
Chapter 1587 Prevention

Chapter 1587 Prevention
After sending Luo Xiangru away, the Immortal Gugua hurriedly got up and said goodbye to Hao Ren. This time, he was deliberately called out to entertain the guests.Although the other party is by name and wants to make friends, it seems that the motive is not so pure.

And I don't know if Luo Xiangru will secretly ventilate with Hao Ren to test himself, so after receiving Yi Tian's instructions, Immortal Gugua immediately got up and returned to the retreat cave.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian and the Immortal Guagua sat cross-legged in the cave, and the latter explained in detail what happened this time.Luo Xiangru came to the door uninvited and then contacted Hao Ren to summon him, and he seemed to be very consciously trying to find out.

Shaking his head, Yi Tian sighed helplessly: "I didn't expect Luo Ruijia to come so soon. I really underestimated this ninth-level monster. This time it was really my mistake. After curing Luo Ruijia, it caused him suspicion."

"What is the master going to do next? It seems that Luo Xiangru is not a fool, not to mention that there is a ninth-level monster behind him who will definitely not give up easily," the immortal Guagua replied.

"Indeed, if he suddenly appeared like me to cure his illness, and then disappeared suddenly, it will definitely arouse suspicion," Yi Tian analyzed: "This time Luo Xiangru didn't see the flaw, there must be another temptation, Maybe he will contact Hao Ren in private, if they join forces, it will not be a good thing for him."

"So what should we do?" Daxian Guagua asked, although he got away with it this time, but this time they didn't give them a chance to force him to take action. Will be exposed.

This is a troublesome matter. If I recently went to the ten-story pagoda of 'Tongtian Road' and Luo Xiangru came to try again, maybe I would fail.Then when I pass through the tenth floor, the drums of the Asura in the Battle of the Imperial City are beeping for no reason, and all kinds of heresies will arouse people's suspicion, and the final target will be pointed at me.

This is the last thing Yi Tian wants to see. If Luo Ziyan can control the overall situation, it will be harmless, but in the current situation, under the disputes between the three factions, neither Prince Wei nor Prince Xun can resist him.Wanting to rely on Yunlin can pay a high price, this is by no means the ending I envisioned.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Yi Tian's face darkened and he thought to himself, the ten-story pagoda of 'Tongtian Road' must be visited, but the immediate crisis still needs to be resolved.

He sized up the Immortal Guagua who was facing him, his cultivation base was roughly at the peak of the seventh level and he had just entered the eighth level with one foot.It was roughly at the level between the peak of the late stage of transformation and the early stage of distraction. Without the help of the talisman attached to the puppet, Hao Ren would have been seen through on the spot.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian suddenly showed a playful smile on his face. He reached out and took out the leftovers from the previous refining of the formation-breaking awl, and sacrificed Nanming Lihuo to re-sacrifice it. After a while, a rune token appeared on the out of sight.Later, he took out the rune pen and spirit ink and quickly drew it on the rune token. After ten breaths, when the last stroke fell, Yi Tianyou gently sacrificed a thousand skills of Lingyaohua to seal a sword seal into it.

Then I took it in my hand and observed it, and saw that the whole body of this rune token was glowing with blue light, and finally all converged into the runes of the 'Golden Seal Script'.

Holding it in his hand and weighing it, Yi Tian gently poured spiritual power into it and sacrificed the token. A cyan sword light flew out of it, and then broke down into thousands of sword threads in mid-air, and then synthesized into a cyan sword The lightsaber ends up in the token.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian handed the token to Immortal Guagua and said, "Keep this thing away, in case Hao Ren or Luo Xiangru force you to do it next time, you can deal with it calmly."

"I don't know how many times it can be used?" The Great Immortal Guagua asked solemnly as a result of the token.

"At most three times, this sword spirit rune contains my Lingyao Huaqian sword technique, and with your strength, it can only exert [-]% of its power at most. Originally, it can only be used twice, but it seems that the reduced power can be used additionally. Let’s add it again,” Yi Tian replied.

"Three times is enough, as long as you don't meet someone with the same strength as the master, there should be no problem," said the Great Immortal Quack with a relaxed expression.

"That's true, as long as you don't meet a monk like Luo Yao in the entire Asura Imperial City, even if you meet Shui Cangyue or Qiao Yongjun, you can be equal with them," Yi Tian said so on his mouth, but his face was still Some worries.

"It's okay, I won't take action unless it's absolutely necessary, and during this period of time, I'll make it clear that I won't pay attention to Hao Ren's summons," said the Great Immortal Guagua.

"Ignoring it may not be a good thing," Yi Tian was indeed not so optimistic, but on the contrary, he showed deep worry on his face.After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "It's better to take the initiative to attack than to sit and wait for death."

"How to take the initiative to attack?" asked the Great Immortal Guagua.

"Can you find out how Hao Ren's cultivation is progressing this time?" Yi Tian asked.

"I've made some progress, but I haven't reached the level of the middle stage of distraction," the Great Immortal Guagua replied.

"That's right, what a monk like him lacks is actual combat drills and exchange of cultivation experience," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Of course we don't need to help in actual combat, but we can exchange cultivation experience with him in this way. Get closer, don't you?"

"Does the master want me to communicate with him more? Speaking of which, I can't teach him how to cultivate," said the Great Immortal Guagua with a helpless expression.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are here, just pester Hao Ren to create a proof of presence for me." Yi Tian raised his brows and said, "As for exchanging experience with your cultivation base, that's even easier. Talking to him will not reveal any flaws."

"That's very good. It seems that the master made this arrangement because he was planning a big event." The Great Immortal Guagua was naturally not a fool after following him for so many years, Dang even understood the meaning of doing so.

"Okay, I'll talk about the rest after I come back, but this time I want you to cover for me, of course I can't treat you badly," he reached out and took out a jade bottle to pour out the last drop of blood to condense in the air, and then called Said: "Open your mouth."

Immediately, the Immortal Guagua opened his mouth obediently, and Yi Tian lightly flicked the drop of blood into his mouth with his index finger, saying: "This is the blood of a ninth-level monster I found, and most of it was used by me to refine spirit ink. , the rest of this drop is specially reserved for you. After refining it, it can’t directly help you enter the eighth-level realm, but it can also improve your cultivation base a lot.”

The Immortal Guagua's eyes lit up when he heard the words. The true blood of his life that devours high-level monsters is the most direct way to improve his cultivation. As long as he completely refines it, he will naturally benefit a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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