
Chapter 1589 Backdoor 2

Chapter 1589 Back Door II

There is a stone box in the middle of the platform of the stone steps. Yi Tian walked up and opened the lid to find a hexagonal jade tablet inside.

After taking it out, spread it on the palm of your hand and looked it over carefully, it seems that this thing should be able to open the forbidden barrier on the passage in front of you.

But before Yi Tian took any action, a slight halo appeared around the edge of the platform, and after a while, the halo became angry and sealed the stone steps platform with a size of hundreds of feet.At the same time, the jade tablet in his hand flew out at some unknown time and fell not far in front of his eyes. After a flash of light, a phantom of an Asura monk about two feet in size appeared.

And there was a solid flash of light on Xu Ying's chest, it was the jade tablet in the stone box just now.Under the effect of the jade card, the phantom slowly turned from phantom to reality, and after ten breaths, a monk with three heads and six arms and the body of Asura appeared in front of Yi Tian.

Suddenly, the monk opened his eyes, and two sharp eyes appeared, swept across the platform, and finally stopped on Yi Tian.

He opened his mouth and asked in a violent voice, "Which cultivator are you? How dare you trespass on my clan's holy land, and even activate the Heavenly Order."

"Is that jade tablet the 'Tiantian Token' you are referring to?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"You monk is so rude, report your name. As the ten-story pagoda, I will guard Luo Qin from killing unknown people," the brawny man shouted.

"You said your name is Luo Qin," Yi Tian suddenly showed a little timidity on his face, but after carefully looking at the opponent's strength, he was definitely not a monk at the Mahayana stage. It seemed that he was at the peak of the distraction stage and definitely not at the early stage of fusion.

Yi Tian settled down in his heart, and then stretched out his hands and quickly knotted the seal, and said in his mouth: "Now".Four arms suddenly appeared under the double ribs, and two heads popped out from the back of the head and neck.

At the same time, a round of red sun slowly appeared behind his head, condensing into a corona about one foot in size.Yi Tian's face sank and he asked: "Since you said you are Luo Qin, but as far as I know, the real Luo Qin's strength reaches the Mahayana stage and is the strongest in the Asura world. It seems that your cultivation base and his It’s too far behind.”

"You dare to underestimate me, kid, don't use your words, wait for you to catch me three times and see if you can still stand here and talk," Luo Qin stretched out six hands and made seals in the air Make sacrifices.

I saw three vortices of spiritual power appearing in the void, each scattered around Luo Qin, and then sacrificed red, yellow and blue three-color winds. With a sound of 'whoosh', Luo Qin waved his hands, and the three gale winds were released one by one, and then hit the position he occupied not far in front of him.

At this time, there was no contempt on Yi Tian's face, replaced by a strong fear.The red, yellow and blue three-color wind seems to be only one foot in size, but the power contained in it is not trivial.

Moreover, the three colors represent three attributes. The red one contains fire power, the blue one should be ice-type skills, and the yellow one should be earth-type spiritual power.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't dare to procrastinate, facing the avatar of the world's number one Mahayana monk, he had to go all out to deal with it.At the same time, Yi Tian weighed it in his heart, the opponent's strength is definitely higher than his current state, almost stronger than the peak of the god period.

He stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, and several auras of light flew out of it in an instant.Taiyuan Wooden Sword, Fantian Golden Bell, Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, and Astrology Wheel were all taken out and sacrificed in their hands.After slowly chanting the eight-tone motto of Tianlei, golden sound waves spread out and swept towards the three incoming winds.

Wherever the invisible golden sound wave went, it formed a sound wave barrier, and formed an isolated space of twenty feet in size.But the three hurricanes were only slightly blocked by the sound waves, and then they went straight into the impenetrable domain. After staring at it, Yi Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, his own sound wave absolute domain still has some effect to reduce the power of Gangfeng by [-]%, so the hand holding the Taiyuan wooden sword trembled slightly and then flashed a dazzling green glow.After three breaths, the green light bloomed directly in the air and turned into thousands of filaments, and then greeted the opponent according to the opponent's moves.

Under the loud sound of 'Zi Zi Zi', countless cyan swords directly cut through the void, and then defeated the red and blue gang wind group in one fell swoop, and finally offset most of the power of the yellow gang wind.

With a sound of 'bang', the lingering force of the strong wind directly hit the protective shield, and Yi Tian's complexion was calm, and two golden rays of light flashed on the skin of his body, which was the Buddha Sect's Dacheng Jinyang body method.

The wind rushed in from the gap in the protective cover and passed directly by Yi Tian's side, leaving traces of wind blades on his clothes, but there was a golden light flashing in those wounds without any substantial damage.

"I didn't expect that you still have a few brushes. It seems that I still underestimated you," Luo Qin who was opposite said suddenly.

"Senior is the one who is powerful. The soul-dividing divine sense left here has such strength. An ordinary Asura monk must not be able to deal with it so calmly." One, but it’s not what a gentleman does.”

Having said that, Yi Tian secretly memorized Luo Qin's tricks in his heart. This is obviously the Ming King's hand that has been cultivated to the extreme, and it should be called Asura's hand in the Asura world.Although I can do this trick myself, but in comparison, I am determined to be one by one.

Looking at Luo Qin in a blink of an eye, he snorted coldly and said: "I didn't expect that your strength is not weak. You can learn too many Buddhist sect skills plus the moves of the spiritual world sword cultivator. It seems a bit overwhelming to pass this level." .”

Yi Tian was stunned when he heard the words, but he was wrong. Since this is the back door passage of the ten-story pagoda on Tongtian Road, then Luo Qin must have left various tests for those who came to break through.As for the method of assessment, naturally it is based on the Asura Clan's direct-inherited exercises. If you blindly use other exercises and supernatural powers, you will naturally not be able to pass the test.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly stretched out his hand and took the three spiritual weapons back into the Niwan Palace, leaving only Fan Tian Jinling on his head.Later, after the two of the six hands formed seals, they also used the secret art of Asura, but the wind gathered in their hands was blue, red and yellow.And according to the way Luo Qin shot just now, he combined the three exercises into one and compressed it into a wind ball that was only half a foot in size.

He said: "Go", the three-color light ball came out of his hand and greeted Luo Qin.At the same time, the opponent used the same trick again, but Yi Tian found that it seemed to be a little weaker than before.

After three breaths, the six strong winds collided violently in the air, and the force of the wind spread to the entire platform.If it weren't for the protection of the forbidden mask, I'm afraid this place would be destroyed directly.

Even so, the whole mask was still buzzing, and when the wind dispersed, Yi Tian found that it was evenly divided and neither side took advantage.

 Thank you Taoist 2017006223339628 for your strong support

(End of this chapter)

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