
Chapter 159 Seal

Chapter 159 Seal
The road in front of the three-way intersection in Xuanyang cave leads to the elixir garden, but there is no trace of anyone walking on the ground.Instead, the lights on the road on the right suddenly lit up.

With a distance of three feet behind Bliss Heavenly Girl, Yi Tian was always on guard. Although he agreed to help, he still agreed under half-coercion and half-threat.On the contrary, it was Le Tongxuan who explored the way ahead generously, without any intention of taking too much precaution against Yi Tian.

The two of them didn't talk much along the way. After walking for a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian couldn't help asking: "Are you sure that thing is sealed here? Is there any possibility of making a mistake?"

"Don't worry, that thing is the spiritual treasure left by His Royal Highness the Son of Heaven to me in the "Elysium" department. The daughters of the Elysium have been passed down from generation to generation and have their own secret methods to track it."

Seeing that Yi Tian was so reluctant to say anything more, after following Le Tongxuan for nearly a quarter of an hour, the two of them came to the gate of a large hall.In front of the main hall, there is a thirty-foot lava pool, which is more than ten feet high. There are several rows of stone pillars on the lava pool, each of which is about five feet apart. Yi Tian can vaguely see that these stone pillars can pass through the entrance of the main hall opposite.

After looking at it, Le Tongxuan took out a white jade pigeon from her body, and pointed behind the spell seal on her hand.The pigeon came to life in an instant, and then flew up under artificial control.When he flew to a height of two feet above those stone pillars, he was struck by the lightning from the magic circle on the top. He heard a 'bang' and a golden light hit the jade pigeon directly, and then everything in the air there is none left.

The two people were stunned by the sudden electric shock, then looked at each other, and said in unison: "Go below."

But how to walk is also particular. Le Tongxuan stepped forward and tried a few steps first. Unexpectedly, those stone pillars looked the same, but after walking three steps, she stepped on it for the fourth time, and the stone pillar sank completely. down.Fortunately, she is also experienced, a silkworm in her hand instantly shot out and hit the stone wall behind, and the whole person used her hind foot to tap on the stone wall a few times and jumped back to the distance.

Looking back, the stone pillar has returned to its original shape, and there is no trace of sinking at all.

Looking at the stone pillar formation about thirty feet wide, Le Tongxuan also shook her head for a while, is she going to be blocked here?Turning around, he said to Yi Tian: "I think there is something calling me in the opposite hall, as long as you can find a way to help me get that thing back, I will never take care of your 'Brahma Curse Heaven', and I will How about I promise you one thing within my ability?"

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing aside, just smiled and replied: "You swear with your heart demon that I will help you go there. How about it? You must know that your cultivation base is higher than mine, and I have nothing to restrain you after you go out. Now this matter If you like it, I wish, or we just break up, and the road faces the sky, and each side goes," Yi Tian pretended to leave after speaking.

Unexpectedly, Le Tongxuan's face was full of peach blossoms, and she wept tenderly with tears in her eyes: "You men will take advantage of the situation and bully the weak." After speaking, she covered her face and began to cry.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, was dumbfounded, and was about to go up to dissuade him, when he suddenly felt a little dizzy.Realizing that something was wrong, Yi Tian hastily bit the tip of his tongue with his teeth, turned around and readjusted his consciousness, and said in his heart: "This 'Virgin of Paradise' is such a powerful charm, I almost fell for it."

Turning around to see that Le Tongxuan's appearance has not changed much from before, and the crying appearance just now is completely an illusion caused by being affected a little bit.

With a cold snort, Yi Tian turned around and was about to leave.Le Tongxuan didn't feel any embarrassment when she saw that the charm technique had failed, she still looked at Yi Tian with a smile and said, "Okay, let's stop playing, let me swear to the head office with my heart demon."

Afraid of falling into her trap again, Yi Tian had no choice but to ignore her eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "It's just a deal between us, if you don't follow the rules of the game, then I can stop immediately. And I don't want you Influence me again with charm, this is my bottom line."

This time, Le Tongxuan didn't play any tricks, she swore with her right hand: "I, Le Tongxuan, a girl from the Paradise of Paradise, swears by this, as long as Yi Tianxing, 'Vatican Curse Heaven', helps me retrieve the lost sacred object, I will not treat you badly." He has another plan, and promise him one thing within the scope of his ability." After speaking, he hummed a few times, expressing his dissatisfaction.

After listening to the oath, Yi Tian scratched his head and asked weakly: "Is your name really Le Tongxuan? I thought you were pretending to be from the Le family."

"Let me tell you, Sanxiu Lejia was founded by me in order to find an opportunity to sneak into Xuanyang Cave. Now you are satisfied."

Yi Tian smiled after hearing this, there is too much useful information in it, and now I really admire Le Tongxuan, the girl of Paradise, who has been planning for this opportunity for decades, it seems that the one in the opposite hall really has what she wants something.

After nodding his head, Yi Tian didn't say much, and summoned the fat dog from the beast spirit bag, attached a trace of spiritual consciousness to it, and then controlled it to walk up to those stone pillars slowly.After walking a few steps, even if the fat dog stepped on the wrong stone pillar, it would jump onto the stone pillar next to it because of the slow sinking speed.

It took 'Fat Dog' a quarter of an hour to find a safe passage, and the two stood on the edge of the stone wall and carefully wrote down the correct route.After 'Fat Dog' reached the other side, Yi Tian took the lead and walked to the opposite side unimpeded along the route.Not to be outdone, Le Tongxuan followed Yi Tian's route.

After feeding 'Fat Dog' two beast spirit pills, Yi Tian summoned it back into the beast spirit bag.

