
Chapter 1604 Invitation to Battle 3

Chapter 1604 Invitation to Battle Three

On the battlefield, Yi Tian suddenly changed his moves and released the Seven Absolute Magic Sounds. Black sound waves emanated from the five-inch Curse Sky Demon Bell one after another.Under Yi Tian's deliberate guidance, the sound wave covered Zaifu Hong's body, and the latter's whole body shook violently under the influence of the sound wave.

A little later, a loud roar came out of his mouth, and he shouted in a hoarse voice: "Hiding your head and showing your tail are indeed different identities, I'm afraid your real identity is also not visible."

Yi Tian naturally knew what he meant, so he rang the curse bell even more anxiously, forcing all the words in his mouth back.In the end, he said unremittingly: "I have seen the kung fu in your mouth, friend Zaifu, but it is a pity that it is not directly proportional to your real strength. If this continues, it is better to admit defeat as soon as possible. I don't have time to accompany you to continue talking. .”

After speaking, the figure flashed and appeared behind him, and at the same time, the golden fist swung out and hit the back of his head hard.Under the influence of the Seven Absolute Devil Sounds, Zaifu Hong's body and body skills were obviously dragged down. Knowing that he was born as a war cultivator, he still had a very strong ability to respond quickly.Put your hands behind your head, trying to protect your vitals.

The golden fist seemed simple, but it directly broke through Zaifu Hong's protective shield without a sound, and accurately concentrated his hands on it.

With a 'ding' sound, the two fists and palms intersected to make a piercing noise. At the same time, under Zaifu Hong's defense, Zaifu Hong stepped back ten feet to stabilize his body.At this time, Yi Tian's face was also full of disappointment. The move just now seemed ordinary, but it was a wonderful cooperation with the sudden attack of body skills and physical skills after he performed the Seven Absolute Magic Sounds.

This kind of mobile phone opportunity is also rare, and next time Zaifu Hong is prepared, he will never have such an easy opportunity to succeed.

Sure enough, Zaifu Hong received a move, and after recovering from the attack, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his whole body sank a little, and then returned to normal.Turning around and staring at Yi Tian, ​​he took out a fruit with the size of a dragon face, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and then swallowed it.

Although he didn't know what he was doing, Yi Tian had an ominous premonition in his heart. Needless to say, the other party must be planning to use some mysterious magic power.

Qiao Yongjun's voice came next to his ear, saying: "This is the Essence Fruit of a barbarian monk. After swallowing it, you can forcibly raise your cultivation level by one level, but it can only last for ten breaths. You Daoist Yi should handle it carefully."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face showed unprecedented solemnity, such as Zaifu Hongde's strength has reached the late stage of distraction, although he has not yet reached the peak stage, after taking the 'Jingyuan Fruit', he might temporarily gain the strength of a monk in the fusion stage.In my current state, I don't know if I can take his next move.

But I have faced many monks in the fusion period, and although I have never fought against them, I have finally experienced their supernatural powers.

After the purple eyes swept over Zaifu Hong, he could find that the spiritual power on his body was improving rapidly. The cultivation base of the whole person was directly raised to the peak of the late stage of distraction and passed that hurdle in one fell swoop.

But what surprised me was that Zaifu Hong at this time was not in the state of the initial fusion stage, it can only be said to be between the distraction stage and the fusion stage.

He stretched out his hand and threw the Cursing Sky Demon Bell into the air, urging it to emit the Qijue magic sound continuously while chanting words in his mouth.It's just that this time I don't have time to guide them deliberately, and shouted loudly: "Scatter the ones behind first, so as not to be affected by my indiscriminate attack."

Qiao Yongjun and the others were also surprised when they heard the words, and immediately turned around and retreated three miles away to stabilize the formation again.

As for the barbarians, they also noticed the abnormal situation. Although they reacted a step later, they advanced and retreated in an orderly manner.

At the same time, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out the Taiyuan wooden sword to sacrifice in his hand. In a blink of an eye, Zaifu Hong in front of him seemed to have eaten the 'Jingyuan Fruit' and completely absorbed it.The skin of the whole person was bleeding red, and the spiritual power on his body was soaring that he could not effectively control it.Then the whole person's hands and feet stretched out, and the joints collided and rubbed together, making a "quack, quack, quack" sound.

Turning around, Zaifu Hong sized up his eyes and said with a sneer, "I'm going to pull off your disguise layer by layer to see what it looks like."

"Fellow Daoist seems to talk too much, I hope that your performance will not be as strong as what you said later," Yi Tian replied, actually not weak.

"I will definitely not let you down," said Zaifu Hong, who raised his figure by three feet.Now his body size has grown to about one foot and eight feet, compared to Yi Tian, ​​who is like an adult and a child.

After the fierce gray aura flashed, Zaifu Hong's figure moved, leaving several afterimages in the air and directly in front of Yi Tian.Clenched his fists with both hands on the left and right, and swung them up towards Yi Tian's face and chest at the same time.

Faced with such a straightforward attack, Yi Tian also knew that he had no way to dodge, a ruthless look flashed across his face, he stretched out his left hand and turned his fist into a palm, gathering golden Buddha light to meet the raindrop-like fist.The Taiyuan wooden sword in the right hand had already been ready to go. After a flash of green light, it exploded directly in front of the two of them, and thousands of filaments gathered into a lightsaber entity to meet the enemy.

'Boom boom boom' After several continuous cross talks sounded in the air one after another, the sound shapes of the two were obviously affected by the opponent's tricks.

After a while of hard work, Yi Tian was so shocked that he was forced to push three feet away, but before he could stabilize his body, Zaifu Hong's fist followed.This time, the power of his platoon punch is not weaker than the previous attack, Yi Tian was caught off guard and was directly hit by the door.

After the golden light flashed, Zaifu Hong felt as if his fist had hit a hard rock. After the punch pierced through the protective shield, although it hit, it didn't look like it would be crushed in one blow.

Just wondering, a golden palm shot out and grabbed his wrist, forcefully staggering it.The strength is almost the same as his current state, it shouldn't be stronger.

I saw Yi Tian's true self exposed under the cloak, and at this time, the Buddha Sect Jin Yang's movement skills were pushed to the limit, and he reached out to grab the opponent's wrist and pulled it away fiercely.Then he retracted the sword death of the Taiyuan wooden sword in an instant and gathered it on his right hand, and the five fingers together turned into a blue light fist, and hit Zaifu Hong's chest fiercely.

There was a loud "Zi La" sound, and at the same time, the blue silk sword glow burst into the air, shining brightly like sunlight, and people around couldn't look directly at it.

After the two sounds of 'bang bang' came out from the halo, the two figures bounced away and flew back to the camp, but Yi Tian said: "Zaifu said friendly means, this time I really learned how it is better for us to be peaceful It's over."

(End of this chapter)

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