
Chapter 1581 Negotiations

Chapter 1581 Negotiations
In this foreign race exchange meeting, Yi Tian's eyes were all locked on Tang Ya, one of the three people in the seat.This person should be a spiritual practitioner and probably came from the spirit world, because among the nine worlds of the upper spirit, the spirit world has the strongest array skills.

After sitting for a meeting, it was my turn after all the people in front had exchanged.Yi Tian stood up slowly and said, "I need the heavenly treasure 'Blood Jade Spirit Gel'. If you are interested, you can consult face to face. After speaking, turn your head and look at Tang Ya."

There was a bit of surprise on his face and he looked at himself, but he didn't make any moves.Looking at this kind of behavior, Yi Tian can indeed confirm that he must have this thing in his eyes. I am afraid that he may not be able to attract him if he doesn't come up with something real.

Then he reached out and took out a two-jin wine jar and continued: "The top tribute wine of the Asura Dynasty, 'Red Candle Blood' is in a one-jin package. Only the top monks of the Asura clan can enjoy the fine wine, this jar is ordinary enough The monks in the distraction stage have been promoted from the early stage to the middle stage."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present whispered to each other, and many of them also had a deep understanding of the Asura Dynasty.But today, when they saw the jar of wine that Yi Tian took out, they all showed hesitation, after all, they only heard of blood jade wine, but this 'red candle blood' was seen for the first time.

Obviously, Yi Tian's words attracted the attention of many monks, and even the three people who presided over the exchange meeting involuntarily winked at each other and confirmed the communication in private.

Up to now, Yi Tian is not afraid at all, he just sits still no matter what they think of him, and he won't let go easily without the blood jade glue.

Half a moment later, the host stood up and said, "My lord, Feng Zhong, the president of the Tianyu Chamber of Commerce, is it your first time to come to the exchange meeting?"

With a serious face, Yi Tian turned around and cupped his hands and said, "It turned out that President Feng was in person. I wonder if this question has anything to do with what I exchanged?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just that as far as I know, although the royal wine of the Asura Dynasty is divided into several grades, they are all called 'Blood Jade Wine', but I don't know where your friend 'Red Candle Blood' came from, please forgive my blindness I have never heard of this kind of spiritual wine."

Of course I haven't heard of it before, it's just Yi Tian's own brewed private collection, he got a lot of blood wood spirit marrow after joint expedition with Duan Xiaolou, and the rest is directly brewed into wine by himself.When I entered the imperial capital before, after having a drink with Luo Yao, I privately inquired about the recipe of the source of this spirit wine, and found that it was much worse than the one I brewed myself.

It was brought out this time to confuse the public, but the people present were not so easily fooled.After thinking about it, Yi Tian gently lifted the lid of the wine jar, took a drop out of it with spiritual power, and then hurriedly closed the lid tightly.

It's just that under such actions, the strong aroma in the wine disperses in all directions, and the entire hall is only twenty or thirty feet away. At this time, after the aroma of the wine drifts past, there are many knowledgeable people present.In an instant, surprised eyes flashed in the eyes of these people, staring at the jar of wine in Yi Tian's hand, and they could no longer leave.

Even Feng Zhong, who had to sit on the main seat, realized that what might be in front of him was beyond his expectation.

Then Yi Tian lightly flicked the drop of 'Red Candle Blood' in front of him with a flick of his right index finger, and then said lightly: "I must be well-informed as President Feng of the Tianyu Chamber of Commerce. The tribute wine 'Blood Jade Fine Wine' has naturally been tasted, so you might as well try it for comparison."

Feng Zhong frowned slightly, his eyes resisted the drop of wine in front of him, and he didn't know whether he should make a move or not.After thinking for a while, he asked: "You know, fellow Taoist, this 'Blood Jade Wine' is an incomparably precious auxiliary material for us alchemists. Adding a little bit can not only greatly increase the success rate of heaven-level elixir, but also Directly raise the quality of the refined pill to a higher level."

"I didn't know that there was such a thing," Yi Tian was slightly taken aback.To be honest, I never thought of using this wine as a catalyst for alchemy, but I am not a major in alchemy, so I would not have any research on it, but I don't know why Feng Zhong in front of me would say such things to himself.

Later, I saw him take out a jade bottle and put the drop of 'Red Candle Blood' wine into it and said: "Fellow Daoist, wait for me to go back later." direction.

I don't know how he will test his spirit wine, but Yi Tian knows that real gold is not afraid of fire, and after a while, it is estimated that there will be results.

Among the people present, especially those alchemists, they all showed an anxious look of waiting at this moment, while others were whispering to each other and talking in private.But the topic is not far from the jar of wine in front of him.

For a while, the atmosphere in the hall became a little depressed, and Yi Tian saw that many people looked at him with playful eyes.His expression sank, he put away the wine jar in his hands, and then he sat down slowly and waited.

After a while, there was only a loud 'coax' from the backyard, and the whole hall was shaken.Those alchemists knew the basics, and some of them shook their heads with disappointment on their faces.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and Feng Zhong walked quickly, but his face was ashamed as if he had just experienced a fryer.There are also black marks on the edge of the Taoist robe on his body, and Yi Tian carefully looked at it, which should be left after being swept by the fire.

Returning to his seat, Feng Zhong sat down, and saw that although he was a little embarrassed, his face was very excited, he turned around and said, "My Tianyu Chamber of Commerce is willing to pay a lot of money for the 'Red Candle Blood' provided by Fellow Daoist. "

As soon as this remark came out, all the monks present were frightened, and many famous alchemists among them directly provoked them to stop them.Yi Tian never expected such a situation, but he didn't come here today to sell wine.

In a blink of an eye, he looked at Tang Ya, who was sitting in the third place, and then moved his lips lightly, and said in a voice transmission: "Feng Daoyou seems to have forgotten my original intention, and I will continue with the 'blood jade spirit glue.' If you can exchange it for me It’s all easy to talk about.”

I have nothing to do with Tang Ya, but since a monk like Feng Zhong is the host of the exchange meeting, he naturally has some means.Since he has something to ask for, it is understandable to push all these things to him.

Later, after seeing Feng Zhong's understanding, he turned his head to look at Tang Ya, then lowered his head and moved his lips, as if he was communicating with him in private.The latter had a troubled expression on his face, and looked up at Yi Tian with an uncertain look on his face.

Unexpectedly, the cultivator sitting in the second place also joined the private chat at this time, obviously he also wanted to get involved.Obviously, Tang Ya's expression changed again after that, as if she was under pressure from both sides, she just nodded helplessly, then took out a jade box and gently handed it to Feng Zhong.

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(End of this chapter)

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