
Chapter 1583 Tokens

Chapter 1583 Tokens
Yi Tian did not leave directly after the interracial exchange meeting in the imperial capital, but stayed at Tang Ya's request.As for Feng Zhong, the president of the Tianyu Chamber of Commerce, he glanced at his face with a knowing smile, and then left with a large group of alchemists around him, thinking that he would have no less troubles than himself.

After everyone left, Yi Tian followed Tang Ya and quietly walked out from the back door of the exchange venue. The two went straight through the foreign trade area and then arrived at the Asura area.Soon, under the leadership of Tang Ya, the two arrived at the intersection of a remote street, and as soon as they turned a corner, they entered a mansion that looked like an aristocrat.

At the door, Yi Tian could not see the plaque of "Tang Mansion" hanging on the door, and looked at Tang Ya in front of him again, but secretly guessed other real identities in his heart.

You must know that the foreign monks who can open up the palace so blatantly in the capital of Asura will definitely be involved with the royal family.It's just that he doesn't know which faction he is, and then Yi Tian lowered his vigilance and secretly took precautions.

Tang Ya, who was walking in front, also seemed to be aware of her strangeness, and then she lowered her head and said, "I don't know Yougui's last name?"

"The name is just a code name. If I say a name casually, I believe fellow daoists won't take it seriously," Yi Tian replied disdainfully.

After Tang Ya heard this, she gave a helpless wry smile and said, "Perhaps fellow daoists will have doubts about my identity, so I'm afraid they will have reservations about the future cooperation."

"That's not going to happen. If you pay for it, I'll take care of it and we'll pay for everything," Yi Tian said calmly, at the same time pretending to be vigilant and carefully following behind him.

Who would have thought that this would make Tang Ya's frown slowly relax, and this appearance is considered normal.Spirituality that is attached to the Asura nobles like him will naturally be regarded as an alternative by the monks of the same family.

After returning to the main hall of the mansion, Tang Yaping retreated from the surrounding servants, opened the soundproof barrier, and then signaled to take a seat.Yi Tian found a seat in front of him and sat down without hesitation, and asked later: "It seems that Tang Daoyou also has a lot of friends in the Asura clan, and it is not easy to establish a residence here."

"Fellow Daoist, it's amazing," Tang Ya replied in a humble tone, but the complacency on her face was fully revealed.After a pause, he said: "This time, I will ask fellow Taoists to help me and I will never break my promise after the mission is completed. I will definitely offer it with the blood of a ninth-level monster."

"I can only say the truth that a horse is hard to chase," Yi Tian replied, and then changed the subject and asked again: "But as far as I know, in the entire Asura Imperial City, only the Grand Commander Luo Yao's mansion has nine levels. The monster, and the Lord seems to be seriously ill now, if it is his spiritual blood, I am afraid that this matter is inappropriate."

Although the matter in Luo Yao's mansion is secret, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and some clues can still be heard among some upper Asura nobles and high-level monks.

Tang Ya couldn't help laughing when she heard this, and after looking at Yi Tian, ​​she felt relieved and said, "You don't need to worry too much, fellow daoist, there are more than one level nine monsters in the Asura clan. As long as you can draw the 'Mother and Child Tracking Talisman' Come, I will definitely offer you the spirit blood of a ninth-level monster."

Hearing his categorical words, Yi Tian was stunned and said inwardly, "It seems that he is not going to fight a battle that he is not sure of, and he must have something in his hands." '

Taking advantage of what he wanted from himself, Yi Tian still wanted to test his background.Then he sighed and said, "You know, Daoist Tang, that 'Mother and Child Tracing Talisman' is very inappropriate to make. The treasure materials needed are also monster skins with space attributes, and the blood contract seal of the person who uses it must be sealed when drawing it. Going in, the steps are extremely cumbersome."

When Tang Ya heard the words, she showed a determined look and said: "I also know that I will provide two copies of the materials first. As for the blood of the person who used it when the blood deed was banned, I can get it when the talisman is finally completed. At that time, I will On the one hand, assist fellow daoists.”

Unexpectedly, he also had a deep understanding of the making process of this talisman. As Tang Ya said, as long as the materials are ready, he can make the talisman by himself first, and then he can seal a drop of the user's blood into it.However, the other party didn't seem to feel at ease with him. They pretended to be assisting from the side, but they were actually supervising.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt at ease, as Tang Ya said, everyone is driven by interests and will naturally be on guard against each other.Yi Tian just curled his lips and said: "Okay, when will it start?"

"Let's do it right here without further ado." Tang Ya reached out and took out a jade box from the storage ring and handed it over, "This is the skin of the time-space owl beast and some accessories, I believe fellow daoists should use it."

"What about the blood drop?" Yi Tian asked: "You Daoist Tang should know that for a custom-made talisman like this, you need to drop the real blood of the applicable person into it immediately after the painting is completed to seal the blood contract, otherwise it will be a failure."

"I'll go pick it up now, and I'll be back in half an hour," Tang Ya replied, "I think it's almost time to give it to Fellow Daoist."

"It's okay, the timing should be just right," Yi Tian said after taking the jade box.

Afterwards, Tang Ya got up to leave and left, but she didn't remove the restriction barrier in the hall.Yi Tian just looked around and smiled helplessly. It seemed that he was also afraid that he would leave without saying goodbye. It is very simple to break such a restriction, but it will definitely alarm him.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian sat down slowly in front of the table in the middle of the hall without saying a word, and opened the jade box.Turning his head and looking around, he found that there were two palm-sized animal skins inside, and the breath left on them proved that they were cut from the eighth-level monsters.After quickly passing through the information of the space-time owl beast in his mind, Yi Tian was sure that the two thick skins should be.

Later, he took out the rune pen and spiritual ink and put them on the table, and at the same time took out a stack of rune paper and put it in front of him.After reaching out to take the rune pen and dipping it in spiritual ink, he began to practice the runes of the 'child-mother tracer' on the rune paper.

Although I have spent a lot of effort in writing runes, but this kind of runes is my first attempt.There is only one copy of the material, so I dare not act rashly, and I should first turn to the topic after writing the rune proficiently.

After writing for a while, Yi Tian's face showed a little joy, and he secretly applauded while looking at the three broken rune papers in his hand.The runes written by myself were unsuccessful before, so the rune paper can withstand the stress.After drawing tens of feet, I found that the three rune papers in a row couldn't withstand the huge tearing force of the runes on them, and they fell to pieces after the last stroke.

When he was happy, he suddenly noticed a slight fluctuation in the surrounding barriers, and a gap appeared at the main entrance.I saw Tang Ya hurried in from there, indeed there were two more jade bottles in her hand.

After seeing himself, he opened his mouth and said, "Fellow Daoist, are you ready?"

"The time is just right, let's start now," Yi Tian said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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