Chapter 16
The White Horse Gang has had a hard time recently, since Wang Gui's Four Seas Casino lost more than 100 million taels of silver notes on the day of the birthday party, the White Horse Gang's financial resources began to be tight, and the following offerings were raised by [-]%.

Fortunately, the business of the Four Seas Casino is still prosperous, which greatly eases the finances of the White Horse Gang.

Under Yi Tian's suggestion, Ren Kui played the method of using chips and the solicitation method of losing money.

The Four Seas Casino exchanged money for chips for each gambler at the gate, and returned [-]% once the day they lost.

When leaving, it will be exchanged into silver money. In this way, the business of Sihai Casino has doubled compared to before.

The business of the Escort has not been doing well recently. Ren Binghai, the head of the Escort, has no intention of doing business with the Escort, and is focused on looking for a panacea to heal his son Ren Liang's injury.

The business of the entire Escort is at a standstill, and the lord Wang Gui just promoted his son Wang Bao to take over the overall affairs of the Escort.

Wang Bao's scheming is not inferior to his father's. Originally, he has followed Ren Binghai for many years in darts and is familiar with the affairs of the escort agency.

It was well organized for a while, the business that had been suspended was reopened, and the escort bureau gradually gained a surplus in revenue and expenditure.

Yi Tian saw it in his eyes, and knew in his heart that Wang Gui and his son were not as simple as they seemed, and that what happened to Ren Liang was most likely caused by Wang Bao.

I have a good impression of Ren Liang before. The first layer is the relationship between Ren Kui, and he is considered to be the leader of the second gang in the White Horse Gang.

Second, Ren Liang also protected himself when he was playing in the past, and he was relatively close in terms of emotion and reason.

Wang Bao is three years older than Ren Liang, but his strength is about the same. It is estimated that Ren Liang will overwhelm Wang Bao in a few more years.

Both are young gang leaders, and if nothing happens in the future, Ren Liang will take over as the leader of the White Horse Gang.

But the virtues of the father and son of the Wang family have long been regarded as the family heirloom of the White Horse Gang.

Qingzhumen didn't lose much this time, 1 taels of silver and Brother Tongchi.Xu Kaishan also offered a high price to those who can provide clues to Brother Tongchi to receive the reward at Qingzhumen.

For a while, the Green Bamboo Gate was broken down, but none of the news was useful, and in the end the matter was left alone.

Xu Kaishan retreated to attack the innate, and entrusted Li Minda to handle all the big and small affairs of the gang.

Xu's second child, who was originally entrusted with a heavy responsibility, was beaten to the end because of sudden diarrhea before the last night battle, and now he only cares about the [-]% shops in Beishi.

The White Horse Gang also had a tacit understanding in Beishi and didn't bother Mr. Xu, and devoted all their energy to Xishi where Li Minda was.

I'm not interested in the gang's intrigue at all, and the most important thing at present is cultivation.

Being disturbed by the casino's affairs every day, Yi Tian couldn't calm down to practice, and then found out that the White Horse Gang still had hundreds of acres of medicine fields outside the county town that needed someone to take care of them.

Since the last time they tore their faces with Qingzhumen, the two families have also refused to give in to each other in business.

The herbal medicine store in Baimabang West City has also begun to sell other medicinal materials, and these hundreds of acres of medicinal fields are the source of supply.

Qingzhumen sent people to make trouble a few times, but they were all settled by the martial artist left behind by the White Horse Gang.

Those innately above the seventh floor in the city were closely watched, and once they left the city, the White Horse Gang would immediately send people to follow.

Yi Tian asked Wang Gui, the leader of the gang, for a task to sit in the medicine field. First, he could avoid the gang's vendetta and possible calculations from Wang Bao, and second, he also needed a quiet place to practice hard.

For the sake of Yi Tian's great contribution at the birthday banquet, Wang Gui agreed. Besides, Ren Kui in the Four Seas Casino no longer needs Yi Tian to take time to watch.

Ren Kui has no children, and acting as a disciple of his brother, he can be regarded as doing his best. He asked Wang Gui to discuss the last three styles of the Five Tiger Broken Door Knife and handed it over to Yi Tian.

He also told him to go to the medicine field to practice hard, and to come back to Sihai Casino to find him if there is anything to do.

Yi Tian was still very moved when he got the knife manual, and Ren Kui, the entire White Horse Gang, took great care of him.

Although this knife manual does not have much effect on me, it is better than nothing, and I can adjust it when I have time to practice immortality.

After bidding farewell to Ren Kui and the others, Yi Tian rode a horse and took more than a dozen entourages to sit in the medicine field outside the city.

The job of guarding the medicine field is boring and boring, and Yi Tian is obsessed with cultivation. After he gets there, he doesn't care about the shit, all the people are left to the people, and it is rare to show up to solve it.

In Yaotian, Yi Tian stayed for three years. Apart from eating and sleeping, he meditated and practiced on weekdays.

The days passed day by day, and in the second year, the aura originally gathered in the dantian changed, gradually turning from empty white to blue, and Yi Tian knew that this was caused by Yimu Lingju breaking through the second floor.

The color of the wood is green, and the aura in the dantian is slowly changing with the improvement of his cultivation.

After reaching the second level of Qi training, Yi Tian began to try to cultivate the spirit shield. Defense spells are prior to attack spells. This is Yi Tian's own idea, to ensure his own safety first.

After trying the effect of the spirit shield, Yi Tian is still very satisfied. Although he can't open such a big spirit shield like Tong Chi back then, it is more than enough to protect himself alone.

