
Chapter 17 The Court

Chapter 17 The Court
In today's White Horse Gang's main altar, everyone's expressions were serious, and Wang Gui, who was sitting in the center, was even more worried.

While absent-mindedly listening to Wang Bao's report on the income of the casino, he stared at the teacup in his hand.

In the end, after the little fat man Wang Bao finished his report, he only greeted Wang Gui with a "got it" and told him to wait.

After Wang Bao finished speaking, he stood behind his father. He was very satisfied to be able to watch Wang Bao at a meeting of this level.

Ren Binghai, who didn't show up much on weekdays, was also sitting under Wang Gui's head and closed his eyes at this time, like the various things of the White Horse Gang had nothing to do with him.

In recent years, Ren Binghai has been looking for high-quality medicinal materials, hoping to save his comatose son, but it always backfired.

I don't know who in the gang spread the gossip, saying that Ren Binghai killed too many people in the past, and now his retribution is on his son.

The man who was less than 50 years old had gray temples and looked older than his brother Wang Gui.

As for the gossiping people in the gang, they didn't see anyone the next day. I just heard that the servants picked up a corpse in the ditch, and after that, no one dared to talk about it.

Tu Jiaojiao sat opposite Ren Binghai, picking her nails when she had time or not.

In the past few years, the White Horse Gang has been suppressing the Qingzhumen smoothly, and Tu Jiaojiao has few things in her hands.

The people under her didn't dare to look at her, for fear that after offending her, she would be assigned to Limanxiang as the tortoise master.

In the past few years, Wang Bao has lived a happy life. In the security bureau, he insists on everything. He is the master of everything.

Originally, there were two young gang leaders, he and Ren Liang in the gang. Now Ren Liang still has one breath left, and he is still hanging by ginseng every day. Even if he wakes up, he is half useless.

Wang Bao secretly rejoiced that it was fortunate that he saw Ren Liang vomiting blood and fell by the side of the alley that day. He was the first to discover it.

The man was saved, but he sent back a half-dead man, and it would not hurt Ren Liang's life in the face of his fellow sect.

But it also made Ren Liang unable to wake up. Bai Ma Gang couldn't save everyone and he couldn't say anything about him. Instead, he gained a reputation for caring for his fellow students.

After Yi Tian came back, he followed Ren Kui to attend the meeting. Ren Binghai just greeted him politely.

After all, he was a master in name, but he didn't actually fulfill his responsibilities as a master for a day. At that time, he just wanted to draw Yi Tian to his side.

On the contrary, the younger brother Ren Kui taught Yi Tian carefully, not a master is better than a master.Ren Kui sat under Ren Binghai, and Yi Tian stood behind him.

At the end of Little Fatty's report, he gave Angel Yi a wink, meaning that he would see you at the table at night.

After a while, the stewards from all over the White Horse Gang entered the hall one after another. After entering the door, they greeted the gang leader Wang Gui and took their seats.

Seeing that all the steerers and stewards of the White Horse Gang are all around, everyone has a cautious look on their faces. The gang leader must have a major event to announce this time.

Yi Tian is not too conspicuous in the crowd, and he is not ready to emerge.

This time, he was hurriedly recalled. Although Yi Tian didn't know it, he could also expect one or two. The White Horse Gang has developed to the present, that is to say, he has to make a final calculation with Qingzhumen.

Anyway, I thought about hiding behind the crowd, and I haven't seen any real benefits for the White Horse Gang in the past few years.And I have already planned it myself. After solving the matter here, it is time to go out and find a way to cultivate immortals. It is better than having no future in this small Hewan County.

After everyone had arrived, he helped Wang Guicai to drink a sip of tea to clear his throat, and said, "Since everyone is here, let's start." Then Wang Bao stepped forward to preside over the meeting.

After Wang Bao nodded, he stood up and said loudly to all the gang members: "According to reliable information, Xu Kaishan of Qingzhumen has recently made a major breakthrough, and it is very likely that he will break through the innate realm in the past few days."

After listening to the crowd, they whispered for a while, and the scene began to be a little awkward. The atmosphere was very solemn for a while, and the gang leader Wang Gui coughed and signaled Wang Bao to continue.

"The gang leader decided that this time, the White Horse Gang will dispatch all their nests to strike first, and when the Qingzhumen Xu Kaishan has just broken through the innate, he will directly eradicate the Qingzhumen."

Yi Tian was puzzled after hearing this, how could Xu Kaishan dare to come to the door and get rid of him directly after breaking through the innate, isn't this hitting the stone with an egg?

Looking at Ren Kui with a puzzled look, the latter motioned him to listen quietly.

At a critical moment, Wang Gui, the head of the Dinghai Shenzhen gang in the eyes of everyone in the White Horse Gang, still stood up: "Xu Kaishan has two results in his impact on the Innate Realm. If he fails, he will definitely be backlashed, and his skill will drop at least one rank. There is also a short period of weakness when the Xiantian Realm is successful, and we are going to use this time to eradicate Xu Kaishan and Qingzhumen in one fell swoop."

After listening to the conversation, everyone started talking, some of them recognized, and some of them doubted.

Yi Tian also has doubts in his heart. It is no problem to go together, but the difficulty is to seize the opportunity. Seeing Wang Gui so calm, there must be something unknown. Don't make him a scapegoat at that time.

