
Chapter 1599 Secret communication 2

Chapter 1599 Dark Communication II

The Fengxiang army was ordered by the emperor to come to support this time, but in fact they still resented Prince Wei's troops.As a veteran member of the royalists, it is natural to choose to be loyal to Her Majesty the Queen rather than the prince who has gained power for a while.

Yi Tian guessed that they also received Luo Ziyan's secret order to come here. On the surface, they were assisting the Imperial Forest Army, but they were secretly assisting him.With the help of Fengxiang Army, I think it will be much easier for me to search for Luo Yilan's secret treasure.

In the old camp of Fengxiang Army, Yi Tian and Lou Zhenqiang communicated privately and expressed their intentions in one sentence, and there is no need to avoid taboos under the sharing of information.The number of high-level combat forces of the barbarian monks is already overwhelming. If I don't give him a reassurance at this time, it may cause his mood to be unstable.

Fortunately, after he explained the situation one by one, Lou Zhenqiang also showed a relaxed look on his face, and then he flattered: "Special Envoy Yi is too out of touch, although I am a warrior, I will not shrink back on the battlefield, how about it?" Among the five people on the opposite side, I am responsible for dealing with a distracted late-stage cultivator, so the burden on the special envoy can be lightened a lot."

"General Lou can say this, I am very grateful," Yi Tian nodded and replied, unexpectedly, he was very knowledgeable and knew how to reasonably optimize the combat power. He was just talking, although he really started to fight One-to-two is not afraid, but it is inevitable to expose some hole cards.It would be great if you could keep a low profile as much as possible before the trial in the Land of Fire.

This time, I have searched around Mingjing Lake, but it is not as easy as I imagined to find the entrance to the secret.Moreover, the barbarian forces have already controlled the area near the North Shore and started a carpet search. It is definitely not the best policy to sit here and wait for death.

After looking at the other party, Yi Tian said: "After the camp is stationed, you will send all the scouts in your hands to search for the remains of my Asura tribe from the south bank of Mingjing Lake. You must move quickly. Qiao Yongjun I will also urge him to mobilize quickly."

Lou Zhenqiang's face changed slightly when he heard the words: "Could it be that this is the real purpose of our coming here?"

"To be honest, there is a secret treasure left by the first empress under Mingjing Lake. How can such a legacy of the ancestors flow into the hands of the barbarians. This matter should not be publicized, but the search must be done quickly, otherwise the imperial capital will definitely be shaken and prying eyes of all forces will be aroused. , "Yi Tian felt that it was still necessary to tell the hidden truth inside, otherwise Lou Zhenqiang would not do his best.

After hearing this, the latter showed a cloudy expression on his face, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "Is there a sentence that is not worth saying?"

"It's okay, General Lou," Yi Tiantian said calmly.

"Since we, the Asura hereditary nobles, have long wanted to work together to support Her Majesty the Empress to take over the government, the secret hiding of the first Empress of Mingjing Lake this time is a very good opportunity. It's just that Qiao Yongjun, as a member of Prince Wei's line of officials, will definitely participate in this matter Come on, at that time, the strength of Prince Wei's family will increase again. It is not a good thing to return the government to the court, so please think twice, Mr. Lou Zhenqiang, after expressing his worries in his heart, he looked over with a serious face.

Yi Tian knew that returning power to the court had always been a heart disease of the royalists, and any matter involved in this matter would arouse their attention.If you can't convince the other party on this matter, I'm afraid that even if you can continue to cooperate, you will feel grudges.

After thinking about it, there was a slight smile on his face and said: "General Lou's words are wrong, and now the government affairs of the court still need the assistance of Prince Wei." Lou Zhenqiang's face changed slightly when he said this, as if he was unwilling.

Yi Tian waved his hand and continued: "Whether we can return the government to the court is not something we have to consider. It is only a matter of time when the queen is in charge of the court, and Prince Wei cannot tolerate repeated obstructions."

As he spoke, he glanced over and found a gleam of joy on Lou Zhenqiang's face, obviously agreeing with what he said.So Yi Tian continued: "Especially the lineage of Prince Wei is not monolithic. The Empress has already intended to betroth Princess Fenglin to Qiao Yongjun. Based on this alone, General Lou should understand the complexity of the court situation."

"It's no wonder that there was such a strange combination in the selection ceremony of the Imperial Forest Army last time. Her Majesty really had far-sighted plans. It turned out that she had long wanted to disintegrate Prince Wei's forces from within," Lou Zhenqiang said with his eyes shining.

"I've exhausted everything I can tell you. I hope you don't spoil the queen's arrangements with your own will. Qiao Yongjun is erratic now, so we have to win him over as much as possible. Therefore, this battle of Mingjing Lake must cooperate with him to eliminate it." He is on guard against the empress," Yi Tian explained.

"I understand this in my heart, but I still want to ask the special envoy's opinion," Lou Zhenqiang said.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Yi Tian frowned.

"Actually, the hereditary nobles like me are also watching this battle against barbarians, and the Black Banner Army has also written to the imperial court to send partial divisions to fight," Lou Zhenqiang stopped talking when he said this.

The meaning of his words is already obvious. In this battle between the barbarians and the dynasty, the Imperial Forest Army will be the main force to cooperate with the Tiger Ben, and the Fengxiang Army will be the auxiliary force.But there are more than three armies in the entire Asura Dynasty, and some armies led by hereditary nobles can't find a chance to show up.Maybe the commander of the Black Banner Army has a close relationship with him, the commander of the Fengxiang Army, otherwise he wouldn't have come out to speak for them at such a critical moment.

It's just that the Black Banner Army partial division that was in charge of assisting the Huben Army last time didn't arrive on the battlefield in time, so that he and Cai Chaoqiong were in danger.Although it proved to be gratifying afterwards, I still have some opinions on the unpunctual style of the Black Banner Army.

This time Lou Zhenqiang mentioned it again but didn't know how to deal with it. After thinking about it for a while, he asked, "What is your relationship with the Black Banner Army coach, and how does the other party plan to reinforce it?"

After hearing this, Lou Zhenqiang was overjoyed and said: "The Black Banner Army is the territory of Dong Fei, the hereditary marquis. Naturally, he is quite complaining about not letting him go out this time. But as long as Mr. Yi can write a letter to His Majesty the Queen to invite the Black Banner Army to fight, it is natural for Dong Fei to come." Will shed tears of gratitude."

Yi Tian didn't change his face when he heard Dong Fei's name, but he was stunned. This person is also Luo Yilan's valued person, so naturally he should not be underestimated.He bowed his head and pretended to think for a while before replying: "I can immediately write a statement to mobilize the first brigade of the Black Banner Army to help in the battle, but I don't know when Dong Fei will arrive."

"The Black Banner Army is stationed in the west of thousands of peaks and mountains, so naturally they can't all come here, and Dong Fei's coach can't do anything," Lou Zhenqiang replied: "But he can send his son Dong Kou to lead a part of the army to help the battle. Dong Kou's strength In the early stage of distraction, he is definitely a master who wants to make contributions."

"Okay, let's split up and take a three-pronged approach. Thousands of peaks and mountains are seven days away. You can send a message to ask the Black Banner Army reinforcements to arrive at Mingjing Lake within five days." Yi Tian said with a smile: "Since you want to share a share , then you have to show your strength to be convincing, General Lou, don’t you think so?”

"Exactly," Lou Zhenqiang said with a happy face.

(End of this chapter)

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