Yi Tian couldn't help but think that if Tong Chi was eager to protect everyone back then, it would be really hard to deal with such a big Yu Ling hood to take out his spiritual energy.

Every foot larger than this spirit shield will cost one-third more of your own aura. Now you can maintain the spirit shield only at the second level of Qi training. If you double the defense space, it may last at most a stick of incense. .

Yi Tian also found a place in private to try to enlarge the Yuling hood to look like Tong Chi, and he was so tired that he was out of breath after supporting for three breaths.

The aura in the dantian was also weakened by three points, so I was too scared to try again.

The shield stake is the only attack spell that can be used now, but the aura consumption is more than that of the spirit shield.

And it needs wood cited, that is, tree seeds, Yi Tian needs to pour spiritual power into the tree seeds, and then cast the tree seeds into wooden pillars and fly out.

Because of the consumption of too much spiritual energy, Yi Tian can only use it three times in a prosperous state. If you add a spiritual shield to yourself, you can only use it twice.

So this is used by Yi Tian as a trump card, and now he always carries some tree seeds as materials on his body.

Gradually, Yi Tian grew taller, and with the relationship of cultivating immortals, his own muscles and bones have been tempered.

At the age of 15, Yi Tian looks like an adult, except for his immature face.Looking back on the various events that happened in the past, Yi Tian became more stable.

He has killed people, destroyed corpses and destroyed traces, escaped catastrophe several times, and experienced so many hardships. Now his mentality is more mature than ordinary people, or he is more shrewd.

When I'm free, I don't forget to practice Jueying Step, Tiger Fist and Five Tigers' Door-breaking Knife.

Although it is mortal kung fu, it has many skills and does not overwhelm one's body, and these kung fu practices can also prevaricate many people's mouths.

In the past three years, Yi Tian's skills have improved by leaps and bounds on the surface, and he has reached the seventh floor of Houtian. This is the result of practicing in his spare time.

But Yi Tian knew that it was because of the practice of Yimu Lingjue that he could quickly practice his mortal kung fu.

As his skill increases, people's confidence will also change, Yi Tian really wants to have the opportunity to have a chance to have a few tricks with Wang Gui or Xu Kaishan.

Now only they can be their own whetstones, and they will definitely lose without spells. If they are used, it is difficult to say.

I have never eaten pork and I have seen a pig run, and I have never been a clerk and managed medicinal materials.

When Yi Tian was in charge of the medicine fields, he also asked the medicine farmers when he had time. After a long time, he learned about all the medicines planted in the fields, including planting medicines, cultivating soil, raising seedlings, accelerating ripening, picking, air-drying, and preserving.

Every time the medicinal materials are delivered, he can also watch from the sidelines. After a few years, Yi Tian also tried to plant Polygonum multiflorum by himself, and was surprised to find that the few plants he planted grew better than others.So he sneaked into the field at night, dug out all the ones he had marked, took them back to his room, and cooked and ate them himself.

At the age of 16, due to the practice of wood spirit art, his body was nourished by wood spirit energy, and Yi Tian's height reached about eight feet.

Although she is exposed to the sun and wind every day in the medicine field, her skin color is not dark, and her complexion is ruddy with a little bit of blue.

The original single sword was no longer applicable, so Tuo Renkui had to help him compare his height and make another one. The style was still like that of a divination knife, so as to avoid being seen by others and causing trouble.

With the daily practice of Yimu Lingjue, Yi Tian gradually felt the aura in his dantian grow day by day in the past three years.

Now the aura is blue. Although the color is not dark, the white aura is no longer visible.

Yi Tian faintly felt that his cultivation had already reached the peak of the second level of Qi training, and now he was only one chance away from breaking through to the third level.After using the shield stake three times, I won't feel that my spiritual power has been emptied, and there should be some surplus to use again.

In the past three years, Yi Tian only returned to the White Horse Gang at the end of the new year, and usually stayed in the medicine field outside Nancheng, not because he wanted to participate in the gang struggle, but because he disdained it.

In Yi Tian's eyes, he should stay away from these mortal battles, and now he has a higher goal.

So he intentionally distanced himself from the other members of the gang, except for his contacts with Ren Kui and the little fat man Wang Baoduo.

I don't know much about other people, so I usually ask Wang Bao to take care of his uncle's grain shop.

For Wang Baoyitian, he is quite fancy, he is much better than his elder brother Wang Bao, he is straightforward, no wonder Wang Gui doesn't like him very much.

Wang Bao is still very loyal, a little friend who practiced together when he was young, and his gambling skills are also good.

The key is to see that Yi Tian has cleared the siege of the Four Seas Casino twice, so he made up his mind to practice gambling hard, and pestered Ren Kui to ask him to teach him a full set of cotton hands.

Now in the casino, apart from Ren Kui, the fat man Wang Bao has the strongest gambling skills.

It was a scorching summer, and Yi Tian was sitting in his room doing exercises when he heard horses neighing at the gate of the courtyard, wondering why someone would come because this is not the season for harvesting medicinal materials.

It is still in the dormant stage, and everything has to be given three points, Yi Tian got up and walked out of the room.

I saw that the summons from the White Horse Gang had arrived, and the gang leader asked all the gang members from all over the place to return to Sihai Casino within three days, and the messenger left in a hurry after the notification.

Yi Tian couldn't do anything. After a while, the steward who came to plant the medicine ordered him to go back to the main helm the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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