Bing Hai, the director of the Second Gang, also raised his spirits at this time. It seems that Wang Gui also has something to hide from himself.

It's not worth it to give away his life in a confused way without asking clearly. He bowed his hands to the gang leader and asked, "Does my brother have a detailed plan? "Ren Binghai is also talking about the doubts in everyone's heart.

Wang Gui smiled and looked at Tu Jiaojiao, only to see that Tu Jiaojiao was not pretentious, he opened his mouth and said: "Second Xu of Qingzhumen is proficient in everything, I installed it a few years ago, and he is drunk every day. , if I break his Wushisan, I will keep his Aunt Tian's shoes." After speaking, he tilted the fat feet of the embroidered shoes he was wearing and shook them, making everyone feel disgusted.

Ren Binghai was relieved after hearing this, so there was no problem with the time and place. There was such a person in Qingzhumen, but he didn't complain.

After hearing this, everyone even claimed that the three gang masters are powerful, and the big gang masters are resourceful.Yi Tian also knew it in his heart. Although he was not afraid, he didn't want to be a chess piece in vain.

In this way, I didn't see the second Xu during the conflict three years ago, and the relationship was bought at that time. In the past few years, the White Horse Gang has also exerted a lot of strength on him.

Tu Jiaojiao should have given away a lot of beauties and silver for this matter, but in the end, she was not at ease, so she used Wushisan to control him.

He was really betrayed by his own younger brother, and even if Xu Kaishan died, he would be at peace.

Looking at the king leopard sitting in the hall, Yi Tian also sneered in his heart, there is nothing better here, and people are full of hypocrisy.

In the end, Wang Gui got up and told everyone not to leave the Four Seas Casino, and the casino business has not been done these days.

Everyone was ready to recharge their batteries, and they set off as soon as there was news. After speaking, they entered the inner hall with Ren Binghai and Tu Jiaojiao.

When everyone saw the gang leader leaving, they all dispersed. This time the gang war is about to drink and relax.

Ren Kui also went back to his room to recuperate. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell Yi Tian not to be too nervous. He had experienced this kind of gang annihilation battle several times, and it was not all bloody storms that time.

However, Ren Kuina's trembling hand still betrayed him, and he was about to fight with others.

Among so many people, the most relaxed is the little fat Wang Bao. Anyway, he has no part in seeing people.

And I believe that the gang leader Wang Gui has left a way for him. Once the gang leaves here, Wang Bao will hide, and if it goes well, he will come out and enjoy the success.

If you fail, you will fly away with a silver ticket, anyway, there is nothing wrong with it.

Yi Tian couldn't help but despise for a while, having a good father is comfortable, you don't have to worry about anything, the road is arranged.

The little fat man also took Yi Tian to the lobby of the Four Seas Casino. Today, the casino was closed to thank guests, so the hall was empty.

Wang Bao took Yi Tian to the gambling table and had to compare with him once. Yi Tian also wanted to participate in the gang extermination operation. Wang Bao was afraid that he would not have the chance to compete with Yi Tian again after this time.

"Do you know that my former idol was Ren Kui, and his rolling dice is what I want to learn the most in my life," Wang Bao said proudly, and then said, "So when I was a child, I had a dream that I could learn from him as a teacher and succeed in my studies. Gambling".

Yi Tian didn't know what was going on with Wang Bao, so he looked at him for a while before he said, "Didn't you already have your wish?"

"The first wish has been fulfilled, and the second wish is to compete with the current idol on the gambling table." After saying that, Wang Bao looked at Yi Tian very seriously, which made Yi Tian's heart tremble.

After calming down, Yi Tian pointed at himself, "Do you worship me?"
The little fat man nodded vigorously, and in a pleading tone, asked Yi Tian to end the game today anyway.

Yi Tian was relieved after listening to Wang Bao's explanation. He helped the Four Seas Casino twice three years ago to save the siege, especially in the Second World War. Wang Bao had already admired Yi Tian after asking Ren Kui about the incident. of the five-body cast.

In the casino, Wang Gui stopped everything, and the little fat man was so eager to prove his worth that he had no chance. Ever since he finished learning gambling with Ren Kui, he tried it out, and finally even Ren Kui was full of praise.

Being able to get Ren Kui's approval is the first step. Now the opportunity is in front of us. I don't know if Yi Tian will come back in this gang extermination operation. Today, I must fulfill my wish.

Yi Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry on his face. I'm going to fight with people immediately. Could it be that Wang Bao doesn't think about himself so much?

Looking at Wang Bao's sincere attitude, Yi Tian couldn't refuse. The two stood opposite the gambling table and signaled Wang Bao how to gamble.

This time, Wang Bao came prepared to take out two dice cups and six dice. One set of each rolled the dice at the same time. Everyone guessed each other's points, which sounded fair.

Yi Tian has put all his energy on cultivating immortals in the past few years, and he has even practiced less kung fu. It seems to outsiders that it is very difficult for Yi Tian to train to the seventh floor after three years. Only he knows the doorway here.

Little Fatty can't let him down when he sees himself as an idol."Then let's get started."

Wang Bao was very happy to hear it, and finally he didn't forget to pat his chest and wanted to promise one day that he would take care of his family for Yi Tian no matter what happened to this gang annihilation. Yi Tian felt aggrieved and made friends carelessly. .

(End of this chapter)

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