
Chapter 1588 Backdoor 1

Chapter 1588 Back Door One
In "Lanyunju", Yi Tian finally arranged the aftermath work, and then let the immortal Guagua cooperate with the human puppet to transform into his own appearance.At the same time, Hao Ren was summoned to arrange a private meeting, but it was still under the guise of exchanging ideas.

Not long after Luo Xiangru left, Hao Ren received another summons. Although he was a little puzzled, he couldn't refuse, so he had to agree.Yi Tian set off after the Great Immortal Guagua left, quietly left the cave and slipped out from the side door of 'Lanyunju'.

This time, I pointed directly at the ten-story tower of 'Tongtian Road', and no one would bother me anymore.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Yi Tian chose to come to the stone monument of 'Tongtian Road' near the dawn. Although there is no difference between day and night for monks, most low-level monks will choose to sit cross-legged at this time. wandering around.

Sneaking into the back of the stele again, Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense and looked around.After confirming that no one was moving within a radius of nearly a mile for the time being, he reached out and took out eight formation-breaking awls, held them in his hands, injected spiritual power and sacrificed them.

A little later, I looked at the 'Golden Seal Script' rune array on the back of the front stele and reached out to activate its defense with a light pat.After the faint golden light lit up from the back of the stone tablet, Yi Tian's face was full of seriousness, and he reached out and took an array-breaking awl and directly pierced it directly into the nodes of the rune array.

In an instant, the light of the rune dimmed. Seeing that his method was effective, Yi Tian then accelerated the speed of his hand and pierced the remaining seven formation-breaking cones into the formation pattern one by one.There was a gap of one foot wide and three feet high behind the stone tablet after hearing a 'click', Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it and bent over to pass through it.

After three breaths, the gap on the back of the stele closed again, but the original 'Golden Seal' rune array was completely submerged into the stele as if it had never appeared before.

At this time, Yi Tian came to the inside and found that he seemed to have broken into the dark Xumi space, and he fell down rapidly involuntarily.After about half a stick of incense, I only heard a bang and my body fell heavily on the ground. Fortunately, my physical skills and body skills are not weak, and I didn't suffer any damage when I fell from the sky like this.

After getting up from the ground, he tidied up his clothes, Yi Tian took out a night pearl and held it in his hand, then looked around.Looking at the ground, it seems that he is standing on the ground of a certain hall, surrounded by three stone walls and only one path leading slowly forward.There is only one road in front of him and it is not easy to distinguish, so Yitian walked straight forward with his legs open.

Not long after walking, Yi Tian noticed that the flat ground in the passage in front of him had some ups and downs, and when he looked down, there seemed to be a series of steps.The light of the Ye Mingzhu can only shine to a range of about ten feet around. Yi Tian raised his head and saw that the steps in front of him seemed to lead directly to the top, but he couldn't see clearly the situation in the distance.

A gleam of purple light flashed in his eyes, after Yi Tian cast the magic pupil, he looked up again and found that there was a narrow stairway leading to the distance in front of him.But even if he used the pupil technique, he couldn't see the end at a glance, and then he raised his legs and walked up one by one without hesitation.

After walking like climbing a mountain for half an hour, Yi Tian turned around and looked back. It seemed that the position he was standing on was already thousands of feet above the ground, but the road ahead still had no end in sight.

In desperation, facing a Lu Yitian in Huashan, he could only bite the bullet and continue walking towards him, but as time went by, he found that the sense of weight on his body became stronger and stronger.Compared with the gravity felt by the body at the bottom, it is more than ten times.

Yi Tian had long expected that this road would not be so simple, but Yi Tian didn't show any panic on his face, and there was a little golden light on his body, and the pace under his feet also accelerated by three points.

The flow of spiritual power in the body is also slowly accelerating. With the continuous consumption of spiritual power, Yi Tian knows in his heart that he must maintain his own spiritual power on this passage, and God knows how much is left on the steps behind.

He took out a few elixirs and put them into his mouth, knocked them lightly, swallowed them, and then refined them quickly. At the same time, he kept walking forward at his original speed without stopping.

Not long after walking, there seemed to be a blurry phantom flashing in the distance of the stone steps in front of him. After Yi Tian stopped, he looked closely and it seemed to be a figure.After walking forward, he found that the phantom seemed to have disappeared again. Yi Tian was startled and couldn't understand the situation in front of him, but he was very sure that he saw the shadow.

According to Luo Yilan, this is a convenient passage leading directly to the tenth floor of 'Tongtian Road', but Yi Tian doesn't think he can reach the end so easily all the way.

Although he felt something was wrong, Yitian didn't find anything threatening him on the stairs for the time being.As for the shadow, although it was held inadvertently, it disappeared without a trace in front of him in the blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared before.

Ignoring so many people for the time being, Yi Tian continued to walk up the stone steps, one step after another. I don't know how long he walked. Looking back, he couldn't find the starting point of the stairs, and looking up in front of him, he couldn't find the end point either.

Suddenly, Youdao phantom flashed in front of him, and he saw the appearance of an Asura monk again on the hundred or ten steps in front of him.This time it was very clear, although it was the first time he saw that person's appearance, but Yi Tian was shocked by his aura just after a hasty glance.

I didn't expect that it was just Dao phantom that could have such a majestic aura. If I faced other real people, I'm afraid that the sense of oppression I would bear would multiply.

Don't laugh and say that the person who can give me such a feeling is probably Luo Qin, a Mahayana monk of the Asura tribe. Since this is the back door passage of the ten-story tower above the 'Tongtian Road', Luo Yilan knows that Luo Qin naturally knows too. .

Just seeing Luo Qin's phantom here, I don't know if he will remind me, or what kind of test he must pass through this passage.

When the phantom disappeared again, Yi Tian's face sank, and his steps accelerated, and he quickly climbed up the stairs in front of him.

I don't know how long it took Yi Tian himself to take out the elixir and knead it three times before he saw that there seemed to be a platform for a rest in the distance of the stairs in front of him.

After the platform, there are still stairs leading to the top. After Yi Tian stepped on the platform, he found that it was about a hundred feet in size.On the other side of the platform is the passage entrance, but it is covered by a thin layer of white halo.I don't want to say too much, if I want to continue going down, I have to break that layer of enchantment.

After Yi Tian opened his mind and scanned, he found that there was a stone box in the middle of the platform, and there was nothing else.I have seen quite a few secret agencies, and the stone box in front of me should be the key to breaking the ban.

Walking forward slowly, Yi Tian carefully opened the lid and found a hexagonal jade tablet inside, with a statue of Asura Dharma body engraved on the front, and Luo Qin's name written in Asura script on the back.

(End of this chapter)

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