
Chapter 1595

Chapter 1595
Although the dynasty occupies a dominant position in the Asura world, due to the sparse population of Asura monks, many remote areas have to be jointly managed by joint alien races.

However, it is extremely difficult for monks of different races to be able to achieve true unification, so the main control area of ​​the dynasty is still concentrated in most areas of the imperial capital plain.As for whether the frontier fortresses in those mountains and counties will still be invaded by alien races.

This time, the whole army of the dynasty set out to quell the barbarian monks in the [-]-mile border near the prison mountain on the northern border in one fell swoop.These barbarians themselves rely on their innate physical strength to specialize in physical skills. The power of adult barbarian monks is similar to that of the Nascent Soul stage spiritual cultivators, but slightly lower than that of Asura monks of the same rank.

But there is another terrifying thing about them, that is, their reproduction speed is extremely fast. Usually, it only takes a thousand years for a barbarian tribe with dozens of people to grow to hundreds of people through population growth, and even with enough resources, they can Bursting to thousands of people.

In the case of rapid population expansion, there was a shortage of resources, which invisibly put a lot of pressure on the border fortresses of the Ashura tribe.

This time, the dynasty received an urgent report from Pingbei City that the recent barbarian forces showed signs of imminent movement and needed to send a large army to quell the chaos.In the past, this kind of work was a thankless task, but this time Prince Wei and the King Xun faction jumped out directly to claim the credit as if they had agreed.

There are many people of insight in the Asura Dynasty who soon realized that the two factions were fighting for the power of the Imperial Forest Army.Recently, the current empress took advantage of the assassination of nobles to reduce the power of the imperial forest army a lot, and split up the imperial capital security office.A discerning person thinks that the Imperial Forest Army's position in the Queen's heart has declined.

But it was only after the Royal Forest Army selected the main hall that it was discovered that this was just the empress's intention to directly intervene in the Imperial Forest Army's rule.As for the dispatching of the army this time, there were two different opinions in the court. Some nobles believed that the Royal Forest Army shouldered the heavy responsibility of guarding the imperial capital and should not be lightly moved. Conduct actual combat exercises to test the combat power of the Royal Forest Army.

In addition, the courtiers were also arguing endlessly about the selection of the commanding army. In the end, Luo Ziyan came forward and decided to hand over the two battalions of the Imperial Forest Army to be under the command of Habayashi Zhonglang and Xun Wang's son. The branch division assisted in the formation of the crusade against the coalition.

Among the two armies, Prince Xun's son is the commander-in-chief, and the deputy commander-in-chief of Qiao Yong's army is divided into two groups to guard Huilong Mountain and Mingjing Lake to defend Pingbei City and wait for an opportunity to encircle and suppress the barbarian tribes.

At the end of the emperor's order, Luo Ziyan also mentioned that the logistics department of the Imperial Forest Army needed to send several monks to accompany them. After the list was issued, the name of Viscount Hongshan was also included.

Half a month later, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the private room at the deepest part of the Royal Forest Army's transport cabin, but there were two cups and a jug of wine in front of him.It was a few days ago that I received the imperial edict, and then I drove to the Royal Forest Army to report as the Viscount of Hongshan, and waited for the Royal Forest Army's warship to set off three days later.

As the Imperial Forest Army's logistics force, it was naturally assigned at the end. Fortunately, Yi Tian, ​​​​with the noble title of Viscount of Hongshan, was able to be assigned to a single room.Although some time ago he was a man who stirred up the situation in the court, who would care about a Nascent Soul cultivator at such a time.

It's just that Yi Tian knows in his heart that someone with insight into the inside story will come to him sooner or later, and it won't be long.Sitting in the cabin, I was thinking in my heart, and suddenly heard a few knocks on the door: "Master Viscount is well, I'm sorry to bother you."

"The coach's visit is naturally full of splendor, please come in quickly," Yi Tian replied without any intention of showing off.

After pushing open the cabin door, he saw that it was Qiao Yongjun himself visiting, and he was also a sensible person who knew that the Queen must have intentions for bringing the Viscount Hongshan along for no reason.

After entering, he closed the barn door casually, and Qiao Yongjun immediately stepped forward and sat down in front of him.After looking at it for a while, he asked, "Should I call you the Viscount of Hongshan, Chu An, or the guardian of the Asura Cult, Master Yi?"

"Fellow Daoist is really well-informed and found out my identity so quickly," Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "The name is just a code name, why should I be so pretentious."

"Since that's the case, I'd still call the title directly to show respect," Qiao Yongjun said with a relaxed expression on his face, "I don't know what emperor ordered the Viscount Hongshan to come here this time?"

Yi Tian laughed dumbly when he heard the words: "I'm afraid Qiao Daoyou misunderstood, I'm not the supervisor of the army. And this time I went out with the army because of my personal intention."

"Your original intention." Qiao Yongjun frowned and said, "People are always avoiding it. I didn't expect you to jump into this pit of fire. This expedition to the barbarians is not a good job."

"At this time, I naturally understand in my heart, but I don't know why Commander Qiao is for?" Yi Tian asked back.

"Without him, Prince Wei treats me well. Now that the government is in a state of shock, any changes will point the finger at him, so we must all be careful," Qiao Yongjun replied.

"This time the two major factions are fighting for power, aren't you afraid that Yunlin will sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?" Yi Tian said.

"Lord Yun also took action, how could such things be rare?" Qiao Yongjun said disdainfully, "Besides, she had communicated with King Xun earlier in the morning, and the Huben Army's division that was dispatched this time is Hao Ren's foreign aid."

"It's Cai Chaoqiong. This guy is also a restless winner. He was instructed by Yunlin to lead a team to help," Yi Tian said bluntly.

"Yi Daoyou really knew about it early in the morning, and it is really powerful," Qiao Yongjun replied: "Fengxiang Army is a side army of the royal family, and in my capacity, it is natural that I can't command this side division. In comparison, Duan Xiaolou is much more relaxed In this case, I'm afraid I may not be able to come out on top in this matter."

It is these second lords who hold the power but cannot play their due role. The biggest variable is dragging down the allies. It is estimated that Qiao Yongjun is afraid of these troubles.After thinking about it, Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "I have my own business this time, maybe I may not be able to accomplish it alone, and maybe I will need the help of Qiao Daoist at that time."

"Oh, what could trouble Viscount Hongshan?" Qiao Yongjun asked.

"Mingjing Lake is my destination, and when I get there, I don't care about the Imperial Forest Army," Yi Tian said.

"Since the Viscount Hongshan may need my help, can you help me settle the thorns of the Fengxiang Army first," Qiao Yongjun said.

"How come the commander can't handle the commander of the Fengxiang Army?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

"They are all relatives of the emperor. If the relationship is so frustrating, it will inevitably make more political enemies, and before this expedition, Prince Wei has repeatedly warned not to cause unnecessary trouble," Qiao Yongjun said.

(End of this chapter)

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