
Chapter 160 Spirit Fruit

Chapter 160 Spirit Fruit
Flying on the passage leading to the orchard, Yi Tian was also heartbroken. "The Heavenly Bliss Girl" Le Tongxuan sent herself away with just a few words. It's hard to be a good person these days, and you don't get much out of helping others. Fortunately, you haven't been implicated much.

It was already a quarter of an hour to rush back to the Sancha intersection. Yi Tian estimated the time, and it took him about two or three hours to help Le Tongxuan get the treasure.

When I came back, I saw movement on the road leading to the orchard. Someone must have passed by. Now Yi Tian took the lead and fell behind.

After smiling helplessly on his face, Yi Tian had no choice but to catch up with him in big strides.

Gale Flash under his feet poured all his spiritual energy into it, and Yi Tian walked for a quarter of an hour before he heard the sound of water flowing not far ahead, thinking that there should be an underground river.

After walking out of the passage, I saw a ten-foot-wide underground river in front of me, but what flowed in the river was not water but magma, which was clearly an underground lava river.There were four people standing by the river, namely Mo Mingjun, Meng Xin, Lu Qihao and Xiao Linhang.

Seeing that Yi Tian, ​​who passed the most dangerous level, was the fifth to arrive, the four of them also had doubts on their faces.Meng Xin is happy, at least he has a helper here.

After Yi Tian walked out of the passage, all the lights on both sides of the passage were extinguished, which also indicated that all the people who passed the second pass had arrived this time, and the others should have been teleported out.

Just now Yi Tian looked at what Meng Xin was discussing with Lu Qihao and Mo Mingjun, while Xiao Linhang looked like he had nothing to do with himself, staring at the lava river for a long time.

There are two ways to cross the river. A single iron cable hangs on the river and connects the two banks.There is also the reef that protrudes three inches from the surface of the lava river. Looking along the reef, a [-]-foot path extends to the opposite bank in a winding way.

Seeing Yi Tian approaching, Meng Xin stepped forward and said hello: "I thought you had passed first."

"Some trifles bothered me, I took care of it, and it's all right now."

Meng Xin said knowingly: "We also just arrived. After you left, that Le Tongxuan followed. It took nearly two hours for each of us to pass."

After listening, Yi Tiancai realized that the ladder of divine sense coercion is definitely a test set up for those who have practiced the Mingyang Art of Refining God.I didn't expect that even Nangong Jie didn't pass the test, and I don't know what happened.

The three people in front of me are from the late stage of foundation establishment, and they should have come up by virtue of their cultivation, and Xiao Linhang must have some unknown means so he can get to the present.

The four looked at the two roads separately and felt apprehensive in their hearts. No one tried it first. Falling into the lava river was no joke.

After the previous experience, Yi Tian didn't hesitate, stood on the shore and summoned the 'fat dog' again to let him lead the way, while he set off after three breaths, one person and one fox galloped on the rocky path .

The four people on the shore were also stunned. Now that there are people on the front line, the people behind can follow the steps.In half a quarter of an hour, all five of them passed the path on the reef.

After arriving at the opposite bank, Yi Tian didn't wait for the people behind, and strode forward directly. After passing through a narrow passage with only one person's width, he came to a ten-foot-wide corridor again, and the lights on the walls on both sides flickered All lit up.

Walking on the road, Yi Tian looked forward at a glance, and could only see the dark passage, and he didn't know where it led. After taking a deep breath, Yi Tian had no choice but to walk forward at a normal speed.

The four people behind also arrived, seeing Yi Tian walking slowly in front, they followed without saying a word.The five walked slowly for half an hour without seeing any sign of an exit.

No one stopped. Stopping here should only be transmitted by the jade card, which means that the trip to Xuanyang Cave ended in failure.Everyone is arrogant and arrogant, and no one is willing to give up.

After the five people left for a meeting, they saw a corner in front of them. Yi Tian pointed at Meng Xin, and the latter nodded with a happy face, and then quickly followed Yi Tian.

