
Chapter 158 Test

Chapter 158 Test
In the depths of Xuanyang Cave, behind the exit of the passageway of Bajiaomen is a six-foot-sized stone hall, where people came out of the eight doors behind one after another.

The first one to arrive was Cai Wenqiang. He entered through the door of the 'Earthwater Master' and arrived at the hall after more than an hour.After that, Enemy Nine, Mo Mingjun, Lu Qihao and others also arrived one after another.

It took Nangongjie two hours to come out of the passage, and once he came out, he looked around to see if Yi Tian was in the right place, but to his disappointment, he didn't see anyone.

About the third hour later, a person with a burning smell appeared in front of the Lizi gate.At this time, Yi Tian is in good spirits except for his embarrassed appearance.The spiritual power of the whole body has been raised to the peak of the middle stage of foundation establishment. The thrilling half-mile sprint an hour ago did consume the spiritual power in the dantian, but now the appearance has returned to the best state before up.

After passing the customs, Yi Tian saw a stone platform at the door. On the stone platform was a jade box with a fire lotus seed, and a line of words "Golden lotus in the fire, born from the fire" was written on the stone platform. Obviously this is after passing the customs. award.After Yi Tian read it, he directly received the fire lotus seeds into the ring of flame inscriptions, and then searched directly in the panacea of ​​elixir, only to find out that as long as the lotus seeds are planted properly, they can form fire golden lotus.

It is also recorded in the Xuanyang True Fire Spirit Jue that after the disciples of the Xuanyangmen reach the golden core stage, they can use the leaf petals of the fire golden lotus and the black Yaojin crystal to refine the fire lotus sword. It is an excellent material for round arrays, and it will be a big hit if it is planted another day.

It seems that it is still out of reach now, but Yi Tian is confident that as long as the golden core is formed, he can find a suitable cave in the blessed land of the Chiyang sect to plant this fire golden lotus.

Sitting behind that door, Yi Tian took out the mid-grade spirit stones he had prepared and drew a spirit-gathering array, then meditated and rested in the middle for nearly half an hour, and drank two pots of wine during the period to make up for the deficit.Yi Tian walked out swaggeringly after his dantian felt full of spiritual power again.

In the big room outside the passage, Yi Tian was the last one to arrive, and then the door behind the book disappeared completely, leaving only a bare wall.

Seeing the suspicious expression on Yi Tian's face, Nangong Jie explained through sound transmission: "This is the large formation drive of Xuanyang Cave. It is obvious that all the people in the first pass have come out, and those who have not come out have also been sent out. I I'm really curious how it took you so long to get there."

After looking at Nangong Jie, Yi Tian smiled and said via voice transmission: "I walked slowly, I fell down, and I'm fine now." After speaking, he deliberately changed the topic, and pointed to the passage in front of him. .

I only heard Nangong Jie's voice saying again: "There is a problem with the ten stairs ahead. Brother Cai has been walking up for more than an hour without reaching the end."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he turned his head and took a look. There were only a dozen or so monks left around, and half of the first level was cleared. It seems that the trial here is really difficult, or the Xuanling sect 60 years ago Not a single fruit was picked.

This corridor is four feet wide, and there are only ten steps on it. Yi Tian saw that Cai Wenqiang had already reached the eighth step, but his temples were already sweating profusely, and he was obviously a little unstable. The step is that I can't lift my legs no matter what.

There are still several disciples of the Xuanling Sect who are eager to try it, and they are going to try it themselves.After scanning the surrounding area, six people from Tiejianmen and Chiyang faction were all there, only Meng Xin, Le Tongxuan and Yi Tian were left as casual disciples of the aristocratic family.

I only heard someone yelling "Brother Cai, be careful." Everyone saw Cai Wenqiang staggering up the ninth floor, but he dared not lift his other foot.

Immediately, Cai Wenqiang turned around and said to the brothers behind him, "I can't walk anymore, you keep working hard." Then he took out the jade token on his body and injected it with mana to activate it, and the whole person was surrounded by light and shadow and teleported out.

Now the people below began to chatter, and the two disciples of the Xuanling Sect stepped up directly, but they couldn't do it after only walking three or four steps. Their bodies shook on the steps, and then a burst of white light was forced sent out.

After looking at it, there are even fewer people who dare to try it. Yi Tian looked at Le Tongxuan and Xiao Linhang, who were puzzled and frowning.And Nangong Jie beside him looked even more ugly, constantly calculating gains and losses in his heart.

After being amused for a while, Yi Tian walked up directly under the different eyes of others.After stepping out with one foot, I didn't feel anything, but when I walked up the second step, I realized that my consciousness seemed to be suppressed by a stronger one, which made me dare not step forward again. step forward.After contemplating for a while, Yi Tiancai realized that the second test was to test his consciousness, and it depended on whether he could stand it in the competition of consciousness.

It is recorded in the Xuanyang True Fire Jue that the disciples of Xuanyangmen will practice the 'Mingyang Refining God Jue' during the foundation building period, so it should be used here.Then everyone saw that the monk from the aristocratic family whose whole body was burnt black was relaxed all over, as if he was full of old wine, walking up unsteadily. It's like rooting under the feet, nailing people there.

After reaching the ninth floor, Yi Tian rolled his eyes and slightly curved his mouth. Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, he put his feet together, jumped lightly, and rushed to the highest stone platform with a tiger pounce.

Ignoring the yelling of the people below, Yi Tian got up and said to Nan Gongjie: "I'm sorry I drank too much just now, I won't wait for you, I'll go first." After finishing speaking, he relaxed Stepped away and walked inside.

