
Chapter 1580 Search

Chapter 1580 Search
After less than ten days of disturbance in the Grand Commander's Mansion, Yi Tian got three bottles of spirit blood of level nine monsters as he wished.After thorough purification, the three bottles of blood plasma can be directly used to debug into spirit ink.

And Luo Xiangru was of course responsive to his requests in order to curry favor with him, so naturally he provided enough of those ordinary treasures.

Yi Tian also knew in his heart that with the inventory in the Grand Commander's Mansion, he could naturally dig out a lot of oil and water, but there was nothing more urgent than the high-level blood jade ink glue on hand.But I must not open my mouth, otherwise Luo Xiangru will easily associate it with the preparation of high-level rune ink. After all, he is not a fool.

Furthermore, the usefulness of configuring such a high-level rune ink is self-evident, and there are not many places where it can be used in the entire dynasty.If it makes people suspicious, then his plan to sneak into the ten-story tower of 'Tongtian Road' will not be so easy to carry out.

After pulling out the poison for Luo Ruijia for the third time, Yi Tian checked the situation on the spot and found that at least [-]% of the sulfur fire poison had been pulled out.In this way, all that is left is for him to retreat and recuperate.

Afterwards, Luo Ruijia thanked him repeatedly, and then ordered him to practice in seclusion. From now on, unless there is a major event in the command house, he should not be disturbed easily.

After the incident, Yi Tian returned to the state of free activities, and left in a hurry after a while.After all, I still have things to deal with, and Luo Xiangru didn't directly persuade him to keep it. Anyway, I already have the honorary token of the Commander's Mansion in my hand. As long as I use it in the imperial capital, I will definitely not be able to escape the commanding mansion's eyeliner.

After leaving the Commander's Mansion, Yi Tian walked through several streets, made a quick turn and flashed into the alley, and when he came out from the other end, he changed into another look, and his clothes were changed. .

Walking on the street, Yi Tian calculated in his mind that there are many places where one can buy heavenly grade treasures in the entire imperial capital, but he does not know how many places where one can buy heavenly grade 'Blood Jade Ink Glue'.

After inquiring through several large firms, I found out that rune treasures are basically only available from firms in the alien area.In the Asura Dynasty, there are only a few people who are proficient in talismans, and there are less than three companies that can really provide sources of goods like formations and other side-by-side techniques.And it is precisely because they do not get the attention of the upper-level Asura tribe that the treasures that these places can provide are rare, and it is impossible to talk about higher-level treasures.

As for Yi Tian asked several stores in the alien business district, there was no ready-made goods.Even the "Qingfeng Substation" that I asked about before also said that it can be booked if necessary, but it will take at least a hundred years to wait for the fleet from the spirit world to arrive before it will be in stock.

At this point, Yi Tian had no other choice. Fortunately, he finally learned from the shopkeeper that there was an exchange meeting for monks of different races recently. At that time, all the alchemy masters gathered in the imperial capital would go to the party.Maybe you can meet a certain rune formation mage at the meeting. If the required amount is not much, it is not a bad idea to trade on the spot.

With the mood of giving it a try, Yi Tian bit the bullet and followed the traces of the interracial exchange meeting to find the venue where it was held.It's a pity that he was stopped by the guards in front of the door before entering. The reason is very simple. This exchange meeting also has level restrictions.The cultivation base must be above the stage of transforming gods, and you must have a skill or a recommendation letter from a major company to enter.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian took out the enshrining jade plaque from the Keqing of the Commander's Mansion, and took it back to the monk outside the factory with a look of surprise on his face.After repeatedly checking with their divine sense, they finally let them go directly. They also knew in their hearts that the foreign monks who could get such tokens in the Commander's Mansion must have two brushes.

Rather than offending people, it is better to turn a blind eye and close one's eyes. Anyway, this kind of exchange meeting is also to restrict Asura monks, which is not the case for foreigners.

After entering, Yi Tian came to a slightly larger living room, and there were three seats in the middle, which seemed to be the hosts of this time.A lot of monks have already arrived in the surrounding area, and judging by their appearance, more than half of them are wearing alchemy robes.A third of them are craftsmen, and the rest are artisans.

Yi Tian chose an inconspicuous corner to find a seat and sat down, then glanced over and found that among the thirty or so monks in the entire venue, none of them was a talisman maker, and there was only one left who was a formation mage.

Yi Tian secretly sighed at this, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even find a decent talisman maker in the Asura world, so he can only wait and see if anyone will come later.

After sitting for less than an hour, I saw a dozen or so monks entering the door one after another, most of them were alchemists.But the person I want to wait for has no way of seeing it.

Shaoqing walked out of the back hall of the venue, three all monks in the middle stage of transformation, and sat down slowly after reaching the central seat.The leader of the three was a [-]-year-old alchemist, and the person behind him was wearing the Taoist robe of a craftsman, and his whole body was slightly ignited, so he must be a craftsman.The last person was a monk in his twenties, wearing a blue cloth gown without matching clothes to show his identity.

Just when Yi Tian was feeling speechless, someone suddenly whispered behind him: "I didn't expect Tang Ya, the first mage in the imperial capital, to come. The president is really a big face."

Frowning slightly, the seriousness on Yi Tian's face faded slowly, since there was an array mage appearing, he might have blood jade ink glue specially used for drawing array patterns on his hand. After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian made up his mind and locked his eyes on the monk named Tang Ya, and would definitely go up and chat with him when he had the opportunity.

Not long after, the whole exchange meeting started, and the three distracted monks sitting on it as the host took turns to speak and exchange ideas with the visiting people.Most of this is still focused on the discussion of the alchemists, and later it will be the exchange of the alchemists.

After listening to it, Yi Tian realized that the level of refining weapons in this world was far from the skills he had learned from the Lihuo Palace, but he found another way.Many of these techniques can also refresh oneself, many of which are newly created by these craftsmen. Although they have not been put into practice, Yi Tian has evolved them in his mind and found that some methods can achieve unexpected results. Effect.

In the end, the monk named Tang Ya appeared on the stage. What he explained was the theory of formation, and many people present were involved in it, but in comparison, it was far less than the two methods of alchemy.

After the discussions initiated by the three of them were over, the president in the middle stood up and said: "So we will start the next session, fellow Taoists, you can bring the pills, spiritual weapons, or other talismans that you brought with you. Take it out for exchange. Each person is limited to one chance, and exchange of goods cannot be forcibly exchanged."

After speaking, he pointed to the monk sitting under his right head to signal that they could start.

(End of this chapter)

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