After turning the corner, the five people saw a door about fifty feet ahead, which seemed to be the exit of the passage.Before I could wait and be happy, a stone door suddenly fell at the corner behind, blocking the back road.

With a sinking heart, the five people realized that this test was coming, but they didn't know what kind of test it was.The five people were walking in this corridor almost side by side, and before they had walked a distance of ten feet, a pressure comparable to that of a Golden Core cultivator suddenly rushed towards them.

The five people subconsciously stood still, and only after opening the protective cover did they feel a little better.Before he could feel happy, he suddenly heard a voice coming from the stone wall behind him.

Looking back at Yi Tian's heart, there were rows of spikes emerging from the wall, and then the whole wall slowly moved forward, squeezing the space for five people.

Seeing this, Yi Tian directly stepped forward, staring at the spiritual pressure in front and walked up. This road is obviously a fight with the lava passage, so he can only go forward without hesitation.

The other four people were also shocked, and walked forward with the pressure of the spirit pressure like Yi Tian.Unexpectedly, just as Yi Tian walked through the distance marked twenty feet, the spiked stone wall behind him suddenly started to speed up, and the four people who fell behind immediately yelled.

Anyway, regardless of what the people behind thought, Yi Tian just walked forward at a normal speed. After half the distance, the spiritual pressure gradually strengthened to the appearance of the middle stage of Jindan.Having experienced this feeling in Lunar Xing, Yi Tian also felt that it didn't matter. He took out two middle-grade spirit stones and held them in his hands, replying while walking.

At this time, the difference in strength between the five people was reflected. Mo Mingjun followed Yi Tian closely, and the two kept a distance of three feet, while Meng Xin fell to the end.What surprised Yi Tian was Xiao Linhang, who was able to follow behind Mo Mingjun with his strength in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

After continuing to walk forward for ten breaths, Yi Tian felt that the spiritual pressure coming towards him had strengthened again, and the entire passage had already gone by nearly [-] to [-]%.

Suddenly I heard Meng Xin yelling from behind: "I can't hold it anymore." Yi Tian turned around and saw that his right hand activated the jade tablet, and his whole body was wrapped in a ball of white light, which instantly turned into a spot of light and passed out. .

The remaining four people didn't make a sound, and everyone only saw the stone wall behind them being pushed over at a normal speed.

The next four people also opened the protective cover to the maximum, and continued to walk forward under the spiritual pressure.When Yi Tian walked to about forty feet, he suddenly felt that the spiritual pressure in front of him actually contained the oppression of spiritual consciousness.After suffering a two-pronged test, Yi Tian also had to slow down his pace, and the eyes of the people following behind were also fixed, knowing that there was something weird ahead, and then the three of them also felt the oppression of their spiritual consciousness at the same time.

After stopping for three breaths on the spot, Yi Tian started to walk forward again.Mo Mingjun, who was ranked second, looked at Yi Tian in front and the two people behind him with wide eyes.

Xiao Linhang took out a half-foot-sized pomelo leaf, and after a little magic with both hands, he stuck the pomelo leaf to his forehead, and then continued to walk forward.

Lu Qihao, who was standing at the end, just shook his head with a wry smile, took out the jade token and activated it, and then teleported it directly.Soon Xiao Linhang walked up and passed Mo Mingjun and went straight forward.

Yi Tian, ​​who was walking in No. 1, was also full of bitterness. Every time he moved a step away from the last five feet, the spiritual pressure and spiritual pressure he endured became stronger.After the five breaths, I only heard another sound of 'whoosh' from behind. It seemed that someone couldn't stand it again, and activated the jade card to send it out.

No longer able to look back, Yi Tian used the Xuanyang Fire Armor again. After the three-inch flame wrapped his whole body, the Mingyang Alchemy Art in the Niwan Palace in the middle of his forehead started to work.Yi Tian used the "Divine Imaginary Thorn" that he had practiced hard in recent years, and suddenly felt that the pressure was much lighter. Now he stepped forward with both feet, and rushed directly towards the door, and the speed actually started to refresh.

