
Chapter 1605

Chapter 1605
The whole competition ended so simply, and the monks on both sides who were watching around didn't enjoy watching it to the fullest, and it was rare to see such a cultivation level competition.

But as soon as Yi Tian said the words, the face of Zaifu Hong Hongrun on the opposite side changed, and finally opened his mouth and replied with difficulty: "It's good that everyone ends up peacefully, then how to arrange the quota for going down?"

"Since it's a tie, then both of us will send five more monks to end the match, so twenty vs. twenty won't be a disadvantage. I don't know what will happen with the friendship of Zaifu Daoist?" Yi Tian said with a faint smile.

"That's very good. Fellow Daoists don't lie to me. Later, we will each arrange 20 people to go down to explore the secret treasure. As for how to keep our destiny in the cave, we must not seek revenge from each other after we come out," Zaifu Hong suggested.

"Okay, just do what Fellow Daoist said," Yi Tian waved his hand and then retreated.

Qiao Yongjun, who was on the side, showed a puzzled look on his face, and asked in a low voice: "Why did Fellow Daoist Yi keep yielding to him, and to what extent did my Asura clan die like this?"

"Qiao Daoyou is happy and angry. I have my own plan for this matter, and I will go back to the transport ship to discuss it, and let the twenty people who went in come together," Yi Tian replied with a full face.

Only in this way did Qiao Yongjun's face soften, and the three of them hurried back to the transport ship after a while.Immediately, [-] cultivators at the transformation stage rushed to the main cabin of the transport ship, needless to say, they were ordered by the commander to teach them face-to-face.

Half a moment later, under the leadership of Qiao Yongjun, these people mobilized again, but everyone's faces showed excitement, and the haze between their brows was swept away and replaced by an aggressive look.

As for Yi Tian at this time, he didn't come out with him. After fighting with Zaifu Hong just now, he had already seen the opponent's strength clearly. Even if the strength of the 'Jingyuan Fruit' he took had skyrocketed, he still couldn't pose any threat to himself.Instead of fighting the tricks, I discovered the weaknesses of some barbarian monks. These people specialize in the physical body so that they are bound to be lacking in spirit and soul.

In this way, as long as there are a large number of monks who practice illusion to help out, they will definitely be able to catch them.As for Zaifu Hong's forcible promotion of cultivation, he failed to suppress himself in front of the two armies, which is obvious to all.But Yi Tian didn't want to show his sharpness too much. Who knows if there is Prince Wei's eyeliner among the monks of the Imperial Forest Army behind him.

It is expected that there will definitely be, so I don't want to expose too many hole cards to avoid being seen by interested people and then fed back to the dynasty to cause unnecessary trouble.

As for the large number of earth-level spiritual artifacts that I took out in the main cabin of the transport ship just now, I handed them to Qiao Yongjun, and let him distribute them as appropriate.Most of these spirit weapons are spoils of war that I had confiscated before, and I re-sacrificed them a little bit in my free time to repair all the damage. At the same time, I also mixed a lot of experimental weapon patterns to achieve unexpected effects.

Although it is a boring experiment in my own spare time, it is also a considerable fortune for a cultivator in the transformation stage.Give them a small incentive to each pick at least one.

Zaifu Hong on the opposite side is probably unable to fight now because of the backlash of the Jingyuan fruit, and there are at most two distraction stage monks on the opposite side who can fight.So there is no need for him to let Qiao Yongjun do it himself.After they left, Yi Tian slowly disappeared into the cabin. At present, there is no need to take action by himself in the current battle situation here, and he can completely free up his hands to check the situation in Mingjing Lake.

After quietly flying out of the transport ship, Yi Tian's actual combat concealed body skills flew over the barbarian army on the opposite side and flew towards the north bank.Now many islands in the south of Mingjing Lake have been thoroughly searched by themselves, and nothing unusual has been found at all.

As for those near the north, there were many barbarian monks who stopped before, so they didn't try to search for it.In addition, the barbarians were stationed in this distraction period before and the monks were all sitting here, which also made Yi Tian a little bit wary.

But now their attention is drawn to the vicinity of Weihu Island, that is to say, as long as they are careful, they can scan all the islands near the north shore under the eyes of these distracted monks.

After passing by the barbarian army, Yi Tian flew all the way to several islands near the north shore, and then extended his divine sense to a range of fifty miles and began to search.This distance can be calculated to maximize the search without attracting the attention of those monks who stay behind in the distraction period.

After flying over several islands one by one, I found that there are many barbarian monks staying in these places, but most of them are monks in the Nascent Soul stage.Further searching revealed nothing special about the islands here either.

It is expected that both sides of the underground of Weihu Island should sneak into the ground and start exploring. I don't know how long they will spend, but Yi Tian is calculating in his heart, using his escapism and gradually investigating towards the south bank.

After flying for a short time, he suddenly saw a golden light flashing on the surface of the lake three hundred miles away.The light source seemed to be emitted from the bottom of the lake, and the frequency of the golden light shining became more and more rapid.

Needless to say, there must be something strange at the bottom of the lake, and at the same time, he noticed five barbarian monks in the vicinity rushing towards the surface of the lake.The leader of this team of barbarian scouts is only in the mid-stage of transformation of gods, and the rest of them are only at the Nascent Soul stage.

It's just that the cultivator at the transformation stage noticed the abnormality of the lake, and immediately sacrificed the Jade Talisman of Communication, and later turned into Dao Lingguang and flew towards the barbarian camp.Later they all jumped into the lake and dived to find out.

The golden light transformed by the messenger jade talisman flew a hundred miles away in the air, and was directly hit by a cyan sword light that appeared out of thin air, and collapsed on the spot.Afterwards, a phantom afterimage flashed in the air and then skipped it directly. After flying to the lake where the golden light was shining just now, it fell headlong into the water.

Mingjing Lake is about a hundred feet deep. After Yi Tianxia dived to two-thirds of the depth, he found that the surrounding light was cut off and he couldn't see his fingers.Looking up at the azure lake, it seemed as if it had turned into the sky above the head. The five barbarian team simply carried night pearls on their bodies to illuminate the way ahead.It's easy for Yi Tian to just follow them quietly and approach them.

Suddenly, the golden light at the bottom of the lake lit up again, and this time it illuminated the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of feet.Yi Tian took a closer look with the light and found that there was a small magic circle underneath, and the source of the light source was the gemstone inlaid in the center of the magic circle.

The team of barbarian monks also noticed the abnormality at the bottom of the lake and swam over at a faster speed. After a while, they reached a height of about ten feet above the magic circle, and then they were ready to start investigating.

(End of this chapter)

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