Yi Tian looked up in front of the main entrance, and there was a stone tablet at the entrance, with the words 'Sealing Hall' engraved on it.Looking around, the hall seems to be built on a small isolated island, surrounded by hot magma below.After squinting at Le Tongxuan, Yi Tian ignored so much and walked in directly from the main entrance of the main hall.

The hall in the main hall is three feet high, and the inside is empty.Yi Tian looked around the layout of the hall, only to see the details of the battle between Xuanyangmen and Ming Wangdao were recorded in written form on the surrounding walls, and there was also a huge mural of Yun Zhongzheng, the suzerain of Xuanyangmen. The scene of fighting against Ming Wang Shengzi.

Le Tongxuan, who was following behind, glanced at the murals and spat: "If it wasn't for Yun Zhongzheng relying on the sect's most important treasure, the 'Haotian Mirror', I understand how the King of Dao would be defeated by him. All the celestial maidens fell on the spot, and the treasure in their hands was taken away by the Xuanyang faction."

Regardless of Le Tongxuan's complaints and complaints, Yi Tian just took out a roll of jade slips, and then recorded all the words on the stone wall, and finally scaled down the painting and spread it on the jade slips.

But Le Tongxuan was so unfavorable, and walked directly towards the depths of the big point.After Yi Tiandu completed the recording, he found that her figure was gone, and when he looked into the depths of the hall, he saw a passageway lit with fire.

Suddenly there were some sounds from the depths, Yi Tian hurriedly got up and walked to the depths of the passage, and arrived in the inner hall after a while.Standing at the door and looking inside, Le Tongxuan was just standing in front of a stone platform, but the whole stone platform was shrouded in a thick layer of golden light.No matter how Le Tongxuan attacked the mask, those spells were bounced back, making her dodge left and right in a panic.

Hearing the sound of the door, Le Tongxuan also knew that Yi Tian had come in, and said without turning her head: "You should think of a way, I feel that the thing in the mask is the holy relic I'm looking for, it's It's like calling me."

After looking at the layout of the inner hall, Yi Tian also felt that this matter was not easy to handle.It is obvious that the entire inner hall was built to seal the relics of the "Bliss Goddess". The four corners of the inner hall are respectively arranged with four stone platforms, on which stand the stone statues of Qilin, Qingluan, Jinlong, and Xuangui, and the heads of the stone statues are All of them looked at the stone platform in the middle as if they were guarding something.

He called out: "Don't worry, let me watch it." Yi Tian didn't care about Le Tongxuan's complaints, and walked around in front of the four stone statues, and even brushed the stone statues and stone platforms with his hands.Looking at the dust on his hands, Yi Tian smiled and said to Le Tongxuan: "I will help you break the seal, but you have to keep the promise, and you must not have any disagreements with me, or you will break up. "

Seeing Yi Tian like this, Le Tongxuan also had a smile on her face, and said with a sweet smile: "We all belong to the four divisions of the Holy Cult, and should support each other. When the Holy Cult flourishes in the future, when I welcome back the real King Holy Son, I will definitely give you some kind words for you."

After snorting, Yi Tian said disdainfully: "I don't need any pillow wind in the Brahma Curse Heaven department."

After hearing that, Le Tongxuan was so angry that she leaked out a sentence: "The people in the 'Vatican Curse Heaven' department are all dumb people who don't understand the customs, and they have never changed."

Ignoring so much, Yi Tian supported the golden dragon stone statue with both hands and began to turn slowly.Pushing hard with both hands, Yi Tian felt that the stone statue weighed at least a thousand catties. Even after his hands were infused with spiritual power, Yi Tian could only turn it slowly.

A crisp dragon chant sounded from the mask in the middle, and after a breath, the shadow of a five-clawed golden dragon floated out of it and ran around above the inner hall. There, quickly help drive the golden dragon into the stone statue."

Until now was the critical moment to break the formation, Le Tongxuan was unambiguous, and the two white lights formed two invisible air walls, compressing the golden dragon's activity space from the left and right directions.After three breaths, the phantom of the five-clawed golden dragon directly drilled into the stone statue, and then the stone statue's eyes lit up, and Yi Tian directly turned the front of the stone statue to face the corner.

It would be easier to deal with the remaining three. The two cooperated with each other and so on, and invited Qingluan, Qilin and Xuangui back to the stone statue.

The mask in the middle gradually lost the blessing of the four spirit stones, and gradually became clearer.After the four beasts returned to their positions, the mask also disappeared, and a hand-held hexagonal palace lantern appeared inside. There was a bead at the end of the string on the top, and a knot behind it. It seemed that something was missing.

Le Tongxuan looked at the hexagonal palace lantern with a smile on her face, then stretched out her right hand, took out a handle and stretched it forward gently, the beads on the top of the palace lantern seemed to have eyes, and were directly placed on the end of the handle end groove.

With a sound of 'pop', the entire octagonal palace lantern was lifted out. Looking at the treasure in her hand, Le Tongxuan pursed her lips and smiled and said, "I finally found the treasure of the holy religion that was lost for thousands of years. The unification of the four divisions of the holy religion is just around the corner." .

Before Yi Tian had time to speak, the stone statues around him were instantly activated, and the four beasts seemed to come alive.Unprepared, Yi Tian was sent out of the gate of the inner hall by a burst of white light from Le Tongxuan.

I only heard Le Tongxuan yelling: "Boy Yi Tianxing, I will remember your kindness. Let's meet again if we are destined."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yi Tian ran away, and now he couldn't take care of anything, the four beast seal formations activated again, and Yi Tian didn't dare to stay any longer.After ten breaths, a cyan flash flew by, and Yi Tian rushed out of the main entrance of the main hall, and flew towards the stone pillars. There was a flash of white light, and then there was no sound.

(End of this chapter)

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