
Chapter 1586 Spying

Chapter 1586 Spying
After completing the preparations in the Red Mountain Viscount's Mansion, Yi Tian packed up the refined formation-breaking awl with great ambition, and then performed the Thousand Faces Technique to sneak out of the Hongshan Viscount's mansion.

Suddenly, his brows were slightly frowned, and he felt as if he was coming out of the Great Immortal, and his summoned spirit beast had a trace of spirituality in Niwan Palace, so Yi Tian felt that he seemed to have encountered some troubles and dared not Contacting oneself directly can only notify oneself through such induction.

Startled in his heart, Yi Tian sighed helplessly and had to postpone his plan to go to the 'Tongtian Road' stele again.After slipping out from the back door of the Red Mountain Viscount's Mansion, Yi Tian rushed back to 'Lan Yunju' non-stop, and when he got to the main entrance, he found a carriage parked at the entrance.

After looking at the sign on the carriage, it turns out that it is from the Commander's Mansion, but at this point in time, I don't know what Luo Yao wants to do when he comes to 'Lanyunju'.Although it was still early for the trial in the place of fire, he would not come to make trouble at this time.

But the induction from the Great Immortal Guagua is indeed undoubtedly that it should be facing Luo Yao at this moment, but I don't know what the other party's purpose is.

After quietly slipping in from the path next to 'Lanyunju', he returned to his retreat area not long after.After using the concealment technique to walk in, he went straight back to the entrance of his cave.With the ban in front of the door opened, he entered the inside and found that the croaking fairy and the humanoid puppet were not here.

His mind was suddenly covered, and at this moment Yi Tian felt a drop of cold sweat on his forehead and lay down.It seems that there must be something wrong here, otherwise he would not leave rashly based on the instructions he left for the Great Immortal Guagua.

Unless there is something that must be faced, that's why he bites the bullet and goes out.In my mind, I once again sensed that the Great Immortal Guagua at this time should not be far away from me, so it means that I have not yet stepped out of the range of 'Lanyunju'.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian hurriedly sat down in the cave, and then drew a curse seal on his chest after making a seal with his hands.After activation, the curse seal turns into a phantom image in front of the face.There was a flash of purple light in his eyes, staring at this phantom, and found that it was in the main hall of 'Lan Yunju', Hao Ren in front of him was sitting on the main seat, and Luo Xiangru from the commanding mansion was sitting opposite him.

By using mystical powers, I can directly display the scene seen in the eyes of the Great Immortal Guagua on the phantom, and at the same time, I can also hear their conversation from the ears of the Great Immortal Guack under the telepathy.

After listening to the meeting, I realized that it was Luo Xiangru from the Commander's Mansion who personally came to the door to ask for a meeting with him by name.Although I don't know what the other party intends, I can imagine that there must be a reason for the incident.

The conversation between the three of them was almost based on exchanging their cultivation experience, which is also the cover of Luo Xiangru's coming here this time.Ke Yitian knew in his heart that people with the cultivation level of the other party would naturally have a lot of opportunities to exchange their cultivation experience, so there was no need to come here to find him.

Or he was here to fight for Luo Yao, and turned to spy on him.Yi Tian heard Luo Xiangru ask through the ears of the Great Immortal Guagua: "Suwen Yi Daoyou is a Lingfo double rest, I admire you very much, and I just want to ask for advice when I come here this time."

Although the Great Immortal Guagua was manipulating a humanoid puppet to pretend to be himself, but now he sensed that his real body had returned to nature, and he was determined, and then Yi Tian's voice came from his mind, and he nodded slightly and replied: "How do you cultivate in the poor way?" Comparable to the skills passed down by the Asura Clan, the title of number one in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit would not be a vain name. Naturally, I highly respect his superb skills after fighting with the Great Commander."

As they spoke, they praised each other, and Hao Ren and Luo Xiangru naturally had complacent expressions on their faces.Afterwards, Hao Ren's words were naturally to put aside the topic and talk about other things. In his opinion, both sides were trusted friends, so they didn't want to see any estrangement between them.It's just that he also has some doubts in his heart. Luo Xiangru took the liberty to come to visit today and even named someone by name to meet Yi Tian.

If it wasn't for Luo Yao's relationship, he naturally didn't want to offend anyone at will, after considering it in his heart, he reluctantly sent out a summons jade talisman to invite Yi Tian who was in retreat.

After the three of them continued chatting for a while, Luo Xiangru suddenly asked: "Friend Su Wenyi's Buddha power is comparable to that of my brother in the state of casting the Dharma body image. I happen to have an exorcism talisman in my hand." , I need to infuse a little Buddha power as a guide, and this is the main purpose of my coming here." After saying this, he took out a simple magic talisman and handed it to the Great Immortal Quack.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the cave mansion, heard the matter through both ears of the Great Immortal Guagua at the same time, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and a light flashed in his mind within three breaths.His face darkened and he said secretly: "It's so dangerous, Luo Ruijia became suspicious, this time Luo Xiangru was sent to spy on the situation."

What does this mean to inject a little bit of Buddha's power as a guide? It is clear that he needs to take a little bit of Buddha's power back to let Luo Ruijia verify whether it is consistent with the Buddha's power contained in the spiritual liquid prepared when he was treated.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian showed a playful smile on his face.The Great Immortal Guagua has been by his side for thousands of years, so he will naturally absorb some of the Buddha's light, so this matter is naturally not a problem for him.But after all, it was not cultivated by Guagua himself, so there must be some elements of monsters mixed in it.

This time, there are mistakes. If he really went by himself this time, maybe he would show some flaws, but if it were the Great Immortal Guagua, he could easily confuse the audience.

After thinking about it, he moved his mouth quickly and used the method of heart transmission to inform the Great Immortal Quack on the other side.After a while, I saw my substitute move in the phantom, stretched out my right hand and slowly cast a soft golden Buddha's light towards the magic talisman.The golden halo fell slowly in the air and then adhered to the surface. After all the golden light entered, an incomparably dazzling light appeared on the talisman, and it slowly faded away after ten breaths.

When Luo Xiangru saw it, Daxi stretched out his hand to take back the magic talisman, he got up and thanked him, then turned to Hao Ren who was seated above him and said, "This time I have achieved the purpose of coming here, so I have to go back quickly to report. "

"Fellow Daoist Luo, you are being polite. I will rely more on the support of the Commander's Mansion in the future. Please say hello to the ancestor for me. Recently, I have also found a few alchemists from different races and asked them to come to check on the condition of the ancestor," Hao Ren said. He clapped his hands back.

Luo Xiangru returned the salute and said: "So please take care of Dr. Hao." Later, he turned around and bowed to the croaking immortal before leaving.

Hao Ren and Immortal Guagua in the hall naturally didn't know about the problem, but Yi Tian who was sitting in the cave had a sneer on his face.Unexpectedly, he escaped Luo Ruijia's spying by mistake.

 Thanks for the great support of Daoist Kang Liandi

(End of this chapter)

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