Now several people below couldn't sit still. Since someone succeeded, it means there is a way to get over it.Someone even asked: "Is there anyone who brings wine? Didn't it mean that drinking wine is better?" Everyone wanted to laugh but dared not laugh. Is the monk from the aristocratic family playing tricks when people with discerning eyes see it? Someone responded, Yi Tian glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, Enemy Jiu really took out a bottle of wine and drank a few sips before going up to break through.

Anyway, Yi Tian didn't care about it, and turned around and walked into the next passage. After walking all the way, he saw a bright light in the passage, and the torches on the wall were all lit up.After walking forward for half a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian saw a three-way road again. The road sign in the middle looked like a tree, the sign on the left was medicine pills, and the sign on the right looked like a sword.

This clearly corresponds to the alchemy and the spiritual plant, but the Lingzhi garden in the middle means the main hall, and the Xuanyang fruit should be at the bottom of the Lingzhi garden.After thinking about it, Yi Tian was still not ready to take risks, and went directly to the insurance point of Lingzhi Garden.

Before he walked over, he heard a female voice behind him saying: "This fellow Taoist, can you take a step to talk."

Turning around, Yi Tian saw the result he didn't want to see the most, and saw Le Tongxuan walking slowly, without a trace of fatigue on her body, and the way she looked at Yi Tian was much more relaxed.Seeing that no one followed behind, Yi Tian was also a little flustered, among so many people, only this Le Tongxuan couldn't see through.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian shook his head and said: "You and I have never met each other, we can just go our own way, why bother with too many entanglements." After speaking, he walked to the main road, and before taking two steps, he closed his ears. I heard a sentence from Transsion, 'Is that from the Holy Church? Yi Tianmeng stopped, turned and stared at Le Tongxuan for a long time before saying, "Who are you?"

"You are performing the second move of King Ming's hand. As far as I know, only the core disciples of the four divisions are eligible to learn it. I guess if you don't use the magic of King Ming Jue, then it must not be the 'Emperor Yutian' division. Reiki The pure cyan color doesn’t look like the metallic exercises of ‘Utilitarian Heaven’, and your accent doesn’t look like someone from southern Xinjiang, so the answer is ready to come out, isn’t it ‘Brahma Curse Heaven’ brat?” Le Tongxuan smiled Said.

This time it was Yi Tian's turn to get nervous, he turned around to see if no one was following him, then looked helplessly at Le Tongxuan, and took out a token from the storage bracelet.The other party smiled even more after seeing it, and took out a token, and waved it in front of Yi Tian.

Seeing the word 'Bliss' engraved on the jade plaque, Yi Tian took a deep breath, and thought, 'Based on this name, the person opposite must be a Golden Core cultivator, but I don't know how she got away with it. I don't know what to do when I reveal my identity at this moment.

After putting away the jade card in his hand, Yi Tianzheng said with a straight expression: "I will win with the candidate Shangguan, the son of 'Di Yutian', and Zhuge Wudi has an agreement. Since you are a member of the Holy Cult, why don't you go to the 'Emperor Yutian' department, I heard the prophecy from the descendants of Tianyun Gate in Zhongzhou that the Holy Cult will flourish after a hundred years, and the four departments will definitely be unified."

Who knows that Le Tongxuan said with a coquettish smile: "How would you know that the 'Di Yutian' department is ambitious, and the unification of the four departments is just talking about it. What's more, the candidate for the Holy Son is only the 'Di Yutian' department Recognized, as early as 900 years ago, it was because of this that the Holy Church was divided into what it is today."

Seeing Yi Tian's puzzled expression, Le Tongxuan went on to say: "According to the records of the sect, the direct succession of the Holy Son of King Ming is definitely not King Ming Jue. The next strategy that has to be done for the sake of the Holy Son has actually become the fuse of the division of the Holy Church."

After listening to it, Yi Tian suddenly realized that this was slightly different from what Shangguan Dingsheng said back then. In this way, it would be a good thing for him to see that the king's way of Ming Dynasty was torn apart. If they were monolithic, Yi Tian would not know how to fish in troubled waters.

Since Le Tongxuan knows so much about Ming Wangdao, she must have some support for the 'Brahma Curse Heaven' department, but I don't know what she means by expressing her heart now.After pondering for a while, Yi Tian said again: "Then you are a contemporary girl of bliss, do you want to unify the holy religion when you come to my 'Brahman Mantra Heaven' department?"

Who knows that Le Tongxuan sneered and said: "Only my master, the previous generation of Paradise Heaven, still holds the idea of ​​unifying the holy religion. It is wishful thinking for me to serve the holy son of 'Di Yutian'. The faded little ghost still pretends to be the Holy Son. I guess they have never even seen the real body of the Holy Son? I will only serve the real King of Ming and the Holy Son."

This is the second time Yi Tian has heard the words of the Holy Son's real body. Although Li Jianfeng said it in the Anmie Cave last time, after hearing it from Le Tongxuan again, Yi Tian couldn't help feeling tense.

Fortunately, he also brought a personal leather mask, if he took it off at this time, he would definitely be able to see Yi Tian's surprised face.After a short pause, Yi Tian also asked straight to the point: "Since that's the case, why haven't you found me and expressed your heart? What's your plan?"

The blissful girl, Le Tongxuan, blinked her eyes and said with a smile on her face: "For the sake of the same origin, I won't embarrass you. I came to this Xuanyang Cave because there is a seal inside that should belong to" As the contemporary girl of Paradise, I am naturally obliged to find it out, originally it was only me, but now with your help, I am more confident."

"Then it seems that if I don't agree, it won't work. In this case, you lead the way ahead. Let's go back quickly. I have to pick Xuanyang fruit."

Now it was Le Tongxuan's turn to be stunned, she didn't expect Yi Tian to agree so decisively.After lightly spitting, Le Tongxuan nodded and said, "Then come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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