
Chapter 1596 Battlefield

Chapter 1596 Battlefield
He didn't expect that he would act so cautiously when facing the noble factions of the imperial dynasty as the general of the Imperial Forest Army of Qiao Yong's army.It is conceivable that the aristocratic forces left over from the past are so strong and deeply rooted in the dynasty that they cannot be easily shaken.

And most of them are still under the banner of loyalty to the emperor, as long as they don't act out of line and don't get caught, Qiao Yongjun can't deal with them.

In addition, these aristocratic soldiers are mostly thieves and thieves who fight according to the wind. If they encounter a headwind, they can run faster than anyone else.In contrast, the Huben Army is much better. Cai Chaoqiong is a new royal nobleman who is worried that he has nowhere to show him.This time it happened to be a god-sent opportunity, and the partial teachers he led would definitely try their best to fight for success.

So it's not surprising that Qiao Yongjun had such doubts. He came to him just to see if he could deter the Fengxiang Army. As long as they don't make trouble, it would be thankful.

As for Yi Tian's main purpose this time is to get his own reward, since Luo Yilan said to give herself the treasure house of Mingjing Lake, then don't do it in vain.But I also know in my heart that the treasure house under the Mirror Lake is not that simple, even though I am a brave person, I may not be able to get it out.At this time, it is very necessary to make good friends with Qiao Yongjun. Among the entire army, only he can help when his strength has reached the middle stage of distraction.

The Imperial Forest Army's transport ship galloped through the air for several days before arriving at its destination. After the warship landed, Qiao Yongjun was busy directing the military affairs, and ordered the Imperial Forest Army under him to rush to set up camp structures.Naturally, Yi Tian's logistics department will not be assigned to anything. During this period, he will stay on the warship according to Qiao Yongjun's order.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he dismissed such orders, and simply reported that he wanted to retreat and practice, and then set up a prohibition barrier in the cabin door.Afterwards, he used the concealment technique and quietly flowed out of it. With his own cultivation, no one in this Royal Forest Army would be able to detect his whereabouts.

After leaving the Ashura camp, Yi Tianfei went up to the sky and looked down. Later, he found that the warship was staying in a mountain depression in the south of Mingjing Lake.The Mingjing Lake in front of you is about thousands of miles in depth, and there are hundreds of large and small islands in it.In such a situation, if you let yourself search one after another like this, God knows when you will be able to find the entrance to that treasure house.

Flying slowly over Mingjing Lake, the divine sense opened up, and scanned the lake below, and found that the spiritual sense could only penetrate tens of feet into the lake, and it was difficult to find out what was going on underneath.

Continuing to fly forward, in the mountains on the north bank of Mingjing Lake, there were faintly two barbarian troops with different banners already stationed there.

It seems that Qiao Yongjun also did a careful reconnaissance of the barbarian forces before the war and knew that this place might become the battlefield of the battle against barbarians.

Extending further to the north, there are endless mountains and counties. Yi Tian's spiritual sense quietly covered a range of more than 5000 miles, and found that there were dozens of scattered barbarian gathering points in the mountains.Needless to say, that is where the scattered barbarian tribes are located. If the army wants to quell the barbarian chaos in northern Xinjiang, it is necessary to remove these barbarian gathering points one by one. The barbarian camp was eliminated in one pot.

Without knowing the other party's situation, Yi Tian didn't dare to directly penetrate the barbarian barracks with his divine sense to find out the truth.According to Qiao Yongjun, the barbarian coalition's actions were also very strange, and a branch was stationed by the Mingjing Lake.At the same time, another large army went deep into the border of Huilong Mountain, and it seemed that they wanted to attack Pingbei City from both sides of the water and land.

It's just that these news seem to be just speculation in Yi Tian's view. Obviously, the construction of the barbarian camp below is not a day or two.And they only stationed on the north bank to make it clear that the chariots and horses did not want to cross the border. As for what kind of news the dynasty received, they did not know.

However, after scanning the bottom with his divine sense, he found that many low-level barbarian monks were circling at low altitude on the many islands near the north shore of Mingjing Lake, as if they were searching for something.

Faintly bad thoughts appeared in his mind, and Yi Tian was stunned and said inwardly, "Could it be that these barbarian monks have discovered something, otherwise they wouldn't have carried out a carpet search like this." '

After slowly falling from the clouds, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pinched a concealed handprint, and then quietly followed a pair of barbarian monks not far behind and followed them deep into the small island in the lake.

After following for half an hour, they actually heard from their conversation that this time the barbarian army seemed to be here to search for the ancient ruins of the Asura tribe.

After thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian felt that things had changed drastically, not to mention how these barbarian monk leaders found clues.Even if they found the location of Luo Yilan's treasure house based on their carpet search, they might not be able to break through the forbidden area.But what I am most worried about is to scare the enemy. If these barbarians announce the situation here to the public, it will attract more monks from other races to come, which will be a big trouble.

But at the moment, I can't directly take action to eliminate this team of barbarians. If there are a few people missing, it may not cause the other side's high-ranking monks to look sideways.But once the establishment is established, the loss of a team of people is bound to arouse the vigilance of the other party.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian slowly put away his divine sense and retreated. Now it is naturally half the effort to search in such a disorderly way.For now, I can only endure it for the time being, and go back to the Asura camp to discuss countermeasures with Qiao Yongjun.

Sometimes it's a good thing to want to eat alone, but you have to evaluate whether you have such a big appetite.It's not a bad way to say that cooperating with others is also a good way, then turned around and flew towards the south bank of Mingjing Lake.

The distance of thousands of miles is just a short time away. When Yi Tian returned to the vicinity of the barracks, he found that the station of the Imperial Forest Army had already issued a scale.The surrounding guardrails of the camp were erected, and the defensive bases of each node had been set up. Later, they could be activated to cover the mountain depression area with a radius of five miles.

On the side of his eyes, he found that a simple airport had been built a hundred miles behind the Imperial Forest Army camp. At this time, two warships were moored in the airport.It seems that the Fengxiang Army who came to help the battle has also arrived. Although Qiao Yongjun doesn't have much hope for them, these people can be regarded as under his control. On the other hand, the forces behind them should not be underestimated.

Slowly falling into the old camp, Yi Tian didn't disturb anyone, quietly found the location of the logistics department, and entered it with the appearance of Viscount Hongshan.

Others in the logistics department are not familiar with him, but they all know the identity of Viscount Hongshan, so of course they will not offend at will.Soon Yi Tian asked for a separate barracks at the supervisor's office to return to the camp for a while to rest.

Suddenly, a herald rushed in and shouted: "The commander ordered all the members of the logistics department to enter the big tent to participate in the military discussion. If the three-way drum falls, those who fail to do so will be dealt with by military law."

(End of this chapter)

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