocked and was about to go forward, but was suddenly stopped by Yi Tian and said: "Fellow Daoist Luo, don't be impatient, we will find out soon."

After speaking, Luo Ruijia coughed violently, and after a few times, he spit out a mass of thick black phlegm, which fell on the ground in front of him and directly melted the granite slab into a hole the size of a fist.

On the other hand, Luo Ruijia's complexion turned slightly rosy at this time, and the blackness on his face was much lighter than before, which should be due to the effect of the purification liquid.

"Master Yi is indeed a real person. The pain is really indescribable, but the effect is also very good. Let Xiangru do it for the external application," Luo Ruijia said.Although he was a little weak when he spoke, his spirit had improved a lot compared to before, and his facial expression was much more relaxed.

Luo Xiangru stepped forward and gently took the other half of the purified liquid into his hand, and then slowly tapped it into the wound on Luo Ruijia's foot.

The sound of 'Zi Zi Zi' sounded, and a burst of black smoke rose from the less than three-inch wound.There were also beads of sweat oozing from Luo Ruijia's forehead, it was obvious that the pain from external application was stronger than that from internal administration.

After the black smoke dissipated, Luo Xiangru said with joy on his face: "The black air on the wound of the ancestor has faded, and the color is much lighter than before."

Luo Ruijia glanced over and asked, "This medicine is very effective, but how many times will it take to get rid of it?"

"Originally, I expected five courses of treatment, but now it seems that if senior can hold back the pain for three times, it will be enough, and the remaining residual poison can be eliminated slowly with his own cultivation," Yi Tian replied in this way.

Luo Ruijia waved his hands and said, "Just three times, a little pain is naturally bearable."

"It is necessary to take blood before dispensing the medicine, so that the younger generation can control the proportion of the purification liquid," Yi Tian explained.

"That's natural. Master Yi's prudence is in line with the purpose of the healer. Don't neglect Xiangru's hospitality later," Luo Ruijia instructed.

After hearing this, the latter hurriedly got up and bowed his head and said: "The old ancestor told me to do my best, please rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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