
Chapter 1584

Chapter 1584
It has been two hours since Tang Ya's mansion left. After the two 'Mother and Child Tracing Talismans' were completed, Yi Tian opened the two jade bottles, and then put two drops of blood in front of Tang Ya. Drop into the symbols respectively.At the same time, muttering words in his mouth, his hands tied his seals to seal the blood in it.

After doing this, I saw that the two talismans that originally wrote the runes seemed to come to life at this time, and there was a feeling for each other.It's just that such a privately-made talisman can only be used by himself, and even the talisman maker himself cannot drive it after the talisman is made.

After Tang Ya saw it, she put away the two talismans and later handed over the blood of the ninth-level monster that she had promised earlier.Yi Tian took the jade bottle containing the blood of the monster and lifted the lid on the spot to check it with his divine sense. Afterwards, he found that there might really be a second level nine monster in the imperial capital.

After putting away the jade bottle, Yi Tian got up and left without any fuss, Tang Ya didn't want to keep her anymore after seeing it, and then the two of them said goodbye after being polite.

But when Yi Tian left the gate of the Tang Mansion, he suddenly noticed that someone was watching him in the dark.Although the other party didn't lock with his divine sense, he was probably afraid of being discovered by himself, but after walking on the street for a while, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became clearer.

It seems that Tang Ya still made a move, or that the people behind him wanted to clean up the mess for him.Yi Tian can clearly feel that there are more than one person staring at him, and it is estimated that all of them should be in the mid-to-late stage of distraction.

Thinking about it, I must not be able to go back directly to Hongshan Viscount's Mansion or 'Lanyunju'. It would be a great disadvantage if someone discovered my secret.But these shadowy people were like tarsal maggots, and the feeling that Yi Tian took them around the entire foreign trade area never disappeared.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt an unknown fire in his heart, and a sneer appeared on his face.Then he directly rented a carriage in the foreign trade area and said that he would go directly to Xicheng Airport.

It is reckoned that the people who are following him should be some major forces in the Asura clan, but he can't be sure which side they are.The reason why he chose Xicheng Airport is that it is Luo Yao's territory. If he can't do it, he can use his status as a priest of the Commander's Mansion to fish in troubled waters.

An hour later, when the carriage arrived at Xicheng Airport, Yi Tianxia got off the carriage and left directly from the airport.After leaving the imperial capital, no one will take care of his flying in the sky. He stopped in the air and silently calculated for a while, then chose a direction and flew quickly.

At the same time, he silently opened up his divine sense to the maximum range, and after flying four thousand miles, he stopped in the air and started to investigate secretly.Sure enough, there were two not weak spiritual pressure fluctuations, and after leaving the dynasty, they galloped towards their own direction.

Yi Tian's face froze, then he turned around and flew to the other side, and then found that the other party seemed to have changed his flight direction slightly after searching with his spiritual sense.Needless to say, it's probably because someone has put a tracking mark on him, and the most likely one is the jade bottle containing the blood of a ninth-level monster.

There was a trace of sneer on his face, he didn't expect that Tang Ya would really like to use such low-level methods, after taking out the jade bottle, Yi Tian moved his mind back and forth and swept it back and forth.After a few breaths, he found clues on the rune seal on the bottom of the bottle, but he didn't directly take action to break the tracking mark.Instead, he took out a humanoid puppet and a stand-in talisman, activated it and gently stuck it to the puppet's forehead, and then placed the jade tablet in the hollow chest cavity on the puppet's chest.

After doing this, he stretched out his hand and said in his mouth: "Change," the humanoid puppet suddenly became golden and turned into its current appearance.At the same time, Yi Tian's real body gradually faded, and after three breaths, he completely merged into the void and hid.

The humanoid puppet that turned into itself flew for a while before landing on the top of a mountain.After waiting for a while, two rays of light flew from the sky, one on the left and one on the right, and landed on both sides of the mountain top.The leader is a middle-stage monk of distraction, and the other is an early-stage monk of distraction.

After circling in the air, it surrounded the mountain to form a horn, and then the leader shouted: "Boy, I didn't expect you to be so bold that you would dare to wait for us here. It seems that you have nothing to fear."

The other said disdainfully: "Brother, what are you doing talking nonsense with a dead man? Kill him and finish the task earlier so we can go back and receive the reward."

As soon as the words were finished, the two of them immediately moved their hands. Several golden lights flashed from the surrounding air, and then fell on the top of the mountain overwhelmingly.A defensive mask blocked those attack coefficients after the mountain was illuminated. After seeing it, the two of them took out their spiritual weapons and sacrificed them, and then hit them at the position where the protective light film was on the mountain.

After the sound of 'click', the defensive light film split and the two flying swords focused at the same time, but the next scene surprised the two of them.After the flying sword was pierced, it was actually stuck in the middle, no matter how the two of them drove the magic formula, they couldn't get it back.

At the same time, ripples appeared in the space on one side, and thousands of blue silk sword lights appeared out of thin air, and then swept towards the two of them.After a scream, the body of the mid-distraction cultivator showed a little bit of blue light, and then his whole body was smashed into a sieve.Even the Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace had no time to get out, and the whole body was dismembered into pieces and fell weakly.

The other person who stayed on the opposite side shook his body when he saw it, and directly threw away the spiritual weapon in his hand, turned around and flew towards the direction he came from.

But on the path of his flight, a figure suddenly appeared, and after a flash of green light in his hand, he covered his whole body.With the previous lesson, this person also made a decisive decision, gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and patted his forehead to escape the Nascent Soul, and then escaped through the gap in the sword wire.

But before he flew far, a cyan figure caught up from behind and stretched out his hand to grab the Nascent Soul Spirit Body in his hand.

After the green glow faded, Yi Tian's figure appeared, but in his right hand was holding a comatose Nascent Soul spirit body.With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, he immediately made a seal and directly searched for the soul. For such a monk, he was just a pawn, so he didn't need to show mercy.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian slowly landed and stopped on the top of the mountain, but his face showed a pensive look.As he guessed, these two people were just foreign monks who took money to do things. Even if they searched the soul, they couldn't find much useful information.Fortunately, through soul searching, it was found that this person's memory intermittently mentioned that they were the guest servants of Prince Wei's mansion.

As for this time, they also obeyed orders and came to stop him, and the tracking mark was the jade bottle containing the ninth-level monster.As for the information from the soul search, it is also mentioned that the 'child-mother tracking symbol' will be used by Qiao Yongjun.

Then Tang Ya should belong to Prince Wei, and one of the two drops of blood in the talisman must belong to Qiao Yongjun.Thinking about it, this talisman can be used in the trial of the fire source, but Yi Tian felt that something was wrong. Although everyone is a competitor, there is no need to leave behind for Qiao Yongjun to use the talisman directly from the secret realm. It may come out directly, or it may be used for other purposes.

(End of this chapter)

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