
Chapter 1578 Consultation 3

Chapter 1578 Question Three

The first stage of treatment for Luo Ruijia was successfully completed. Afterwards, I saw that although his vitality was a little low, he was in good spirits, and he felt much more relaxed than before.

Under Yi Tian's insistence, Luo Ruijia still agreed to treat him in stages, and took a three-day rest after this time.Then take blood again for analysis, so that Yi Tian can prepare purified spiritual liquid as appropriate.

After leaving the other courtyard, Luo Xiangru was very polite and walked on the road, giving up half of his body to show respect.Those servants have never seen their master treat guests like this, and it is not difficult for the astute people to guess the reason why they stood aside and saluted very respectfully when they saw Yi Tianhou.

Half a moment later, Luo Xiangru followed Luo Xiangru to the main hall. After shielding the servants around him, Luo Xiangru reached out and opened the sound-proof barrier, turned around and smiled, "It's fortunate that Master Yi saw through the injury of my ancestor at a glance, so he was able to prepare a spiritual liquid to remove it. The poison of the demonic power, thank you very much."

"I don't dare to take it seriously, I also happened to encounter the same situation when I visited other interfaces, and I happened to see others heal this injury in the same way," Yi Tian said modestly.

"That's because I was lucky in the Commander's Mansion, and I was able to meet Master Yi just in time," Luo Xiangru replied politely: "I wonder if the old ancestor's injury will be healed after three treatments?"

"Three times of detoxification can roughly clear more than 500% of the fire poison, and the rest can be forced out later by senior Luo." Yi Tian explained: "It's just that the injury has been dragged on for four to five hundred years, even if it is completely eliminated. Finally, it is necessary to refine the power of the pill stones that remain in the body. Senior Luo must at least retreat for more than 300 years to restore his cultivation base to the original."

Luo Xiangru heard the words for a while, and then asked tentatively: "How much can my ancestor's cultivation base recover after the unknown is cured?"

"About [-]% of the spiritual power can be retained, and one's own cultivation will drop to a lower level," Yi Tian thought for a while.

"Dropped a realm," Luo Xiangru said with distress, "I don't know if Master Yi has a remedy. It's hard to keep my ancestor's cultivation base as it is, or at least reduce the drop."

Seeing his eagerness to ask, Yi Tian thought to himself, it seems that Luo Ruijia is still the Dinghaishenzhen of the Commander's Mansion, if his strength is not good, it will inevitably affect Luo Yao and the others.Now seeing that his injury has the hope of recovering, Luo Xiangru has to make an inch and wants to ask himself what magic method can maintain Luo Ruijia's strength.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tiancai said: "When I was traveling back then, I heard that there was a Taoist formula called 'Six-turn Peiling Golden Pill', which can be used on spiritual practitioners or Asura monks to prevent them from being injured. After that, I lost too much vitality and fell to the realm, but I don't know if it will be as useful for the venerable demon cultivator."

"Master Yi has the elixir formula in his hand, please don't refuse if you are willing to pay a lot of money to buy it," Luo Xiangru pleaded with a serious face.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian reached out and took out the jade slips that he had prepared a long time ago, and gently handed them over, "Fellow Daoist Luo, you can check the pill formula first, but I guess there must be some things that need to be revised."

Luo Xiangru took the jade slip pill and put it on his forehead to check it quickly with his spiritual sense. After three breaths, the expression on his face became very exciting.He smiled awkwardly before opening his mouth and said: "The several kinds of medicinal materials recorded in this prescription are really rare, and it may not be possible to gather them all in the world of Asura."

"That's true, this pill formula originally came from the spirit world, so many of the treasures on it are unique to the spirit world," Yi Tian said secretly in his heart.This elixir formula originally came from Lihuo Palace, and it was used by monks in the integration stage to stabilize their cultivation.It's just that the original name was 'Six Turns Red Flame Golden Pill', but after I took it out, I not only changed the name, but also replaced the main medicine unique to Lihuo Palace with a treasure from the spirit world with slightly inferior medicine properties, and also replaced it by the way. The remaining several flavors are attached with medicine.

Thinking about giving the elixir for spiritual cultivation to the ninth-level monsters is naturally a little uncomfortable, presumably Luo Xiangru will not copy all the coefficients, after he gets the elixir, he will definitely call a tripartite consultation with high-level alchemists, and in the end he will definitely The composition of the elixir in it should be slightly modified to suit the physique of the demon cultivator.

Sure enough, Luo Xiangru's face seemed calm after hearing this, but there was still a little anxiety flashing in his eyes.But he didn't dare to push too hard, since he had given an opportunity for this matter, he would definitely find someone to test the prescription afterwards.

In addition, he didn't say a word about refining the elixir, so he couldn't force himself to take action even if he thought about it.

After three breaths, Luo Xiangru sighed and said: "Since this is the case, I will accept this pill. I don't know what Master Yi needs, so please feel free to tell me. Although my Commander's Mansion is not as good as the Imperial Palace or the Prince's Mansion, it still has some background."

The meaning of this seems to be that Daoming is willing to be slaughtered, Yi Tian smiled and said politely: "After three days, I will ask Fellow Daoist Luo to prepare all the necessary treasures in advance. It will be inconvenient for the next casual cultivator to walk in the imperial capital , it would be great if you can have an official status."

Luo Xiangru's eyes flashed with joy when he heard the words, he knew the rules in the capital of Asura, many places can only be entered based on status.It is estimated that the master Yi in front of him is also very powerful in the circle of Asura nobles, and now it is just a trivial matter for the commanding mansion to be given an identity.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out a token and handed it over gently: "This is the jade token of my status as a guest of the Commander's Mansion. Master Yi can use this to enter and exit any other facilities in the imperial capital except the Imperial Palace and the Prince's Mansion."

"It's really disrespectful to do so," Yi Tian smiled and stretched out his hand to take the jade card, glanced over and found that the jade card had three big characters 'Commander's Mansion' written on the front, and the word 'Six' on the back, guessing Luoyao Mansion There are also a lot of offerings from Keqing raised in the sky.With this identity jade badge, I have another identity in the imperial capital, and I can choose from many choices in my actions afterwards.

After chatting with Luo Xiangru, the two agreed on the time of the next consultation, and Yi Tian got up and left.During this period of time, I don't need to go out anymore, so I just go back to my yard to retreat and wait.

Before leaving, Luo Xiangru asked if there was anything else he needed, but Yi Tian couldn't speak even though he still lacked a piece of heaven-level black jade ink glue.

This way, the other party must be aware of what he is doing, and after thinking about it, he should go to the major shops in the imperial capital to find out.Although this thing is considered a rare item, not many people may use it, as long as you can afford it, you can still buy it.

Back in his other courtyard, Yi Tian directly opened the sound-proof barrier and stayed in the house to practice in seclusion.The three days passed in a flash, during which only the steward of the commanding mansion came to deliver all the necessary treasures and other medicines.Yi Tian didn't say much. After receiving the whole thing, he put it in the alchemy furnace and began to refine and purify the spiritual liquid to prepare for Luo Ruijia's poison removal next time.

On the third day, Yi Tian was still sitting cross-legged in the forbidden barrier to cultivate, when suddenly the sound of a messenger talisman flew in across the barrier in the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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