
Chapter 1598 Secret communication 1

Chapter 1598 Dark Communication One
Yi Tian and Qiao Yongjun also noticed a lot of clues in the personal tent of the commander of the Imperial Forest Army's central army.First of all, the dispatch of troops by the barbarian army is obviously abnormal. They seem to be searching for something.This is bound to overlap with the secret vault that I learned from Luo Yilan, Yi Tian doesn't want the duck he cooked to fly away.

Second, Qiao Yongjun has obviously become suspicious and is sure that he must be hiding something from him.This time I asked myself to come to a private meeting, of course, I wanted to communicate with each other and it would be best to be honest with each other, or at least to get out the secrets here, and we should form an alliance for the time being so that we can share together.

According to the news from his side, Yi Tian also didn't expect the barbarians to attach importance to this matter, and actually sent five distracted monks to come together.If I want to sneak into the treasure house under their noses and leave the secret store without the assistance of Qiao Yongjun and others, it seems impossible.

And at that time Luo Yilan also said that he asked himself to find some helpers to go there, which showed that the mechanism at the bottom of Mingjing Lake was not simple, and he could not break through the forbidden area by himself alone.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said solemnly: "I think the barbarians came here for the secret collection of Asura at the bottom of Mingjing Lake, just like mine."

"Ashura's secret treasure?" Qiao Yongjun's pupils froze and his face suddenly showed surprise, "You can be sure, as far as I know, in the history of the dynasty, the previous Asura queens continuously transported resources from all over the place into the imperial capital." , it is absolutely impossible to leave secret treasures on such a land.”

"That's the strategy of the previous empress, but what if I say that this treasury is the private treasure of the first empress?" Yi Tian replied lightly.

"The first queen, isn't that left by the Mahayana monks in this world, if we sneak in rashly, will it alarm others?" Qiao Yongjun's face became more surprised, but he said incoherently: "Yi Dao Friends, you can be sure that this matter can directly affect the follow-up actions.”

"What I can say is that there must be a big treasure house hidden somewhere at the bottom of the Mirror Lake, but I don't know the exact location," Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid you and I alone may not be able to find this matter."

"What does Fellow Daoist Yi mean?" Qiao Yongjun asked after looking at him.

"Let's go and see what Lou Zhenqiang means first. He asked me to go to his barracks to communicate privately," Yi Tian replied.

"Then what do you think about this matter?" Qiao Yongjun said.

"Let's look at the situation first. I don't know what he means. Do you think it is possible to win him over and let the three of us join forces?" Yi Tian said.

"It's not impossible, but Lou Zhenqiang is a diehard loyalist of the royalists, and he himself was born as a hereditary marquis. Among the Asura clan, he is relatively close to the royal family," Qiao Yongjun said.

"Try it, at least see if the other party is interested before we sit down and add up," Yi Tian said.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian slipped out from the back door of the coach's tent, and then left the camp of the Imperial Forest Army.With the status of a noble viscount and the fact that he is the counselor of the logistics department, no one dared to ask him where he was going along the way.Even the sergeant Yi Tian who came across the patrol just showed his identity jade badge and was immediately let go.

Fengxiang Army's garrison is only three hundred miles away from the main camp, but the guards and patrols around it have expanded the border area to within a hundred miles.Yi Tian didn't know whether Lou Zhenqiang had seen through his identity, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to visit as the Viscount of Hongshan.

Not long after, he was discovered by the Huashenqi team patrolling the building, and after his identity was verified, he was directly escorted to the main camp of the Fengxiang Army.

Coming here, Yi Tian can look at the soldiers in the lower army and find that their strength is not inferior to that of the Yulin Army, and may be much stronger than the Yulin Army in some aspects.But think about it, even though the Royal Forest Army is directly under the empress, they have lived in the imperial capital for a long time and have no battles to fight, unlike the Fengxiang army stationed in the border fortress, training troops every day, and the will to fight is by no means at the same level.

Ke Yitian also had doubts in his heart, wondering why Luo Ziyan sent the Fengxiang Army to help the battle, whether she still had suspicions about Qiao Yongjun, or whether she had adopted a strategy of pulling and fighting against Prince Wei's family.

In the barracks, it seemed that they had received the order from the commander a long time ago, and a group of people protected Yi Tian and went to the reception room on the side of the main barracks.After entering, someone offered tea, and then they all retreated as if they were ordered, leaving only themselves sitting alone in the tent.

After a while, there were hurried footsteps coming from a distance, and Lou Zhenqiang in military uniform walked in after the tent door opened.After sitting down at the main seat in the camp, he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the sound-proof barrier, and then Lou Zhenqiang cupped his hands and said: "I hope you are so late, please don't be offended by me, my lord."

Unexpectedly, this big boss has a careful heart, so he pointed out his identity straight to the point and avoided a lot of embarrassment.With a faint smile on his face, Yi Tian said: "It's no problem that General Lou has a lot of things to do every day. When we first arrive at the battlefield, it's the most important thing to arrange the camp first."

"Did you ask Mr. Special Envoy what is your last name?" Lou Zhenqiang asked.

"My surname is Yi, but on the surface I am the Viscount of Hongshan, as long as General Lou knows it in his heart," Yi Tian said.

Lou Zhenqiang nodded after hearing this, then took out a jade slip and handed it over, "This is the empress's secret edict ordering me to fully obey Special Envoy Yi's arrangement."

After taking the jade simple table, he glanced over it quickly, to the effect that he gave Lou Zhenqiang an order directly to obey his orders.Detailed information such as Lou Zhenqiang's background is also clearly written behind the imperial edict on the jade slip.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziyan still had quite a reputation among the Asura royal family. Although there were three monks at the fusion stage, these hereditary nobles in the court still only recognized the imperial power.

"I wonder how many people General Lou brought here this time?" Yi Tian asked.

"There are 100 Huashen monks, each leading a team and the Nascent Soul monk has a total of [-] combat power," Lou Zhenqiang said proudly.

"You are the only one in the distraction stage. How many distraction stage monks are there to restrain the other barbarian monks?" Yi Tian pouted.

"I don't know, the scouts I sent should be back soon, and then we can get a general idea of ​​the situation," Lou Zhenqiang said.

"Two late stages, one middle stage, and two early stages, a total of five people, isn't it beyond your expectations," Yi Tian said casually.

"So much," Lou Zhenqiang said with a bit of embarrassment on his face when he heard the words: "Is the news accurate? If it is true, our top-level combat power has dropped a lot."

"Why are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid it's not true. We are now at an absolute disadvantage in two vs. five. Even if we rely on the strength of martial arts and supernatural powers, we can only deal with four at most. What's more, the old battalion will not be able to attack for a while and wait for reinforcements. It's the best policy," Lou Zhenqiang said.

"Three vs. five, you and Qiao Yongjun deal with one mid-stage and two early stages, and I will deal with the two late-stage ones," Yi Tian waved his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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