Xiao Linhang, who was walking behind, saw that the person in front was speeding up, so he had no choice but to grit his teeth and walk forward. The stone wall behind was getting closer and closer. Xiao Linhang had to take out the turtle shell from the storage bracelet and pointed his right hand, The tortoise shell becomes bigger and stands behind it.

When Yi Tian crossed the finish line, the stone wall also accelerated suddenly, and Xiao Linhang also held the jade card in his hand, just in case.In Yi Tian's surprised eyes, the thorns on the stone wall did not pierce the shell of the turtle, but pushed Xiao Linhang over instead.

After ten breaths, Xiao Linhang also passed the finish line, to be exact, he was pushed beyond the finish line by the stone wall.After all, he didn't complete the journey by his own strength. Xiao Linhang was also lifted up by Yi Tian when he lost his footing and almost fell down.

Xiao Linhang turned his head to look at the sallow-faced cultivator in front of him, feeling lingering fear.Suddenly, the other party said: "Why is Brother Xiao's skills so far? Is this much worse than the one in Purgatory Valley?"

Turning his head to take a look with a bang, Xiao Linhang blurted out: "Sure enough, it's you. I always think you look familiar, but I just can't remember."

With a hiss, Yi Tian tore off the human skin mask and said with a real smile: "Brother Xiao, don't come here without any problems for many years."

Looking at Yi Tian's calm expression, Xiao Linhang also talked eloquently: "You and I are really destined. I didn't expect to meet in this situation. It's really a blessing."

Then Yi Tian pointed to the entrance of the passage, meaning to go there.After Xiao Linhang nodded in response, Yi Tian supported him and walked slowly.

Just now at the last distance of the passage corridor, under the double oppression of spiritual consciousness and spiritual pressure, Yi Tian felt uncomfortable all over, and was still a little dizzy after reaching the end.On the contrary, Xiao Linhang didn't feel too much discomfort in his spiritual consciousness except that he seemed a little overdrawn in spiritual power.

After walking out, the two of them came to an orchard. Inside was a fiery red fruit tree with more than thirty fruits on it, and each fruit exuded red spiritual power.

When Xiao Linhang saw it, he smiled and said, "Xuanyang Guoshu, we are finally here."

Yi Tian also nodded, and then he was about to help Xiao Linhang aside, and then he was about to go forward to pick the fruit.Before walking a few steps, I heard Xiao Linhang say: "Brother Yi, you need to store this Xuanyang fruit in a cold ice jade box, and you need to use extremely strong fire or wood spells to pick it off."

I saw that the fruit tree was about as thick as a bucket, but as soon as I got close to the fruit tree, I felt a wave of heat sweeping across my body, so Yi Tian had to stand still and open the protective cover to support it.

Seeing that the treasure is in front of him but he has nothing to do, Yi Tian is also anxious.Turning around, he asked Xiao Linhang, "Is there any way you can get the fruit?"

"This is the trial site of Xuanyangmen's sect. It is not easy for us to get here. Whether we can get Xuanyang fruit is up to you and me, but I think you are always very human. Maybe you There will be a way."

After looking at Xiao Linhang, Yi Tian just said plainly: "How did you know that I have a solution?"

"Hehe, I have a secret divination technique in Tianyunmen. This Xuanyang fruit is destined for me. I have calculated that I will definitely get one when I come here this time. It seems that this hope falls on you." Xiao Linhang Said with a smirk.

In fact, Yi Tian had an idea a long time ago, but it's hard to tell it when someone is around, and it's better for few people to know the secrets about him.Turning around, he said: "I can't help it, you can figure it out." After speaking, he backed up, sat down on the ground and fell silent.

Xiao Linhang was not annoyed when he saw it, he took out three cold jade boxes and a communication talisman and handed them to Yi Tian. Tian said: "I only need one, I won't tell others about you, don't worry, Yi Tian."

Hearing that the other party could reveal his identity, Yi Tian also nodded helplessly, and looked for a chance to have a good chat with him after going out.

(End of this chapter)

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